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Data dictionaries and import export files


New data dictionaries and import-export files for KA121, KA122, KA131 and KA171 have been published on 06/11/2024. Click here to access the latest files.

The illustrations in the provided Wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation. 

After an application is awarded and a grant agreement is signed the project is considered to be "ongoing" and is part of the implementation phase of project management for beneficiaries of Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps programmes.

This page provides an overview of how beneficiaries manage Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps projects and report to the National Agency during the implementation phase.

For a quick overview of the basic functionalities of the Beneficiary module, please view the eLearning videos.

Process Explained

Once the grant agreement is signed, received and recorded in the National Agency project management system, the project is created and becomes available under My Projects of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform.

Beneficiaries and their partners (where applicable) are automatically notified when the project is available in My Projects. To view My Projects in the main menu of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform, the beneficiary (and partners) must log in to the platform.

By default the legal representatives and all contact persons stipulated in the grant agreement have edit access to the project. These users can, where allowed depending on the action type of the project, add additional partner organisations and contacts to the project, with view, edit, or no access to the project. 

The project will also become available in the Project results platform

The project becomes available under the menu item My Projects with status Project Ongoing, which is displayed in the project list.

At this point beneficiaries can start to manage the project information, containing project items such as mobility activities, activities, budget and reports.

The beneficiary has the option to add project items such as mobility activities, activities, events, or project results. The project items to manage depend on the key action of the project.

The beneficiary can also view and compare the awarded and reported budget in their project, helping them to keep track of the project budget. 

Certain project information cannot be managed by the beneficiary in their project. Such changes are for example the project duration, project title or participating organisations in KA2 projects. In such cases, the beneficiary must contact their National Agency and request an amendment to the grant agreement. 

For KA121 projects it is possible to submit an amendment request or Interim amendments exercise from the Amendments section of the project.

The National Agency will check the requested changes. An amendment to the grant agreement may be issued, sent to the beneficiary and, once signed, returned to the National Agency. The National Agency will then sign the amendment and send it back to the beneficiary. 

Only then will the requested and approved changes become available in the project and, if applicable, the Project Results platform. A notification email is sent to the beneficiary contact, informing them of the changes to the project. 

Individuals that have participated in Erasmus+ mobility projects and European Solidarity Corps projects are requested to submit their feedback on the experience. The participants receive an email with a individual link to the participant report.

One of the final stages of the project lifecycle is the submission of the final beneficiary report. This report is filled in by the beneficiary and provides updated details of the project, including budgetary changes. Once sent, the project information can no longer be edited. The project is in status Submitted.

At the same time as submitting the report the beneficiary should insure that the project information in the Project Results Platform is up to date and correct.

After the NA checked and validated the report, the project will be finalised. The project status is updated accordingly, to Finalised

How to do this in the tools?

Recently added or updated wiki pages for Beneficiary module

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