
Access to OLS

The "Provide access to OLS" functionality was removed from the Beneficiary module. The relevant wiki pages will be updated accordingly.

The illustrations in the provided Wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation. 

This page explains how to view and manage (add, update and delete) Associated persons in beneficiary projects. 

All associated persons and legal representatives of the beneficiary/consortium coordinator, as applicable, defined in the application form or during the processing of the application by the National Agency will automatically have access to view and manage their corresponding projects. Other contacts for partner organisations/consortium members/co-beneficiaries, as applicable per signed grant agreement, will by default have read only access to the project and can only view the project information.  

The projects can be accessed from My Projects, accessible from the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform after signing in with EU Login. Notifications are also sent to those contact persons once the project is available under My Projects. 

Associated persons with edit rights in the project can indicate additional contacts for all beneficiary and partner organisations and define their access rights to the project. It is also possible to change the access rights of existing associated persons for partner organisations/consortium members/co-beneficiaries. 

A project contact can have an Edit, View or No access to a project (project management) and project dissemination

Only certain beneficiary or consortium coordinator contacts (assigned to the beneficiary organisation) have full access to sensitive data. For more information, see Access to the special categories of personal data.

Associated persons in a project can only be managed while the project status is Project ongoing. An associated person is always linked to a Participating organisation. If you need to add new contacts, the organisation the contact belongs to must be available in the project.


In KA120 and KA150 Erasmus accreditations and ESC50/52 Quality Label, the associated persons can only be viewed and no new contacts can be added. If required, contact your National Agency for an amendment. 

For a quick overview of the Associated persons in Beneficiary module, please view the eLearning video.

1. Access "Associated persons" in the project

In your project, click on Associated persons in the Content menu, to open the Associated persons screen. 

Access the 'Associated persons' section from the Content menu

2. List of associated persons

At least two associated persons for the Beneficiary organisation will be available in the list by default, the Primary Contact and the Legal Representative of the project as per the signed grant agreement. Associated persons for the participating organisations which are part of the grant agreement, for example partner organisations, are also transferred upon project creation. 

Contact persons transferred from the NA project management system and flagged as Primary Contact or Legal Representative will obtain their respective access rights for both the project and project dissemination. 

Take note

Associated persons belonging to the Beneficiary organisation must include at least one contact flagged as the primary contact, so that automatic notifications can always reach a valid recipient. The list of Associated persons belonging to the Beneficiary organisation must include at least one contact with full access to the project.

In KA120, KA121, KA150, ESC50, and ESC52 projects, the role of Primary contact will be displayed as Erasmus coordinator. All the rules, restrictions, and access rights applicable to the Primary contact will also remain applicable to the Erasmus coordinator.

In this example, two associated persons for the beneficiary organisation are available in the project. The role (1) and access (2) rights for each contact are displayed and it is possible to view and edit (3) these contacts, using the available buttons. You can also delete contacts, but only the ones you have added in the Beneficiary module. The associated persons transferred upon project creation cannot be deleted.

List of Associated persons

The following information is available in the list of Associated persons

  1. Organisation OID - the OID of the organisation, as registered in ORs, if applicable
  2. Organisation legal name - the registered name of the organisation
  3. First and Last name - the identification of the contact person
  4. Position - the position held in the project, if applicable
  5. Email - the electronic mail address of the associated person
  6. Telephone - the telephone number where the associated person can be reached
  7. Beneficiary - indicates if the contact belongs to the beneficiary organisation; either Yes or No
  8. Legal Representative - indicates if the contact person represents the organisation for legal matters; either Yes or No
  9. Primary Contact (or Erasmus coordinator, for KA120, KA121, KA150, ESC50, and ESC52 projects) - either Yes or No
  10. OLS Administrator - either Yes, No, or empty, if not applicable for the project
  11. Access to project management - provides information on the person's access rights in the project; can be Edit, View, or None

If other associated persons than the ones available in the project are required to have access to the project, the existing beneficiary user(s) can add them by clicking the Create button.

See the page List functionality in projects for additional information on the list functionalities, such as Search, Filters and the Bulk Actions.

