The illustrations in the provided Wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation.
This page explains how to add, edit and delete activities for KA1 youth mobility projects in Beneficiary module.
An activity is a set of tasks performed within the same location, the same time frame and the same scope. Each activity recorded in the project has a unique activity ID.
Participants are associated with an activity through mobility activities recorded in the project. You must therefore add activities to your project before adding mobility activities, as you will need to associate each mobility activity to an activity. Only the contact persons with edit rights in the project are able to perform the actions below while the project is in status Project ongoing. All participating organisations participating in activities must be available ion the project before adding the activitiesFor a quick overview of Activities in Beneficiary module, please view the eLearning video.
Fields may vary depending on the action type and call year of your project. Please read the onscreen information carefully.
In your project, click on Activities in the Content menu. The List of Activities is displayed and all the activities that you add will be shown here. Initially, the list is empty.
See the page List functionality in projects for additional information on the list functionalities, such as Search, Filters and the Bulk Actions.
Click on the Create button in the top right corner of the list to open the Activity screen.
In the Activity screen, fill in the fields as required. All fields are mandatory and are marked with a red asterisk (*), displaying Value missing below each field to complete.
The fields to complete may differ, depending on the key action and/or call year of your project and/or Activity Type selected when adding the activity.
Take note of the following:
Click on the Activity Type drop-down list and select the relevant activity type for which you want to fill in the details. The activity types available depend on the key action of your project. For some action types you can add multiple activities of the same activity type. See Activity Types in projects for additional information.
You can only add a mobility activity of type Preparatory Visit, where available, once you have added and detailed the associated activity.
For call 2023 projects you must provide the Start date and End date of the activity, using the available date pickers. The dates must be within the Project Duration, displayed as a timeline above the fields to complete.
Here is an example of the Activity screen in a KA153, call 2023 project.
Here is an example of the Activity screen in a KA154, call 2022 project.
Here is an example of adding an activity of type Preparatory visits in a KA152, call 2022 project, where the fields Venue/Country of activity and Related to the activity become available and must be completed.
Once you have filled in all the mandatory information, the Save button in the bottom right corner of the screen becomes active. Click the Save button to save the activity details for your project.
A success message is displayed, and you are redirected to the list of Activities, where the newly added activity is now displayed. Once items are added to the list, the following icons become available:
See the page List functionality in projects for additional information on the list functionalities, such as Search, Filters and the Bulk Actions.
At this point you can start adding mobility activities and associate them with each of the activities in this list. As you do so, the Number of Mobility Activities associated with each activity will be shown here.
Click on the Edit icon to open the details of the selected activity in edit mode.
Make the desired changes in the activity details, as per your needs. The following fields, as applicable for your project, can be updated:
Click on Save.
In our example, we are changing the Country of destination/event.
For activities in KA15 KA152, KA153 and KA154 projects, linked to mobility activities, changes to one of the following fields may trigger the change of fields/rules in the linked mobility activities:
The mobility activities will require revalidation. Revalidation will happen automatically after the changes have been saved, if there are many mobilities affected.
If, upon saving changes to activity details and mobility activities are impacted, a pop-up message will display, informing you of the automatic revalidation. Click on OK to confirm or Cancel to abort the action and return to the Activity details screen. If you click on OK, you are returned to the list of activities.
You can check the status of the revalidation from the Mobility activities section in your project. Click on the Revalidation button to open the List of Revalidations.
Initially, the revalidation will be in status Pending. Once the revalidation is completed, it will be in status Done. Clicking on the View more button will open the Revalidation details. For more details on this screen and functionalities, please see Revalidate Mobilities in Beneficiary module.
Mobility activities may have changed their status from Complete to Draft as a result of the changes made in the activity and the automatic revalidation.
In the activity list, click the Delete icon next to the activity you want to remove from the project and follow the onscreen instructions to remove it from the project.
If you try to delete an activity that is linked to (a) preparatory visit(s) and/or mobility activities, an error message will display, informing you of this fact. You must remove the link to the activity from the preparatory visit(s) and/or mobility activity first and try again.