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The illustrations in the provided Wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation. 

This page explains the management of the Participant Reports in the Beneficiary module. Beneficiary contacts in a project can monitor the status of the reports in their project(s) and, if required, resend reminders to participants to complete the report, which they can later on download as PDF file. 

For information regarding the Report on Recognition in Higher Education projects, see the page Manage Report on Recognition

This page is relevant for:

  • Erasmus+:
    • KA121 - Mobility for learners and staff of accredited organisations (SCH, ADU, VET)
    • KA122 - Mobility for learners and staff (SCH, ADU, VET)
    • KA131-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff
    • KA171-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds
    • KA151-YOU - Mobility of young people for accredited organisations 
    • KA152-YOU - Mobility of young people 
    • KA153-YOU - Mobility of youth workers 
    • KA154-YOU - Youth participation activities 
    • KA155-YOU - DiscoverEU inclusion action
    • KA182-SPO - Mobility of Sport Coaches and Staff 
  • European Solidarity Corps: 
    • ESC30 - Solidarity Projects 
    • ESC51 - Volunteering, Traineeships and Jobs Projects

What are Participant reports? 

Participants in Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects may be asked to provide feedback on their experience by filling in a Participant report

Automatic e-mails are sent to participants with an invitation to fill in and submit this report in EU Survey, to share their feedback on the experience as a participant in a Mobility activity for Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps programmes.

The participant receives an e-mail with a dedicated link to the individual participant report which needs to be done online, in EU Survey, and is available in various languages. The link received by the participant will not expire. 

The participant can save the report and submit it. After submission, the participant may download a PDF version of their feedback, but they cannot edit the form again.


The participant report request will not be sent out if the mobility activity/participation/participant is in Draft status, meaning not completed, in the project. 

See the Participant Report Templates at the bottom of the page for a list of the available participant reports for the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes. 

Accessing participant report information in a project

Participant Reports screen

An overview of the participant report information in a project can be viewed from the Participant Reports screen, accessible as follows:

  • In Erasmus+ KA1 projects, from Mobility activities, by clicking on the Participant reports tab. 
  • In ESC30-SOL - Solidarity Projects, from Participants, in the Participant reports section.
  • In ESC51-VTJ - Volunteering Projects, from Participations, in the Participant reports section.

The Participant Reports screen will display the list of all the participants who are supposed to submit a participant report, including the status of the report. From this screen it is possible to download submitted reports (individually or all at once). See How to download Participant reports for details. 

View the report status and download

Mobility activity/Participation/Participant details

In the Mobility Activity/Participation/Participant details screen for a participant, the Participant Report information is displayed in a dedicated section on screen. As the invitation e-mail is sent only on specific dates in relation to the mobility activity, you may find the Participant Report information empty. 


For better view, you can collapse the other sections, by clicking on the section title or the arrow on the right. You may need to use the vertical scroll bar(s) in your browser to access all available information. 

When viewing the participant report information for a specific mobility activity/participant/participation, the following information will be available in the dedicated section on screen: 

  • Request ID - system generated unique ID
  • Status/Current status - the status of the report, e.g. Participant report request sent, Survey submitted
  • Time - the date and time of the various stages the participant report went through.

Monitoring and statuses of a Participant report


Participant report statuses

Participant reports may have different statuses, displayed on the relevant screens in beneficiary projects:

  • Participant report request sent - the invitation email was sent to the participant
  • Automatic reminder sent - a reminder to complete the survey was automatically sent to the participant
  • Manual reminder sent - a reminder to complete the survey was sent to the participant as a result of a user's action
  • Participant Report Submitted - the participant report was submitted by the user
  • Undelivered email - the invitation email could not be delivered to the participant
  • Excluded by NA-no participant report requested - after exception was requested and confirmed by the NA

    Please note that when a mobility activity is flagged as Force majeure, the Participant Report status for the mobility activity remains Requested, whereas it should, in these cases, be NA-Excluded. You must contact your National Agency requesting the exclusion, if applicable for mobility activities in your granted project.