Available information in the list of Associated persons

3. Add an associated person

Adding an associated person is only possible if you have the required access rights in the project, and is not applicable to Erasmus accreditations and the ESC Quality Label. 

3.1. Click on the "Create" button

To add a new associated person, click on the Create button. 

Click on the Create button

The Associated persons screen opens. Here you have to provide all the required information. 


All mandatory fields show the message 'Value missing' and a red asterisk (*). Use the available scroll bars to access all the fields where you need to provide information.

Click on the Back button to return to the list of Associated persons. The Save button is inactive until all mandatory information is provided for the contact person. 

Associated persons screen opens

The Associated persons screen consists of three sections:

  • Contact Person
  • Access to Project
  • Contacts

By default, these sections are expanded when accessing the contact form. You can collapse/expand them individually, by clicking on the section title or by using the available arrows. 

Available sections in the form, all collapsed

3.2. Select the organisation the contact belongs to

In the Contact person section, click on the Organisation drop-down box and select the organisation the contact person belongs to. All organisations involved in the project are available for selection. If the organisation is not available, you can add it from the Participating organisations section in your project. See the page Participating organisations in projects for details. 


The role of an organisation in your project affects the access of the contact person to the project, as well as certain options you can check in relation to the contact person.

Select the organisation from the drop-down list

3.3. Provide the required information

After you have selected the organisation, continue to provide all the required details. 

Take note of the following rules for Associated persons in Beneficiary module: 

  • The email address used for a contact does not have to be unique across all organisations within the same project. That means the same email address can be used for a contact for different organisations. In such cases, the highest access level will be applied when the contact person opens the project. 
  • A contact person may not belong to any organisations, other than the beneficiary organisation, the co-beneficiary organisations or other organisations participating in the project.
  • There can only be one Legal Representative for any given participating organisation within the same project.
  • The list of Associated persons belonging to the beneficiary organisation must include at least one associated person flagged as Primary contact. This will ensure that automatic notifications can always reach a valid recipient. 
  • The list of Associated persons belonging to the beneficiary organisation must include at least one associated person with full access to the project (i.e., Edit access).
  • By default, all associated persons from the other participating organisations have view access to the entire project data, but this can be changed by beneficiary associated persons with edit access.
  • Associated persons from an Invited Organisation (KA2 projects) do not have access to the project in My projects.

Fill in the available fields:

  1. General information such as First name, Last name and email address
  2. Select the contact's Role within their organisation by checking the appropriate boxes: 
    • Primary contact (or Erasmus coordinator, for KA120, KA121, KA150, ESC50, and ESC52 projects) - all automated notifications regarding the selected project are sent to this contact's registered email address.
    • OLS Administrator - this option indicates that the user has the Learning Manager role in the EU Academy system. The availability of this flag depends on the action type of the project.
    • The Legal Representative check box cannot be selected, as all the information regarding this role is retrieved from the National Agency's project management system.
      Provide the required information
  3. In the Access to project section, select the type of access the person is granted (Edit, View, or None) in the project:
    • Access to project management, and
    • Access to project dissemination.
      Select the type of access for the associated person
  4. Contact address and further information
    • In the Contacts section, select the Same as organisation to automatically fill in the information. The associated person's contact information will match the information provided above, for the organisation. Note that the Same as organisation selection box will not be available if you have not previously selected the organisation in the previous section.
    • You can also provide the required information manually, by typing in the required information in the available fields.

      Provide the address information manually, or select the 'Same as organisation' to automatically retrieve the information available on the screen

3.4. Click on "Save"

The Save button in the bottom right corner of the screen becomes available when all mandatory information is filled in. Click on the Save button to save the contact details.

Click on the Save button

3.5. Associated person added in the project

A success message displays. The newly added contact is displayed in the list. The position in the organisation and the project access level are indicated in the respective columns. You may have to use the scroll bar at the bottom of the table to access all the information. 

Once items are added to the list, the following icons become available:

  1. Delete - click on this icon in line with the item you wish to delete, and follow the onscreen instructions.
  2. View - click on this icon to open the details of the selected item in read-only mode. All fields are greyed out and you will not be able to change any details.
  3. Edit - open the details of the selected item in edit mode. Make the desired changes, then click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the updated information. 

