
The consolidation phase starts once all experts have submitted their individual assessments for a project and the NA Selection Manager initiates the consolidation process by configuring the consolidation. The NA Selection Manager nominates one of the experts involved in the project assessment as consolidator and the other expert(s) involved in the consolidation are required to give approval to the consolidation. The NA can however exclude any expert from the consolidation process. The expert(s) excluded from the consolidation process will not have to approve the consolidated version of the assessment. 

If the consolidation was initiated by the National Agency, and the other expert(s) involved in the assessment process were selected to participate in the consolidation process, the following main steps have to be completed in Assessment Module by the expert assigned as consolidator and/or the other involved expert(s):

  1. Consolidation assignment - the expert nominated as consolidator completes the consolidation assignment and sends it for approval to the expert(s) involved. See the page How to complete a consolidation assignment for details.
  2. Expert approval - the expert(s) selected by the NA to participate in the consolidation approve the consolidated assessment. 
  3. Consolidation submission - the expert nominated as consolidator submits the approved consolidated assessment. See the page How to submit a consolidation (consolidator) for details.

This page explains the second of these steps, the Expert approval. 


  • Existing EU Login and expert account. See the page Expert login to EESCP and Assessment module for details
  • Expert assigned as consolidator, completed the consolidation assignment and submitted the consolidated version for approval to the other involved expert(s)
  • Assignment status for the corresponding Expert assignment is Consolidation ready for approval

Detailed Steps

1. Access "My Assessments" from Single Entry Point

Log in to the Single Entry Point and select My Assessments from the Assessment module. The My Assessments screen opens with the Search Filter and the Search results panels, displaying all your available assignments.

See My Assessments for details on the basic functionalities of this screen. 

2. Filter your assignment(s) for the one(s) in status "Consolidation ready for approval"

Expert assignments ready for approval will be in status Consolidation ready for approval

You can use the available Search filters to filter the results list according to your needs. Using the Assignment Status flag filter Consolidation ready for approval will highlight the row in bright green for project assessment(s) in this status. See My Assessments for details on the available search filters. 

Click on the Actions button and select the option Approve consolidation . Alternatively, click on the hyperlinked project code to open the assessment details.

3. "Assessment Details" opens in new tab

The Assessment Details for the selected project assessment will open in a new tab in your browser. 

You can access the Project informationAward criteriaTypology questions, or Comments sections by selecting the respective option in the Navigation panel. 

By default, the Award criteria section is displayed, opened on the Consolidator tab, displaying the comments and scores as completed by the consolidator upon creation of the consolidated version of the assessment.

You have read access to the consolidated version and you also have access to your Expert tab, in our example Expert 2. Any other tabs displayed, for example Expert 1, are greyed out and cannot be accessed. 

4. Review the consolidated version of the project assessment 

To review the consolidated version of the assessment, use the Navigation to access the relevant sections. No changes can be made as all information is only available in read-only mode. 

5. Access the "Approval" section and approve the consolidated assessment version

Use the Navigation to access the Approval section. The Consolidation Approval screen opens. 

The Expert sub-section displays an orange badge, stating Pending approval, meaning the required action still has to be completed. The sub-section for the consolidator displays a green badge, stating APPROVED

To approve the consolidated version of the assessment:

  1. Check the available check box in the expert sub-section, declaring the consolidated version as approved: Please tick the checkbox below in order to approve the consolidated version. In case you do not approve the consolidated version then contact your Selection Manager.
  2. Confirm that the consolidation is ready for submission to the consolidator by clicking on YES in the confirmation pop-up.
  3. A success message then displays.

6. Expert approval completed

The approval process is completed, all information in the Assessment Details are greyed out and no more changes are possible. Approval in the Navigation is marked with a green check.

The expert specific approval information is now marked with a green stripe and greyed out. It displays a green badge, stating Approved and the Approval date is filled in. The information text in the Expert approval section now displays By ticking the checkbox below, you have approved the consolidated version.

7. Expert assignment status changed to "Consolidation approved"

Back in the list of your assignments, under My Assessments, t he expert assignment is now displayed with the status Consolidation approved . 

Expected Outcome

  • Assignment status of the expert assignment changes to Consolidation approved
  • The expert assigned as consolidator can submit the consolidated version, available for them under My Assessments with the status Consolidation ready submission, after all experts involved have given their approval