In the List of mobility activities, the Report Status column will indicate the status of the participant reports:

Take note

This column is not available in the relevant lists (Participants, Participations) from ESC30 and ESC51 projects. 

Participant report statuses in the list of Mobility Activities

You can also view the status of the participant report in the individual individual mobility activities details, accessible from the Mobility Activities section:

Participant report statuses from the Individual mobility activities tab

In the List of Participant reports, you can view the status of the reports in the Status column:

Participant report statuses in the List of participant reports

Click on an entry in the list to view the Participant Report panel on the right-hand side to view the details.

Individual participant report status in the List of participant reports

Participant reports submission rate

In the expanded header of your project, you may find information regarding the Participant reports submission rate, where applicable. Here, the % of individual reports submitted by the participants is displayed. 

Take note

This information is not available in the header of ESC30 and ESC51 projects. 

Participant reports submission rate displayed in the expanded header of the project details


Notification e-mails

The notification e-mail sent to the participant will contain a link to the report, that never expires, as well as information on the mobility activity, such as the mobility type and information on the sending and receiving organisations. 

Here is an example of the e-mail invitation sent. This example is applicable for all Erasmus+ projects, except for Youth and Higher Education International projects. See the page Notifications to project contacts for other e-mail examples.

Dear Participant,

You recently took part in an Erasmus+ project. Now it's time to tell us what you think by filling in your participant report that takes the form of a short online survey. Your feedback is very valuable to the European Commission, the National Agencies and individual organisations involved in the project, and will help improve the Erasmus+ programme for future generations!

You should submit the report any time in the next 30 days. Click here to start: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/EP-KA1-YOUTH-STAFF-2021_ACC/fefe356b-ed92-4bf2-a921-ad496f4b0c8f
You may save a temporary draft and use the same hyperlink to get back to it. Once completed, you should submit the report by clicking on the "Submit" button. Be aware that you will no longer be able to change it.

To help you fill in your report, please find below your main mobility activity details:
Mobility activity type: Professional development activities - Programme Countries
Planned dates of mobility activity: 25/08/2021 - 31/08/2021
Country of mobility activity: Poland
Sending organisation:
City: Ankara
Country Türkiye
Receiving organisation:
Name: Wolskie Centrum Kultury
City: Warszawa
Country Poland

Should you wish to report on any sensitive issue which you do not want to disclose in this report, you may want to contact the sending organisation or National Agency that has selected your project. In case any of the information presented above is not correct, please also contact your National Agency.
Contact details of Erasmus+ National Agencies can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/contact/national-agencies_en

Your personal data is protected. If you have questions regarding data protection, please have a look at: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-esc/index/privacy-statement

Many thanks for your time and for helping make the Erasmus+ programme better!
The Erasmus+ Programme Team
This is a system generated message from EU Survey. Please do not reply. If you encounter any difficulties in filling the report please contact your beneficiary organisation: TUM AVRUPA KADINLARI KULTUREL ISBIRLIGI VE DAYANISMA DERNEGI

Automatic invitations and reminders

Automatic Reminders are sent only to those participants for whom the mobility activities are Complete in Beneficiary moduleif no report was received after the initial invitation was sent. 

ProgrammeParticipant profileReference DateInvitation sentReminder sent

All KA1, except Higher EducationMobility Activity End DateOn the Reference Date15 calendar days after the Reference Date, if report not submitted

KA1 - Higher Education, KA131-HED

Mobility Activity End Date or End Date Virtual Component (whichever is later)On the Reference Date15 calendar days after the Reference Date, if report not submitted

KA1 - Higher Education, KA171-HED (Activity Category: Staff, Student (except incoming, long-term))

Mobility Activity End Date or End Date Virtual Component, or Extension end date (whichever one is later)On the Reference Date15 calendar days after the Reference Date, if report not submitted.

