
Activity type refers to a specific type or category of activity within a project. Each activity type has its own characteristics, goals, and requirements, and may involve different levels of coordination, planning, and execution.  

When adding or updating project items such as activities, mobility activities, or participations in a project in Beneficiary module, you may need to select a specific activity type. The available options for an activity type vary, depending on the action type and/or call year of the project.

Examples of activity types include long-term learning mobility of vocational education and training (VET) learners, long-term learning mobility of pupils, or youth exchanges.

The activity types available for selection when adding or updating activities or individual mobility activities in KA154 projects are:

ActionAction TypeFieldActivity category Activity TypeActivity type codeComments
Youth participation activities (KA154)Youth participation activities (KA154-YOU) YOU
Participation activities Youth participation events without mobilitiesLM-YOU-EVOSee Physical events in KA154 projects for details.
Youth participation events with mobilitiesLM-YOU-EVMSee Physical events in KA154 projects for details.
Youth participation mobilities LM-YOU-MOB

In addition, activities of type Physical events can be added to KA154 projects. See Physical events in KA154 projects for details.

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