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  • Quick guides eSubmission
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Welcome to our quick guides page where you can find guidance in 24 EU official languages on how to submit your request to participate / tender using eSubmission.  

Choose the relevant procedure, step or round and click on the language button.

Open procedures

Follow the guidelines on how to submit a tender in the open procedures.

Two-step procurement procedures  

Follow the guidelines on how to submit the request to participate and tender in two-step procedures:

  • Restricted procedures,
  • Competitive procedures with negotiation,
  • Competitive dialogues,
  • Innovation partnerships,
  • Design contests.

Step 1 : Request to participate

Step 2 : Tender

Negotiated procedures and competitive procedures with negotiation without publication

Follow the guidelines on how to submit the tender in first round or revised tender in subsequent round(s) of the negotiated procedures.

First round


Subsequent round(s)


How to express interest in planned low or middle value negotiated procedures

Follow the guidelines on how to express your interest in planned low or middle value negotiated procedures published on Funding and Tenders Portal via a (simplified) eSubmission version. 

The user guidance is is currently available only in English. Translations into all EU languages ​​will be available soon.


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