See the page List functionality in projects for additional information on the list functionalities, such as Search, Filters and the Bulk Actions.

Added contact available in the list


4. Edit an Associated person

4.1. Click on the "Edit" icon

If you want to make changes to the information on a contact person, click on the green Edit (pencil) icon.

Take note

It is only possible to fully edit associated persons that you have created in the project. For contacts transferred from the NA's project management system, editing is limited or not possible, depending on the action type of your project.

The Edit (pencil) icon will be inactive for associated persons that cannot be updated in the project. 

Click on the Edit icon

4.2. Make the required changes and click on "Save"

You can update all information for a contact that was added in the project, with the exception of the Legal representative check box. 

Make the required changes for the contact person

If the Same as organisation was selected when you created the contact person, all the fields in the Associated persons section are read-only. You have to remove the selection in order to be able to make changes to these details manually. When you have finished, click on the Save button to retain the changes made.

 If the 'Same as organisation' option is selected, all fields in the 'Contacts' section are read-only

See below an example for an associated person from a Partner organisation, transferred from the NA's project management system. In edit mode, nearly all information is read-only. You can only update the Access to Project management and Project dissemination.

Example for an associated person from a Partner organisation, transferred from the NA's project management system, nearly all information is read-only and cannot be updated

4.3. Contact updated

A success message is displayed. The contact information is updated and you are redirected to the list of Associated persons

Contact updated

5. Remove a contact 

To remove a contact from the list, click on the red Delete icon and confirm the deletion in the pop-up. A success message displays and the contact is no longer available in the Associated persons list and no longer has access to the project. 

Delete an associated person

6. Access to the special categories of personal data

The flag Access to the special categories of personal data is available in the Contact person section of the Associated persons screen, allowing all beneficiary or consortium coordinator contacts (assigned to the beneficiary organisation) to have full access to the sensitive data in the project

Flag that, when selected, indicates that the contact person has access to the special categories of personal data

For the categories of users mentioned above, this flag is selected by default, but it can be removed, and this will result in the user being restricted from viewing and/or saving in Beneficiary Module.

See below how different functionalities are impacted in the Beneficiary Module when this flag is removed:

  • Force majeure explanations
    If you do not have access to the special categories of personal data, when you set the Force majeure flag to yes, the Force majeure explanations field will not be visible and you will receive a warning message.
    • Impact on saving in KA121 and KA122
      If you do not have access to the special categories of personal data, and you are creating mobility activities or participants which include force majeure, you will not be able to complete them (they will remain in Draft), as selecting the Force majeure flag also requires the user to add comments in the Force majeure explanations field. As this field is not available for the users without access to special categories of personal data, you will receive a warning message and will not be able to complete the mobility activity or participant: "By clicking this flag, associated persons without access to special categories of personal data will not have access to "Force majeure explanations" field and they will not be able to complete the mobility activity."

    • Impact on saving in KA220
      If you do not have access to the special categories of personal data and you set the Force majeure flag to yes, the Force majeure explanations field will not be visible and you will not be able to save (KA220). A warning message will be displayed:
      • When trying to save Learning, Teaching and Training activities (LTTA) and Transnational Project Meetings (TPM): "By clicking this flag, associated persons without access to special categories of personal data will not have access to "Force majeure explanations" field and they will not be able to save the participant."
      • When trying to save Multiplier events (ME): "By clicking this flag, associated persons without access to special categories of personal data will not have access to "Force majeure explanations" field and they will not be able to save the event."
      • When trying to save Project results (PR): "By clicking this flag, associated persons without access to special categories of personal data will not have access to "Force majeure explanations" field and they will not be able to save the organisation."

    • Impact on import/export operations
      • The field Force majeure explanations will still be available in the import-export templates.
      • When you perform a data export, the values in this field will not be populated, this field (column) will be empty for all the users, no matter if they have or not access to the special categories of personal data.
      • When you perform a data import, the values in the Force majeure explanations field will be saved and users (no matter if they have or not access to the special categories of personal data) can complete the mobilities or participations, but those without access will not be able to see the imported values in the UI.
      • Import-export log:
          • Users without access to special categories of personal data can see all the exports in the project and only their own imports, and
          • the users with access can see the full import-export log.

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