This page outlines the specifics for mobility activities carried out within projects under Erasmus+ KA171-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds.
In the Mobility Activities section of your project in Beneficiary module you can fill in basic participant information and other details, save the information as a draft and continue to update the mobility activity either immediately or at a later stage. Where applicable, you can also manage and monitor participant reports. As you must provide information regarding the Sending and Receiving organisation for a mobility activity, all organisations participating in your project must be available in the Participating organisations of your project. Depending on the action type of your project, you may also have to add the related activities in your project before adding the mobility activities, as they may have to be linked to an activity. For general instructions on how to create and manage mobility activities in beneficiary projects in Beneficiary module, please see the page Add mobility activities to projects. For a quick overview of Mobility Activities in Beneficiary module, please view the eLearning video. It is also possible to complete all mobility activities using the import and export of mobility activities function, depending on the action type of the project. For a quick overview of import and export of mobility activities in Beneficiary module, please view the eLearning video. Draft mobility activities must be completed or removed before attempting to submit the beneficiary report, as they will not be considered in the budget summary. Mobility activities can only be managed by project contacts with edit rights in the project if the project status is Project ongoing.
Fields may vary depending on the action type and call year of your project. Please read the onscreen information carefully.
For compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, please do not include any sensitive information about the participant's personal situation related to special needs, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, health or sexuality.
The following activity types can be implemented and are available for selection from the Activity type drop-down list in the Mobility Activity section. The remaining fields to fill in throughout the form will vary based on the selected activity type.
Depending on the selected Activity type (1), a variety of activity flags (2) are available. Certain flags are checked automatically, others can be checked manually, depending on the information you provide in the form and the specific circumstances of each mobility activity. The flags may also influence the type of details you are required to fill in.
Also, take note of the Mobility activity ID. The Mobility activity ID is created automatically when adding a mobility activity in a project. It is a combination of the last digits of the project reference followed by MOB and an incremental number, e.g. 005041-MOB-00001. The Mobility activity ID can be changed, but it must be unique in the project.
Here an example of the available activity flags for a Staff mobility for teaching activity.
Check the flag if the mobility activity is a long-term mobility activity. Specific long-term duration fields will become available in the Duration section, if this flag is checked.
If the Activity Type of the mobility activity is Staff mobility for training or Staff mobility for teaching, the flag is set to No (cannot be checked) and is read-only.
This flag is only available for the Activity types Student mobility for studies, Staff mobility for teaching and Staff mobility for training.
It indicates that the mobility activity is part of a blended intensive programme. When this flag is checked, the mobility activity must be linked to a Blended Intensive Programme in the From-To section. See Blended Intensive programme for details on how to link the mobility activity.
Blended mobility activity refers to an activity combining a physical mobility activity with a virtual mobility component.
In Beneficiary projects, the Blended mobility activity flag can be checked to indicate that a Mobility activity/Group mobility activity is carried out in a blended format (physical activity abroad combined with a virtual component). The availability of the flag depends on the action type of your project.
If this flag is checked, you may also have to provide details about the virtual components in other sections of the (group) mobility activity screen, depending on the action type of the project.
Depending on the action type of your project and the activity type of the mobility activity, the flag may be checked by default and read-only.
This flag indicates that the Mobility activity is taking place at doctoral level (EQF level 8) or that the participant is a doctoral candidate or a post-doc. If the Activity Type is a student mobility and the selected Level of education in the Participant section of the form is ISCED-8, then the flag is automatically set to Yes.
Force majeure is:
Any situation or event that prevents organisations and individuals from fulfilling their obligations in the implementation of the project activities.
This situation or event has to be unforeseeable, exceptional situation and beyond the parties’ control. The force majeure cannot be due to error or negligence of the organisations or other participants involved in the action, and proves to be inevitable in spite of exercising all due diligence.Source: Erasmus+/European Solidarity Corps programme guides 2025, Glossary
Force majeure situations can arise anywhere and at any time, and include factors such as sudden disease, accidents, death, earthquakes and other causes.
In a project, check the Force majeure flag to indicate that a project activity (i.e. mobility activity, group activity, participations, events, transnational project meetings, etc.) is considered as a case of force majeure.
When you check this flag (tick box), certain fields and grants for the activity may be affected and must be checked and/or updated.
