
Activity type refers to a specific type or category of activity within a project. Each activity type has its own characteristics, goals, and requirements, and may involve different levels of coordination, planning, and execution.  

When adding or updating project items such as activities, mobility activities, or participations in a project in Beneficiary module, you may need to select a specific activity type. The available options for an activity type vary, depending on the action type and/or call year of the project.

Examples of activity types include long-term learning mobility of vocational education and training (VET) learners, long-term learning mobility of pupils, or youth exchanges.

Activity types per Action type

KA121 Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education, vocational education and training, and adult education

The activity types available for selection when adding or updating individual mobility activities in KA121 projects are:

ActionAction TypeFieldActivity category Activity TypeActivity type code
Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education, vocational education and training, and adult education (KA121)Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training (KA121-VET)VETLearner mobilityParticipation in VET skills competitionsLM-SKILL-VET
Short-term learning mobility of VET learnersLM-SHORT-VET
Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro)LM-LONG-VET
Staff mobilityJob-shadowingSM-JOB-SHDW
Teaching or training assignmentsSM-TTA
Courses and trainingSM-COUR-TRAIN
Other activitiesInvited experts OA-INV-EXP
Hosting teachers and educators in trainingOA-HOS-TTT
Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education (KA121-SCH)SCHLearner mobilityGroup mobility of school pupilsLM-GRP-PUPIL
Short-term learning mobility of pupilsLM-SHORT-PUPIL
Long-term learning mobility of pupilsLM-LONG-PUPILS
Staff mobilityJob-shadowingSM-JOB-SHDW
Teaching or training assignmentsSM-TTA
Courses and trainingSM-COUR-TRAIN
Other activitiesInvited experts OA-INV-EXP
Hosting teachers and educators in trainingOA-HOS-TTT
Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education (KA121-ADU)ADULearner mobilityGroup mobility of adult learnersLM-GRP-ADULT
Individual learning mobility of adult learnersLM-SHORT-ADULT
Staff mobilityJob-shadowingSM-JOB-SHDW
Teaching or training assignmentsSM-TTA
Courses and trainingSM-COUR-TRAIN
Other activitiesInvited experts OA-INV-EXP
Hosting teachers and educators in trainingOA-HOS-TTT

In addition, activities of type Preparatory Visit can be added to KA122 projects. See Manage Preparatory visits in KA121, KA122, KA182, and ESC51 projects for details.

KA122 Mobility for learners and staff in school education, vocational education and training, and adult education

The activity types available for selection when adding or updating individual mobility activities in KA122 projects are:

ActionAction TypeFieldActivity category Activity TypeActivity type code
Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education, vocational education and training, and adult education (KA122)Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training (KA122-VET)VETLearner mobilityParticipation in VET skills competitionsLM-SKILL-VET
Short-term learning mobility of VET learnersLM-SHORT-VET
Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro)LM-LONG-VET
Staff mobilityJob-shadowingSM-JOB-SHDW
Teaching or training assignmentsSM-TTA
Courses and trainingSM-COUR-TRAIN
Other activitiesInvited experts OA-INV-EXP
Hosting teachers and educators in trainingOA-HOS-TTT
Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education (KA122-SCH)SCHLearner mobilityGroup mobility of school pupilsLM-GRP-PUPIL
Short-term learning mobility of pupilsLM-SHORT-PUPIL
Long-term learning mobility of pupilsLM-LONG-PUPILS
Staff mobilityJob-shadowingSM-JOB-SHDW
Teaching or training assignmentsSM-TTA
Courses and trainingSM-COUR-TRAIN
Other activitiesInvited experts OA-INV-EXP
Hosting teachers and educators in trainingOA-HOS-TTT
Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education (KA122-ADU)ADULearner mobilityGroup mobility of adult learnersLM-GRP-ADULT
Individual learning mobility of adult learnersLM-SHORT-ADULT
Staff mobilityJob-shadowingSM-JOB-SHDW
Teaching or training assignmentsSM-TTA
Courses and trainingSM-COUR-TRAIN
Other activitiesInvited experts OA-INV-EXP
Hosting teachers and educators in trainingOA-HOS-TTT

In addition, activities of type Preparatory Visit can be added to KA121 projects. See Manage Preparatory visits in KA121, KA122, KA182, and ESC51 projects for details.

