When adding or updating project items such as activities, mobility activities, or participations in a project in Beneficiary module, you may need to select a specific activity type. The available options for an activity type vary, depending on the action type and/or call year of the project.
Examples of activity types include long-term learning mobility of vocational education and training (VET) learners, long-term learning mobility of pupils, or youth exchanges.
The activity types available for selection when adding or updating individual mobility activities in KA121 projects are: In addition, activities of type Preparatory Visit can be added to KA122 projects. See Manage Preparatory visits in KA121, KA122, KA182, and ESC51 projects for details.Action Action Type Field Activity category Activity Type Activity type code Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education, vocational education and training, and adult education (KA121) Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training (KA121-VET) VET Learner mobility Participation in VET skills competitions LM-SKILL-VET Short-term learning mobility of VET learners LM-SHORT-VET Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro) LM-LONG-VET Staff mobility Job-shadowing SM-JOB-SHDW Teaching or training assignments SM-TTA Courses and training SM-COUR-TRAIN Other activities Invited experts OA-INV-EXP Hosting teachers and educators in training OA-HOS-TTT Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education (KA121-SCH) SCH Learner mobility Group mobility of school pupils LM-GRP-PUPIL Short-term learning mobility of pupils LM-SHORT-PUPIL Long-term learning mobility of pupils LM-LONG-PUPILS Staff mobility Job-shadowing SM-JOB-SHDW Teaching or training assignments SM-TTA Courses and training SM-COUR-TRAIN Other activities Invited experts OA-INV-EXP Hosting teachers and educators in training OA-HOS-TTT Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education (KA121-ADU) ADU Learner mobility Group mobility of adult learners LM-GRP-ADULT Individual learning mobility of adult learners LM-SHORT-ADULT Staff mobility Job-shadowing SM-JOB-SHDW Teaching or training assignments SM-TTA Courses and training SM-COUR-TRAIN Other activities Invited experts OA-INV-EXP Hosting teachers and educators in training OA-HOS-TTT
The activity types available for selection when adding or updating individual mobility activities in KA122 projects are: In addition, activities of type Preparatory Visit can be added to KA121 projects. See Manage Preparatory visits in KA121, KA122, KA182, and ESC51 projects for details.Action Action Type Field Activity category Activity Type Activity type code Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education, vocational education and training, and adult education (KA122) Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training (KA122-VET) VET Learner mobility Participation in VET skills competitions LM-SKILL-VET Short-term learning mobility of VET learners LM-SHORT-VET Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro) LM-LONG-VET Staff mobility Job-shadowing SM-JOB-SHDW Teaching or training assignments SM-TTA Courses and training SM-COUR-TRAIN Other activities Invited experts OA-INV-EXP Hosting teachers and educators in training OA-HOS-TTT Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education (KA122-SCH) SCH Learner mobility Group mobility of school pupils LM-GRP-PUPIL Short-term learning mobility of pupils LM-SHORT-PUPIL Long-term learning mobility of pupils LM-LONG-PUPILS Staff mobility Job-shadowing SM-JOB-SHDW Teaching or training assignments SM-TTA Courses and training SM-COUR-TRAIN Other activities Invited experts OA-INV-EXP Hosting teachers and educators in training OA-HOS-TTT Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education (KA122-ADU) ADU Learner mobility Group mobility of adult learners LM-GRP-ADULT Individual learning mobility of adult learners LM-SHORT-ADULT Staff mobility Job-shadowing SM-JOB-SHDW Teaching or training assignments SM-TTA Courses and training SM-COUR-TRAIN Other activities Invited experts OA-INV-EXP Hosting teachers and educators in training OA-HOS-TTT
The activity types available when adding or updating individual mobility activities in KA131 projects are: For details regarding the Blended intensive programmes in KA131 projects, please also see Blended Intensive Programmes in KA131 Higher Education projects.Action Action Type Field Activity category Activity Type Activity type code Comments Mobility of higher education students and staff (KA131) Mobility of higher education students and staff (KA131-HED) HED Learner mobility Student mobility for studies HE-SMS Student mobility for traineeships HE-SMT Staff mobility Staff mobility for teaching HE-STA Staff mobility for training HE-STT Other activities Blended intensive programmes HE-BIP See Blended Intensive Programmes in KA131 Higher Education projects for details.
The activity types available for selection when adding or updating activities or individual mobility activities in KA151 projects are:Action Action Type Field Activity category Activity Type Activity type code Accredited projects for youth mobility (KA151) Accredited projects for youth mobility (KA151-YOU) YOU Learner mobility Youth exchanges - Member States and associated countries LM-EXCH-P Youth exchanges - third countries not associated LM-EXCH-T Staff mobility Professional development activities - Member States and associated countries SM-PDA-P Professional development activities - third countries not associated SM-PDA-T Other activities System development and outreach activities OA-SYS-DOA Preparatory visits OA-PREP-VIS
The activity types available for selection when adding or updating activities or individual mobility activities in KA152 projects are:Action Action Type Field Activity category Activity Type Activity type code Mobility of young people (KA152) Mobility of young people (KA152-YOU) YOU Learner mobility Youth exchanges - Member States and associated countries LM-EXCH-P Youth exchanges - third countries not associated LM-EXCH-T Other activities Preparatory visits OA-PREP-VIS
The activity types available for selection when adding or updating activities or individual mobility activities in KA153 projects are:Action Action Type Field Activity category Activity Type Activity type code Mobility of youth workers (KA153) Mobility of youth workers (KA153-YOU) YOU
Staff mobility Professional development activities - Member States and associated countries SM-PDA-P Professional development activities - third countries not associated SM-PDA-T Other activities System development and outreach activities OA-SYS-DOA Preparatory visits OA-PREP-VIS
The activity types available for selection when adding or updating activities or individual mobility activities in KA154 projects are: In addition, activities of type Physical events can be added to KA154 projects. See Physical events in KA154 projects for details.Action Action Type Field Activity category Activity Type Activity type code Comments Youth participation activities (KA154) Youth participation activities (KA154-YOU) YOU
Participation activities Youth participation events without mobilities LM-YOU-EVO See Physical events in KA154 projects for details. Youth participation events with mobilities LM-YOU-EVM See Physical events in KA154 projects for details. Youth participation mobilities LM-YOU-MOB
The activity types in KA155 projects are:Action Action Type Field Activity category Activity Type Activity type code DiscoverEU inclusion action (KA155) DiscoverEU inclusion action (KA155-YOU) Learner mobility DiscoverEU inclusion mobilities LM-YOU-DEUI
The activity types available for selection when adding or updating individual mobility activities in KA171 projects are:Action Action Type Field Activity category Activity Type Activity type code Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds (KA171) Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds (KA171-HED) HED Learner mobility Student mobility for studies HE-SMS Student mobility for traineeships HE-SMT Staff mobility Staff mobility for teaching HE-STA Staff mobility for training HE-STT
The activity types available for selection when adding or updating individual mobility activities in KA182 projects are: For details regarding Preparatory visits, see page Manage Preparatory visits in KA121, KA122, KA182, and ESC51 projects. Action Action Type Field Activity category Activity Type Activity type code Comments Mobility of sport staff (KA182) Mobility of sport staff (KA182-SPO) SPO Staff mobility Job shadowing and observation periods SM-JOB-SHOP Coaching or training assignments SM-CTA Preparatory visits OA-PREP-VIS See the page Manage Preparatory visits in KA121, KA122, KA182, and ESC51 projects for details.