In addition, you must fill in the additional Force majeure explanations field, describing the facts that prove the activity should be accepted as a case of force majeure.
When this flag is checked, the minimum duration for Duration (days) and the validation on the minimum Number of Teaching Hours in section Duration will not apply. The fields Travel grant and Individual support grant become editable.
The Digital skills field in mobility activities in KA131-HED and KA171-HED projects contains a drop-down list to select whether participants in mobility activities acquire advanced digital skills during their mobility. When completing mobility activities of type Student mobility for traineeships and Staff mobility for training, the field is displayed and is mandatory.
You must select one of the following options:
Below are some of the most common participant flags explained.
This flag is only available for mobility activities of type Student mobility for studies and Student mobility for traineeships. It indicates that the participant is a native speaker of the "Main language used during mobility activity" or has duly justified reasons to be exempt from the language assessment.
In beneficiary projects, when providing information for participants in, for example, individual mobility activities or participations, the OLS flag (checkbox) may be available. Checking this flag will indicate the person is entitled for the Online Language Support.
The Online Language Support (OLS) is designed to help Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps participants improve their knowledge of the language in which they will work, study or volunteer abroad so that they can make the most out of this experience.
As the lack of language skills remains one of the main barriers to the participation in European education, training and youth mobility opportunities, OLS makes language support accessible in a flexible and easy way. It also contributes to a specific objective of the Erasmus+ programme, which is to promote language learning and linguistic diversity.
Source: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/resources-and-tools/online-language-support
This flag is available for Activity type Staff mobility for teaching. Checking this flag indicates the participant as an invited staff from enterprise.
If this flag is checked, the Sending/Receiving organisation in the mobility activity can be a non-OID organisation under certain conditions. See From-To section for details.
A Participant with fewer opportunities is
People with fewer opportunities means people who, for economic, social, cultural, geographical or health reasons, a migrant background, or for reasons such as disability and educational difficulties or for any other reasons, including those that can give rise to discrimination under article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental rights of the European Union, face obstacles that prevent them from having effective access to opportunities under the programme.
In Beneficiary projects, check the Participant with fewer opportunities flag to indicate that a participant in an activity (i.e. mobility activity, group activity, participations, events, etc.) is considered a participant with fewer opportunities.
When this flag is checked, the field Inclusion support for participants becomes available and you can provide the requested grant. As soon as a value higher than 0 EUR is provided, the field Description and justification for inclusion support for participants becomes available and must be filled in.
For compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, please do not include any sensitive information about the participant's personal situation related to special needs, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, health or sexuality.
If the flag is checked, the flag Participant With a Top-Up Amount For Fewer Opportunities becomes available in the Duration section. For each participant with fewer opportunities you must also fill in the Fewer Opportunities section of your project.
Participants in Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects may be asked to provide feedback on their experience by filling in a Participant report.
Automatic e-mails are sent to participants with an invitation to fill in and submit this report in EU Survey, to share their feedback on the experience as a participant in an activity for Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps programmes.
The participant receives an e-mail with a dedicated link to the individual participant report which needs to be done online, in EU Survey, and is available in various languages. The link received by the participant will not expire.
The participant can save the report and submit it. After submission, the participant may download a PDF version of their feedback, but they cannot edit the form again.
Take note
The participant report request will not be sent out if the mobility activity/participation/participant is in Draft status, meaning not completed, in the project.
As the invitation e-mail for the Participant survey is sent only at specific dates in relation to the mobility activity, you will find the section initially empty. In this section you can, at a later stage, monitor the status of the participant report and, if needed, resend the invitation to the participant to fill in the report.
See the page Manage Participant Reports in projects for additional information.
The Certifications section is only available for activity types Student mobility for studies and Student mobility for traineeships.
You can provide the number of ECTS credits (or any other comparable system) recognised by the sending higher education institution to the student. If the mobility activity concerns a Blended Intensive Programme, a minimum of three certifications is required.
For mobility activities of type Student mobility for studies, the Mobility activity details will contain the specific Report On Recognition section. The Report On Recognition section is, where displayed, initially empty.
When a participant in the mobility activity is required to fill in this report, the section will display a table, containing the relevant information on, for example, the status of the report, action taken (ready to be sent, sent,...) and more. Participants required to fill in this report will receive an email notification.