KA1 - Higher Education, KA171-HED (Activity Category: Student (incoming, long-term))

Mobility Activity End Date or End Date Virtual Component, or Extension end date (whichever one is later)30 calendar days before the Reference Date25 calendar days before the Reference Date, if report not submitted.
European Solidarity Corps


All Action and Activity Types

Mobility Activity End DateOn the Reference Date14 calendar days after the Reference Date, if report not submitted

Not all participants in mobility activities will receive an invitation to complete a participant report.

For KA1 Youth mobility projects (KA151-YOU, KA152-YOU, KA153-YOU, KA154-YOU), the following rules apply:

Activity typeParticipantEmail invitation sent?
Preparatory visits (OA-PREP-VIS) Accompanying PersonNo
Decision MakerNo
Youth Exchanges - Programme Countries (LM-EXCH-P)Group LeaderYes
Youth Exchanges - Partner Countries (LM-EXCH-T)
 System development and outreach activities

For KA155-YOU projects:

  • Participants flagged as Accompanying Person will not receive the e-mail invitation.

For School Education, Adult Education and Vocational Education and Training projects (KA121, KA122), the following rules apply:

Activity typeParticipantEmail invitation sent?
Invited experts (OA-INV-EXP)Accompanying PersonNo
Hosting teachers and educators in training (OA-HOS-TTT)
Group mobility of school pupils (LM-GRP-PUPIL)
Short-term learning mobility of pupils (LM-SHORT-PUPIL)
Long-term learning mobility of pupils (LM-LONG-PUPILS)
Group mobility of adult learners (LM-GRP-ADULT)
Group activities (LM-GRP-PUPIL and LM-GRP-ADULT)
Lead Accompanying Person
Yes (emails and reminders)

For ESC30-SOL and ESC51-VTJ:

  •  Only participants flagged as Young participants receive the e-mail invitation. 


Sending manual reminders 

Send a reminder for a single mobility activity/participant/participation

You can manually send reminders to participants to complete the report. The option to send a manual reminders is only available after the automatic notification(s) were sent. 

Open the mobility activity/participant/participation details in view or edit mode, by clicking on the respective icons.

 See the page List functionality in projects for additional information on the list options.

Open the mobility activity, participant or participation details, in view or edit mode

Access the Participant report section. If necessary, click on the arrow > to view the details. 

Check that the report has not yet been received and check the date and time of the last automatic invitation or reminder.


A manual reminder can be sent at the earliest 24 hours after the initial invitation or the last reminder was sent.

Click on the Resend invitation button to send a reminder e-mail to the participant to complete the participant report in EU Survey. 

Resent the invitation to submit the participant report

Send bulk reminders for mobility activity, participant or participation

From the List of mobility activities, for example, it is possible to send reminders for the Participant Report for multiple mobility activities at once, using the Bulk Actions button (1).

Bulk Actions allow to resend reminders for the participant report to multiple participants at once

After clicking on the Bulk Actions button, select (2) the mobility activities for which the reminder is to be sent, using the available tick boxes. Click on the now named Disable Bulk Actions button (3) and select the option to Resend participant report requests (3)

A success message will display once the request is completed. 

Select the participants and select the bulk action Resend participant report request

Download participant reports

Once a participant report is submitted by the participant in EU Survey, it can be downloaded. It is possible to download reports individually per participant as well as all reports received at once:

  • The download of a single report is possible from the mobility activity/participant/participation details screen and the Participant reports screen
  • All submitted reports can be downloaded in a zip archive from the Participant reports screen. 

See How to download Participant reports  for step-by-step instructions.

Download the submitted participant report


Participant Report Templates

Here are the available templates of participant reports as PDF files to be completed in EU Survey by the participants. For the Report On Recognition templates, see the page Manage Report On Recognition.

