The illustrations in the provided Wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation.
This page explains how to view the details for a granted project available under My projects on the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform, with a focus on the Details section.
Project details such as Project Title, National ID, Start and End of Project cannot be changed at this point in the lifecycle of your project. To request changes for those details contact your National Agency.
Project details such as Project Title, National ID, Start and End of Project cannot be changed manually in your project. To request changes to those details through an amendment, contact your National Agency. See the page Updates to project data in Beneficiary module for additional information. In ESC51 projects, certain information in the project details can be updated. See the page Update Project details (ESC51-VTJ) for details.
For a quick overview of Navigation and basic functionalities in Beneficiary module, please view the eLearning video.
From the Project list, click on the blue View (eye) icon in the Actions column of the project you want to open.
The Details section of the project opens by default. From here you can easily navigate to the other sections using the Content Menu.
The following elements are available:
Use the available scrollbars, to view all information. You can use the arrows to hide (<) or display (>) the Content menu and/or Filter panel, or to expand the project card.
Here is an example of the expanded header for a project in status Project ongoing. Next to the general project information such as the grant agreement number and organisation information, the following is available:
Certain sections are common to all projects:
Other sections are specific to the programme or key action you have applied for. Here are some examples (the list is not exhaustive):
Here some examples of the available sections in projects.
The Details (1) section provides project information such as programme, key action, action type, duration and dates, National Agency, Beneficiary organisation details and more. You can use the preset Filter tabs (2) to access a specific subsection.
In ESC51 projects, certain information in the Details section can be updated. See the page Update Project details (ESC51-VTJ) for details.
Displays all details for the project, separated by subsections:
You can use the available scrollbar to view all subsections.
Shows the Context Information of the project, submitted with the Application form. Here you find information such as the Programme, Key Action, Action Type etc. for the project.
Contains Project Information such as Project code (Grant Agreement No.), Project title (if applicable), Project status, Final Report Submission Deadline and more.
Displays the name and code of the National Agency having ownership for the project.
Displays information on the Beneficiary organisation, such as OID, Legal name and, if applicable, the Erasmus code (ECHE accreditation) if the organisation is a Higher Education Institution, Consortium Accreditation No. and more.
Displays information on the logged in user access rights to the project and if the project is locked or not.
Displays the History Information, meaning an overview of changes made to the project, with the details of who made the changes and when these changes were made. Information on the creation date of the project in Beneficiary module is also available here.
Project contacts with edit rights in a project also have the option to Update project data from the Project details header.
Using this functionality will check the project details available in the NA's project management system and transfer changes such as changes to organisation information or changes related to an amendment, to the project in Beneficiary module.
This option is also useful before completing the final beneficiary report, as the project information must be correct before the report should be submitted. Using Update project data will ensure the latest information for the project as available in the NA's project management system is also available in Beneficiary module.
Any information entered in Beneficiary module will not be affected by this update functionality. Only information maintained in the National Agency Project Management module will be updated using this functionality.
In the header of the project details, click on the Actions button and select the option Update project data.
A success message displays after the check for updates is completed. The relevant changes, if any, will be available in the project within an hour.
An error message will display if there already is a check for updates running, for example initiated by another project contact.