Participants that took part in a Student mobility for studies and already submitted feedback on their mobility activity experience through the participant report may be asked to fill in a Report On Recognition, if their recognition process was not finalised at the time of the submission of the participant report.
When a participant in the mobility activity is required to fill in this report, this section will display a table, containing the relevant information on, for example, the status of the report, action taken (ready to be sent, sent,...) and more. Participants required to fill in this report will receive an email notification.
See the page Manage Report On Recognition for additional information.
In this section you will specify the travel details, such as the sending and receiving organisations, the distance band and the means of transport.
If the sending organisation is from a Third country not associated with the programme then the receiving organisation must be from the country of the National Agency or vice versa. See here the list of eligible countries.
A sending/receiving organisation must have an OID, except in the case of:
Select the Sending (1) and Receiving (2) organisation in the From-To section, using the available Select buttons. If an organisation is not available for selection, check that it is added in your project by accessing the Organisations in your project. The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) is displayed once an organisation is selected for organisations in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.
If organisations were selected that do not fulfil any of the above rules, an error message displays below the respective fields. Such errors must be corrected.
In the case of a mobility activity linked to a Blended intensive programme, the information for the Receiving organisation will be pre-filled with the organisation information from the related Blended intensive programme and read-only. The Select button is not active for the Receiving organisation if the mobility activity is flagged as Blended intensive programme. See below for details.
If the activity was flagged as Blended mobility activity , you must also provide the required information regarding the virtual component in the fields Virtual component description (3) and Virtual component timing (4). In the case of a participation in a blended intensive programme, the content for this field is taken from the field of the same name of the linked blended intensive programme.
In Beneficiary projects, when adding mobility activities, if a Sending country has an outer-most region (Denmark, France, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands), the Outer-most region flag can be checked to indicate if the mobility activity participant is coming from an outer-most region (OCT).
The Distance band field displays intervals, in km, used for the calculation of the travel grant. The options available for selection from the drop-down are from zero up to 8 000 km or more.
The Real distance in kilometres is the actual distance traveled between the participant's place of origin and the venue of the activity (in a straight line, determined using the Erasmus+ Distance Calculator) (field applicable only to call years between 2021 to 2023).
Take note
If the distance band, selected from the list, and the manually entered actual distance (in kilometres) do not match, the error 'Real distance is out of range' will be shown.
Starting with call year 2024, for all KA1 projects, the Distance band will be automatically updated, based on the actual distance manually entered in the field, which is now labelled Air distance (according to distance calculator).
A link to the official Erasmus+ Distance Calculator to determine the distance between two travel points is also available.
Take note
Please note that, with the implementation of the air distance field, the mobility activities in the affected ongoing KA1 call 2024 project will automatically be revalidated. For information on revalidation, see the page Revalidate Mobilities in Beneficiary module.
From the Main means of transport drop-down, select the transportation mainly used during the mobility activity. The list proposes both sustainable (non- or less polluting), and non-sustainable modes of transport (e.g., plane).
When your selection is considered as sustainable, then the Sustainable means of transport (green travel) flag is automatically checked and the funded travel duration can be increased from a maximum of 2 to a maximum 6 days.
Sustainable means of transport (green travel) is defined as the travel that uses low-emissions means of transport for the main part of the travel, such as bike, bus, train, car-pooling, or other sustainable transportation.
Source: Erasmus+ Programme Guide, Glossary
The flag is also automatically checked when you select Other sustainable transportation from the list. Plus, starting from call year 2024, the additional field Please describe the mode of transport used becomes available and must be filled in (maximum 300 characters).
In this part of the form you must fill in the Funded travel days. The Travel support is calculated automatically, based on the information provided in the form.
This cost item may be available in both individual mobility activities (From/To section) and group activities (Participants section), depending on the action type and/or call year of the project. For details on the covered exceptional costs, please consult the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.
To request a grant to cover Exceptional costs:
Here is an example of the exceptional costs request in a KA121, call 2021, project with a support rate of 80%.
In this section you will specify the mobility activity duration details.
For mobility activities flagged as Long-term mobility activities, the fields Funded long-term duration (full months) (8) and Funded long-term duration (extra days) (9) are displayed.
Funded long-term duration (full months) is calculated based on the Funded Duration (days). The Funded long-term duration (extra days) is calculated as the remainder of the previous calculated duration in full 30 day months based on the Funded Duration (days).
Important: In mobility activities, a month is always considered to have 30 days.