    Key Action

    Action Type

    Activity Type

    Participant Report Example



    KA121-VET, KA121-SCH, KA121-ADU, KA122-VET, KA122-SCH, KA122-ADU

    Learning Mobility of Individuals – School education, Adult education and Vocational education and training



    KA121-SCH, KA121-ADU, KA122-SCH, KA122-ADU

    Learning Activity of Groups – School education and Adult education

    KA131 KA131-HED

    Learning Mobility of Individuals – Student mobility for studies in higher education

    Learning Mobility of Individuals – Student mobility for traineeships in higher education
    Learning Mobility of Individuals – Staff mobility for teaching and training activities



    KA151-YOU, KA152-YOU Learning Mobility of Individuals – Mobility of young people



    KA151-YOU, KA153-YOU Learning Mobility of Individuals – Mobility of youth workers
    KA154 KA154-YOU Learning Mobility of Individuals – Youth participation activities
    ESC30 ESC30-SOL Solidarity Projects
    ESC51 ESC51-VTJ Volunteering

    Key Action

    Action Type

    Activity Type

    Participant Report Example



    KA121-VET, KA121-SCH, KA121-ADU, KA122-VET, KA122-SCH, KA122-ADU

    Learning Mobility of Individuals – School education, Adult education and Vocational education and training



    KA121-SCH, KA121-ADU, KA122-SCH, KA122-ADU

    Learning Activity of Groups – School education and Adult education



    Learning Mobility of Individuals – Student mobility for studies in higher education

    Learning Mobility of Individuals – Student mobility for traineeships in higher education
    Learning Mobility of Individuals – Staff mobility for teaching and training activities



    KA151-YOU, KA152-YOU Learning Mobility of Individuals – Mobility of young people



    KA151-YOU, KA153-YOU Learning Mobility of Individuals – Mobility of youth workers
    KA154 KA154-YOU Learning Mobility of Individuals – Youth participation activities
    KA155 KA155-YOU DiscoverEU Inclusion

    KA171-HED Staff mobility for teaching and training activities between programme and partner countries
    Student mobility for studies between programme and partner countries
    Student mobility for traineeships between programme and partner countries
    ESC30 ESC30-SOL Solidarity Projects
    ESC51 ESC51-VTJ Volunteering

    Key Action

    Action Type

    Activity Type

    Participant Report Example



    KA121-VET, KA121-SCH, KA121-ADU, KA122-VET, KA122-SCH, KA122-ADU

    Learning Mobility of Individuals – School education, Adult education and Vocational education and training



    KA121-SCH, KA121-ADU, KA122-SCH, KA122-ADU

    Learning Activity of Groups – School education and Adult education



    KA151-YOU, KA152-YOU Learning Mobility of Individuals – Mobility of young people



    KA151-YOU, KA153-YOU Learning Mobility of Individuals – Mobility of youth workers
    KA154 KA154-YOU Learning Mobility of Individuals – Youth participation activities
    KA155 KA155-YOU DiscoverEU Inclusion

    KA171-HED Staff mobility for teaching and training activities between programme and partner countries
    Student mobility for studies between programme and partner countries
    Student mobility for traineeships between programme and partner countries
    KA182 KA182-SPO Mobility of Sport Coaches and Staff 
    ESC30 ESC30-SOL Solidarity Projects
    ESC51 ESC51-VTJ Volunteering

    Key Action

    Action Type

    Activity Type

    Participant Report Example



    KA121-VET, KA121-SCH, KA121-ADU, KA122-VET, KA122-SCH, KA122-ADU

    Learning Mobility of Individuals – School education, Adult education and Vocational education and training



    KA121-SCH, KA121-ADU, KA122-SCH, KA122-ADU

    Learning Activity of Groups – School education and Adult education



    KA151-YOU, KA152-YOU Learning Mobility of Individuals – Mobility of young people



    KA151-YOU, KA153-YOU Learning Mobility of Individuals – Mobility of youth workers
    KA154 KA154-YOU Learning Mobility of Individuals – Youth participation activities
    KA155 KA155-YOU DiscoverEU Inclusion

    KA171-HED Staff mobility for teaching and training activities between programme and partner countries
    Student mobility for studies between programme and partner countries
    Student mobility for traineeships between programme and partner countries
    KA182 KA182-SPO Mobility of Sport Coaches and Staff 
    ESC30 ESC30-SOL Solidarity Projects
    ESC51 ESC51-VTJ Volunteering

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