This page provides general information about the Budget summary section in beneficiary projects carried out under European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ and managed by National Agencies.
The variations and specifics of the budget screen for each key action and action type are explained on the relevant budget pages:
The Budget user interface is undergoing improvements. The overall budget structure explained below remains the same across all projects in the tool, but you may notice differences in how the data is presented.
For the new features of the budget screen currently available for KA121, KA122, KA151, KA152, KA153 and KA154 projects, see New budget screen functionalities in beneficiary projects.
In beneficiary grant projects, information about the Awarded and Reported Budget can be found in both the project details header and the Budget section of a project in Beneficiary module.
The Awarded Budget represents the most recent grant amount awarded by the National Agency. The Reported Budget represents the actual amounts used in the project, calculated based on information provided in project sections such as mobility activities, participation, and events.
In the Budget screen, the column % Reported/Awarded indicates the percentage of the awarded budget that has been used, allowing for monitoring of expenditure for each relevant budget item.
To view the budget summary in your project, select Budget from the Content menu.
The Budget screen will display the awarded budget and actual project costs, broken down by activity and cost type. In this section, you can also provide relevant details that may affect the project budget.
At the top of the budget screen, there is an overview of the budget totals (1) for the project, followed by a breakdown per activity type (2) or cost item, where applicable, depending on the action type of the project. On the left side of the Budget screen, the various budget items are listed, and certain fields may be included for providing cost calculation information on the right side.
The right side of the screen contains a variety of columns for each budget item. Always available are:
Additional columns may be displayed, according to the specifics of each action type.
Here is an example of the budget screen in a KA220 call 2022 project. For these projects, the budget screen contains additional information and functionalities, such as a legend (1) regarding the Budget transfers (2). The project totals (3) and breakdown per project item (4) are also available. See Budget in projects (KA220) for details.
The budget totals, displayed on top of the budget screen provide an easy overview of the overall total and, where applicable, totals per cost item.
Take note
If a financial guarantee is required by the National Agency, you must type the related costs in the Exceptional costs for financial guarantee field. The Total reported budget will be updated automatically.
Here is an example of the budget screen in an ESC-51-VTJ project, where you have the option to fill in the reported budget value for Exceptional costs for financial guarantee. See Budget in projects (ESC51-VTJ) for details.
Below the project totals, the breakdown per activity type or cost item, depending on the action type, is displayed.
Each activity type is displayed as a section in the budget screen that can be expanded or collapsed using the available arrows.
Take note
In the breakdown per activity type, only budget items with an awarded grant and/or reported costs higher than zero are shown.
The reported costs are calculated automatically based on the information you provided in the various project sections.
Please note that only mobility activities (Erasmus+ KA1) or participations (European Solidarity Corps) with the status Complete are considered when calculating the reported budget. These costs cannot be changed directly in the Budget screen. If you need to change the reported amounts, please adjust the relevant sections of the project where applicable, and the reported costs and total reported budget will be updated accordingly in the Budget screen.
In this example for a KA122-VET call 2022 project, the totals for the activity type (1), the individual cost items (2) and the Awarded (3), Reported (4) and %Reported/Awarded (5) values for each item are available.
Here is an example of the Budget screen with the breakdown per activity types in an ESC51-VTJ project.
If the amount of the Reported Budget is higher than the amount awarded by the NA for a given budget item or for the total project budget, a warning message is displayed. This does not prevent you from submitting the final beneficiary report. However, if the Total Reported Budget submitted with the final report is higher than the Total Awarded Budget, then the budget approved by the National Agency while validating the final report and the project data will be capped at the amount of the total awarded grant.
Here is an example of the budget screen where the reported Exceptional Costs and the total Reported Budget have exceeded the awarded amounts.
The Export button in the budget screen, where active, enables you to download the budget as a PDF file. Clicking the Export button will immediately initiate the file download, and the downloaded PDF will be saved in the default download folder on your device.
You can modify certain details that affect the reported project budget directly on the Budget screen (shown below). If the Save button is available at the bottom of the screen, click it to save your changes. If the Save button is not present, your changes will be saved automatically.
Project contacts with edit rights in a project also have the option to Refresh Reported budget from the Project details header.
In the header of the project details, click on the Actions button and select the option Refresh Reported budget. The reported budget value in the header as well as for all items in the budget screen is updated, if any changes in the project resulted in a change of the reported budget values.