In KA171 project mobility activities, the Zero grant extension flag (1) is available in the Duration section of the mobility activity screen. This flag, once checked, indicates that the mobility activity was extended to a certain date and the extension period is not funded.
When the flag is ticked, the fields Extended Duration of Mobility Period (days), Extension duration (days) and Extension end date (2) become available.
Provide the Extension end date (3) as applicable. The Extended Duration of Mobility Period (days) and Extension duration (days) will be updated accordingly. There is no impact on the Duration calculated (days) or other Duration specific fields.
The field Number of teaching hours is available for activity type Staff mobility for teaching in KA171-HED and KA131-HED projects and must be filled in. The minimum amount of hours required is displayed below the field.
The number of teaching hours to be delivered by mobile staff on teaching mobility has to comply with the programme rule on the minimum number of teaching hours.
The rule states that "if the mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of teaching hours for an incomplete week should be proportional to the duration of that week."
By definition, a week is seven days long and consists of working days and weekend days.
Beneficiary module is able to calculate the duration of the staff mobility for teaching in days but does not have enough information to know the number of days worked during the incomplete week.
The teaching staff may or may not work during the weekend depending on the context, regulations etc. The weekend can be considered as teaching hours in an incomplete week, but only if additional information is provided with the supporting documents.
Beneficiary module checks the minimum number of teaching hours. The safeguard consists of the check of the required workload for each full week, a minimum of eight teaching hours per week. For incomplete weeks, the calculation of the proportional share of the eight weekly teaching hour minimum is the responsibility of the beneficiary who has the complete picture of the situation based on the supporting documents.
The information on which days the person has worked during the mobility period as part of the certificate of attendance or the staff mobility agreement could be used as the basis for the calculation.
The individual support grant is calculated automatically based on the daily grant or monthly base grant (according to the type of mobility activity) summed with any applicable top-ups.
Here is an example of the Individual Support section in a Student mobility for studies. The available fields are calculated automatically and read-only.
For participants flagged as participants with fewer opportunities, the Participant with a top-up amount for fewer opportunities flag is displayed and checked by default. Specific Participants with fewer opportunities top-ups will be available. Deselect the flag if this cost item is not required.
Here is an example of the Individual Support section in a Staff mobility for teaching. For staff mobilities, the flag Individual support - grant not required is available. Check the flag if this type of support is not required. All values will be set to 0 EUR.
The Total mobility activity grant is calculated automatically as per information provided throughout the form and read-only.
In KA131-HED and KA171-HED beneficiary projects, check the Zero grant flag, available in the Budget section of the mobility activity details screen, to indicate that a participant in an activity does not require a grant from Erasmus+ funds related to travel and subsistence. When this flag is checked, budget items such as Travel support or Individual support grant are set to 0 EUR.
Participants in mobility activities, flagged as zero grant, may receive a non-Erasmus+ EU funding (ESF, etc.), or national, regional or another type of grant to contribute to their mobility costs.
If all budget items of a mobility activity (i.e. individual support, travel grant, organisational support, course fees, exceptional costs and inclusion support for participants) relevant for a given activity type have a 0 amount, either because the calculation of the budget items resulted in a 0 amount (as can be the case of individual support) or budget items were flagged as not required, then the entire mobility activity is automatically flagged as a Zero grant.
The Zero grant flag and the Participant With Fewer Opportunities flag, where available, are mutually exclusive. That means, a participant flagged as participant with fewer opportunities can not be flagged as zero grant. If you choose to mark a mobility activity with the Participant With Fewer Opportunities flag, any prior selection of the Zero grant flag for that mobility activity will be automatically revoked.
Depending on the action type and call year of your project, other fields may be affected when the mobility activity is flagged as Zero grant.
For example, in KA171 call 2022 projects, in case of a Zero grant mobility activity, fields such as the Funded duration (days) or Funded Travel days are also set to 0 and the Distance band is hidden.
If a Mobility activity is flagged both as Force Majeure and Zero grant, the relevant grants/costs fields will be set to 0 amounts and cannot be edited.
Fields related to the duration of the mobility activity (such as Duration Calculated (days), Duration of the Mobility activity Period (days),...) will behave as applicable for mobility activities flagged as Force majeure.
