
Erasmus quality standards define what constitutes high quality implementation of mobility projects and activities. 

The purpose of the Erasmus quality standards report, part of the Accreditation Progress Report, is to ensure that the beneficiary’s project management practices follow the qualitative commitments made by the beneficiary at the time of accreditation award. 

Given that the quality standards are rather demanding in nature, part of the report’s purpose is to identify areas for improvement and help the National Agency to formulate practical advice to the accredited organisation on how improvements can be made.

Upon requesting an Accreditation Progress Report from the accredited organisation, the National Agency can choose to select this specific type of report as part of the Accreditation Progress Report. Once the report is completed in the Beneficiary module, dedicated sections concerning the Erasmus quality standards will be available in the report form and must be filled in.

Each Erasmus quality standards report covers a reporting period defined by the National Agency. The reporting period starts when the previous reporting period has ended (or when the first mobility project has started) and it ends on the date defined by the National Agency when requesting the report.