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This page explains the available Search and filter options in My Assessments. For general information regarding My Assessments, please see My Assessments.

The illustrations in the provided Wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation. 


Default filters

In the My Assessment screen, standard filters such as programme or key actions, are available in the Search and filter panel. For full details about the general functionalities of the search filters, please see Search filter basics

The following default filters are available under My Assessments:

  1. Active filter: is the combination of criteria your are currently using; the active filter can be saved, updated and set as default.
  2. Quick Filter Search field: gives you the possibility to search for content using a free text field. 
  3. Predefined filters: allow you to narrow down your list of results. These are Programmes, Calls, Rounds and Key Actions.

The Search and filter panel can be collapsed or expanded on a desktop computer screen by clicking on the available arrow </>. On mobile devices, this panel is collapsed by default. 

General Search and filter options in My Assessments

Specific filters

The following specific filter options available are:

  1. Fields: check boxes to select Adult Education, Higher Education, School Education, Vocational Education and Training, Youth and/or ESC.
  2. Assessment types: check boxes to select Application, Interim Report, Final Report and/or Accreditation Progress Report.

  3. Assignment role: check boxes to select Expert, Consolidator and/or Editor. Part of the Assignment role filters is the Assignment status filter with the options:

    1. Consolidation Flags: filter buttons to highlight consolidator assignments of a specific status in the Search results list for easy recognition. 

    2. Expert assignment status: check boxes to (de)select expert assignments of a certain assignment status.

    3. Consolidator assignment status: check boxes to (de)select consolidator assignments of a certain assignment status.

    4. Editor assignment status: check boxes to (de)select editor assignments of a certain assignment status.

  4. Advanced filter:

    1. Beneficiary Organisation Name: drop-down list of all organisations whose projects are currently under assessment.

    2. Project code: drop-down list displaying the project codes for the available assignments.

    3. Assignment ID: drop-down list to select a specific Assessment ID, such as APP-E1-02. 

    4. ESC50 filters: options to filter for completed ESC50 - Quality Label application assignments by selecting Host, Support and/or Lead role via check boxes and combining these with the outcome of the assessment using the buttons Role AwardedRole Not Awarded and/or Role Not Assessed. 

You can use the available toggle buttons to show or hide some of these filters.


The system default filters are set to Programme Erasmus+, current Call year, All rounds, All Key Actions, Assignment Role: Expert, Consolidator and Editor, and with all available options selected under Expert assignment status, Consolidator assignment status, and Editor assignment status. 

Specific Search and filter options in My Assessments

The "Consolidation Flags" filter

The Consolidation Flags filters allow you to find assignments, related to the consolidation process, of a certain status easily in the Search results list.

Projects fulfilling the selected criteria will be highlighted in colour in the results list. It is possible to select multiple Consolidation flags filters and to combine them with other available filters.

The following filters are available: 

  • Consolidation ready for approval: available for expert assignments; selecting this flag filter will highlight project(s) for which the consolidation(s) is/are ready for approval by the expert (bright green)
  • Consolidation pending approval: available for consolidator assignments; selecting this flag will highlight project(s) for which the consolidated version still needs to be approved by the experts involved in the consolidation before submission (orange)
  • Consolidation ready for submission: available for consolidator assignments; selecting this flag will highlight project(s) for which all experts involved in the consolidation have approved the consolidated version and the consolidator can submit them to the National Agency (dark green)

This example shows the results displayed with the Consolidation Flags filter Consolidation pending approval selected. The search results list highlights the relevant Consolidator assignment(s) as per selected filter in orange.

Results displayed with filter Consolidation pending approval

This example shows the results displayed with the Consolidation Flags filter Consolidation ready for approval selected. The search results list highlights the relevant Expert assignment as per selected filter in bright green. 

Results displayed with filter Consolidation ready for approval

This example shows the results displayed with the Consolidation Flags filter Consolidation ready for submission selected. The search results list highlights the relevant Consolidator assignment as per selected filter in dark green. The highlighted project(s) can be submitted to the National Agency.

Results displayed with filter Consolidation ready for submission


The "ESC50 roles" filters

The ESC50 roles filters allow you to search for completed ESC50- Quality Label application assignments. 

First, you must select Host, Support and/or Lead role using the available tick boxes. Once a selection is made, the search buttons Role AwardedRole Not Awarded and/or Role Not Assessed (for Lead role only) become active. Click on the button(s) with the outcome you want to filter the results for. 


The Role Not Assessed filter is not applicable for application assessments for ESC50 - Quality Label from call year 2023 onward.

The search results list will display the relevant assignments, if any are available. 

In the example below, we select the Host and Support role options. The buttons Role Awarded and Role Not Awarded become active and Role Awarded is selected. The results list displays the projects where the Host role and/or Support was awarded. In our example, only projects with Host role awarded are found. 

ESC50 roles filters Host and Support role

In this example, we select the Host and Lead role options. The buttons Role Awarded, Role Not Awarded and Role not Assessed become active and Role Not Awarded and Role Not Assessed are selected. The results list displays the projects where the Host role and/or Lead role was not awarded, and projects where the Lead Role was not assessed. 

ESC50 roles filters Host and Lead role

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