In KA171 project mobility activities, the OS Covered by Erasmus + EU funds flag becomes available in the Budget section of the mobility activity screen, if the mobility activity is flagged as Zero grant.
This flag indicates that the mobility activity, even though flagged as Zero grant, is to be considered for funding by the project's EU Organisational Support funds.
In Beneficiary module, when adding or updating mobility activities in your project, you must declare funding from other non-EU programmes that have been used to support a mobility activity, if any.
The total amount from these sources must be filled in the Additional non-EU grant field. This field is located under Total calculations, at the bottom of the Budget section of the mobility activity screen.
Blended intensive programmes are short, intensive programmes that use innovative ways of learning, teaching and training for students and staff including the use of online cooperation. They are developed and implemented by at least three higher education institutions (HEIs) coming from at least three EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme (called a blended intensive programme partnership) in KA131-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff projects.
In KA171-HED projects you have the option to link a mobility activity to a Blended intensive programme conducted under KA131-HED. The option to link an mobility activity to a Blended intensive programme is available for:
if the mobility activity was flagged as Blended intensive programme.
In the Activity type field, available in the Mobility Activity section, select the activity type that will allow you to link the mobility to a blended intensive programme:
For an overview of the activity types available, see Activity Types in KA131 projects and Activity Types in KA171 projects.
Select the Mobility to a Blended Intensive Programme flag (KA131)/Blended intensive programme flag (KA171) in the Mobility Activity section of the mobility activity details screen. Once selected, the Blended mobility activity flag is also set and read-only.
Complete the other required information of the mobility activity details. For details, see:
See below examples of the flags to select to link the mobility to a blended intensive programme, in KA131 and KA171 projects.
Only organisations available in the Participating organisations section of your project can be selected.
Select the Sending organisation for the mobility activity by clicking on the available Select button.
A pop-up window will open, displaying the participating organisations in your project available for selection. After the sending organisation was selected, the relevant organisation information is displayed. The fields Sending country and Sending city remain editable. Step-by-step instructions are available below.
In the From-To section of the mobility activity, click on the Select button below the Blended intensive programme ID field to link the mobility activity to a Blended Intensive programme.
A pop-up window displays, listing the Blended intensive programmes (1) to choose from. You can Search (2) the list by typing in a (partial) Blended Intensive Programme ID or Title. See below for details.
Blended intensive programmes will be available for selection, if the following conditions are fulfilled:
Blended Intensive Programmes from one call can be linked to mobility activities from another call, for example, sending students funded by call 2022 to Blended Intensive Programmes funded under call 2021, or the other way around, provided that the start and end dates of the physical period of the blended intensive programme overlap with the dates of the participant's mobility activity physical period.
Error messages are displayed under the Blended Intensive Programme ID field will appear if a condition is not met and will provide further guidance.
Click on the chosen Blended Intensive Programme (1) to link to. It will be highlighted. Then click on the Select (2) button to confirm.
The Blended Intensive Programme ID (1) field in the From-To section will be updated based on your selection. The information for the Receiving organisation (2) is updated automatically based on the information provided in the linked Blended intensive programme. Nevertheless, the fields Receiving country and Receiving city remain editable.
Once the mobility activity is in status complete, it will be displayed in the appropriate list of participants from the linked Blended intensive programme. See Blended Intensive Programmes in KA131 Higher Education projects for details. For details regarding the mobility activity details, see:
A warning message will display, if a condition regarding the Blended Intensive Programme is not met. Such errors must be corrected. In this example, the dates for the mobility activity do not overlap with the dates of the selected programme. Make the required changes in the duration section of the mobility activity.
Here is an example where multiple Blended intensive programmes from different projects are available for selection in the list after clicking on the Select button for the Blended intensive programme ID. You can use the Search field to filter down the list of results, if required.
The list also provides the standard list options to adjust the items displayed per page and page browsing.
The Search field displayed on top of the table allows you to filter the list by providing, even partial:
Provide your search criterion and click on the Search button. The list is updated accordingly.
The More filters button, even though displayed, is not active.
See examples of searches below:
The Erasmus code will not be visible in the search results, yet all the blended intensive programmes linked to that participating organisation will be displayed in the search results.
The OID will not be visible in the search results, yet all the blended intensive programmes linked to that participating organisation will be displayed in the search results.
For details on how to manage blended intensive programmes, see the page Blended Intensive Programmes in KA131 Higher Education projects.