
This page explains how to manage Complementary activities in KA151 and KA153 projects, using a KA153, call 2023 project as an example. 

Complementary activities are side activities adding value to the project and contributing to the increase of its impact (e.g., seminars, conferences, coaching sessions) and can be added and managed under the specific tab in your project.

All complementary activities must have a unique ID at project level.

The indirect costs of complementary activities cannot be higher than 7% of the direct costs. The total eligible cost of the complementary activity is 80% of the total costs (direct + indirect), and it cannot be higher than 10% of the total reported budget of the project. The total eligible amount is displayed in the project budget, and the Complementary activities will also be available in the Final report.

Complementary activities can only be managed by associated persons with edit rights in the project if the project status is Project ongoing

This page is relevant for:

  • Erasmus+, Call 2021 onward
    • KA153-YOU​​​​​​ - Mobility of youth workers 
  • Erasmus+, Call 2022 onward
    • KA151-YOU - Accredited projects for youth mobility


1. Access "Complementary activities" 

In your project, click on Complementary activities in the Content menu. The Complementary Activities screen is displayed and all the complementary activities that you add will be shown here. Initially, the complementary activity list is empty. See the page List functionality in projects for additional information on the list functionalities, such as Search, Filters and the Bulk Actions.

Access the Complementary Activities screen

2. Click on "Create" 

Click on the Create button at the top right of the list to open the Complementary activity details screen.

Click the Create button

3. Fill in the complementary activity details

In the details screen, fill in the fields, as required. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk (*) and/or display Value missing.

  • The ID is generated automatically, as you add each complementary activity, and is unique for each activity.
  • Once you have added a value in the Direct costs field, the minimum and maximum value for the Indirect costs will be displayed below the field as reference and you can provide the respective value.
  • The Total costs are automatically calculated as the sum of the Direct and Indirect costs provided.
  • The Total costs (requested grant) is calculated automatically, based on the Support rate, which is 80% of the Total costs and is read-only.

The amounts entered in the budget fields can have one decimal at most, for example 100.4.

If the total costs related to all complementary activities added in the project exceed 10% of the total reported budget, a warning message is displayed under the field, and you must adjust the values for direct and/or indirect costs.

Also, you will not be able to submit the Final Report.

Fill in the required details

4. Click on "Save"

Once you have filled in all the mandatory information, the Save button at the bottom right corner of the screen becomes active.

Click the Save button to save the complementary activity details for your project. 

Click the Save button

5. Complementary Activity added to project

A success message is displayed, and you are redirected to the list of Complementary Activities, where the newly added activity is now displayed. 

Once items are added to the list, the following icons become available:

  1. Delete - click on this icon in line with the item you wish to delete, and follow the onscreen instructions.
  2. View - click on this icon to open the details of the selected item in read-only mode. All fields are greyed out and you will not be able to change any details.
  3. Edit - open the details of the selected item in edit mode. Make the desired changes, then click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the updated information. 

See the page List functionality in projects for additional information on the list functionalities, such as Search, Filters and the Bulk Actions.

Complementary Activity added to the project

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