KA131 Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by internal policy funds

The activity types available when adding or updating individual mobility activities in KA131 projects are:

ActionAction TypeFieldActivity category Activity TypeActivity type codeComments
Mobility of higher education students and staff (KA131)Mobility of higher education students and staff (KA131-HED)HEDLearner mobilityStudent mobility for studiesHE-SMS
Student mobility for traineeshipsHE-SMT
Staff mobilityStaff mobility for teachingHE-STA
Staff mobility for trainingHE-STT
Other activitiesBlended intensive programmesHE-BIPSee Blended Intensive Programmes in KA131 Higher Education projects for details.

For details regarding the Blended intensive programmes in KA131 projects, please also see Blended Intensive Programmes in KA131 Higher Education projects.

KA151 Mobility of young people for accredited organisations

The activity types available for selection when adding or updating activities or individual mobility activities in KA151 projects are:

ActionAction TypeFieldActivity category Activity TypeActivity type code
Accredited projects for youth mobility (KA151)Accredited projects for youth mobility (KA151-YOU)YOULearner mobilityYouth exchanges - Member States and associated countriesLM-EXCH-P
Youth exchanges - third countries not associatedLM-EXCH-T
Staff mobilityProfessional development activities - Member States and associated countriesSM-PDA-P
Professional development activities - third countries not associatedSM-PDA-T
Other activitiesSystem development and outreach activitiesOA-SYS-DOA
Preparatory visitsOA-PREP-VIS

KA152 Mobility of young people

The activity types available for selection when adding or updating activities or individual mobility activities in KA152 projects are:

ActionAction TypeFieldActivity category Activity TypeActivity type code
Mobility of young people (KA152)Mobility of young people (KA152-YOU)YOULearner mobilityYouth exchanges - Member States and associated countriesLM-EXCH-P
Youth exchanges - third countries not associatedLM-EXCH-T
Other activitiesPreparatory visitsOA-PREP-VIS

KA153 Mobility of youth workers

The activity types available for selection when adding or updating activities or individual mobility activities in KA153 projects are:

ActionAction TypeFieldActivity category Activity TypeActivity type code
Mobility of youth workers (KA153)Mobility of youth workers (KA153-YOU) YOU
Staff mobilityProfessional development activities - Member States and associated countriesSM-PDA-P
Professional development activities - third countries not associatedSM-PDA-T
Other activitiesSystem development and outreach activitiesOA-SYS-DOA
Preparatory visitsOA-PREP-VIS

KA154 Youth participation activities

The activity types available for selection when adding or updating activities or individual mobility activities in KA154 projects are:

ActionAction TypeFieldActivity category Activity TypeActivity type codeComments
Youth participation activities (KA154)Youth participation activities (KA154-YOU) YOU
Participation activities Youth participation events without mobilitiesLM-YOU-EVOSee Physical events in KA154 projects for details.
Youth participation events with mobilitiesLM-YOU-EVMSee Physical events in KA154 projects for details.
Youth participation mobilities LM-YOU-MOB

In addition, activities of type Physical events can be added to KA154 projects. See Physical events in KA154 projects for details.

KA155 DiscoverEU inclusion action

The activity types in KA155 projects are:

ActionAction TypeFieldActivity category Activity TypeActivity type code
DiscoverEU inclusion action (KA155)DiscoverEU inclusion action (KA155-YOU)
Learner mobilityDiscoverEU inclusion mobilitiesLM-YOU-DEUI

KA171 Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds

The activity types available for selection when adding or updating individual mobility activities in KA171 projects are:

ActionAction TypeFieldActivity category Activity TypeActivity type code
Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds (KA171) Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds (KA171-HED) HEDLearner mobilityStudent mobility for studiesHE-SMS
Student mobility for traineeshipsHE-SMT
Staff mobilityStaff mobility for teachingHE-STA
Staff mobility for trainingHE-STT

KA182 Mobility of Sport Coaches and Staff

The activity types available for selection when adding or updating individual mobility activities in KA182 projects are:

ActionAction TypeFieldActivity category Activity TypeActivity type codeComments
Mobility of sport staff (KA182)Mobility of sport staff (KA182-SPO)SPOStaff mobilityJob shadowing and observation periodsSM-JOB-SHOP
Coaching or training assignmentsSM-CTA
Preparatory visitsOA-PREP-VISSee the page Manage Preparatory visits in KA121, KA122, KA182, and ESC51 projects for details.

For details regarding Preparatory visits, see page Manage Preparatory visits in KA121, KA122, KA182, and ESC51 projects

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