


The Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform - EESCP - is the single entry point to the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes for the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027. This page is accessible even if you do not yet have an EU Login account, however most of the actions you will perform as an expert require logging in.

Assessment module (AM) is a web-based application used by experts to record their evaluations of applications and project reports that have been assigned to them by the National Agency (NA). The term 'project' is used generically throughout the Assessment module Wiki pages to signify both applications and project reports.

The three main activities performed in the tool are:

  1. Assessment
  2. Consolidation
  3. Editing 

The Assessment Process



EU Login, the EESCP (Single Entry Point) and Assessment module

To access Assessment module, the expert must have an EU login. The EU Login Authentication Service (previously ECAS) is a single point for user authentication to a wide range of Commission information systems.

It is the first step before accessing the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform (further called Single Entry Point) to access the Assessment module (AM).

Expert Assessment

After accessing Assessment module, the expert can search for assigned assessments from My Assessments. My Assessments displays the list of assignments given to experts (and editors) and allows to open the relevant assignments to complete.

For example, two experts are assigned to evaluate one application or report. Expert assignments to be worked on will display the status Assignment ongoing in the list of assignments under My Assessments.

Before starting your assignment, please read the information about the basic functionalities of the Assessment Details screen, to ensure successful submission.

The experts assess the application or report assigned to them, recording scores and providing commentaries. Once completed, the assessment result must be submitted. After submission, the assessment becomes read-only and cannot be modified. The assignment status changes to Assignment completed.

If an expert wishes to revise the assessment after submission, the NA has to be contacted. The NA can then request a new version of the assessment.

Assessment Consolidation

The consolidation phase starts once all individual expert assignments for an assessment have been submitted by all involved experts. The NA will nominate one of the involved experts as Consolidator to create the consolidated version of an assessment.

The other experts involved and selected for the consolidation phase by the NA will have to give their approval to the consolidated version. 

The expert selected as Consolidator can start the consolidation assignment. The assignment status of the consolidation assignment available from My Assessments is Consolidation ongoing.

Once completed, the consolidator selects a submission option and declares the consolidation ready for approval by the other involved expert(s). The assignment status of the consolidation assignment changes to Consolidation pending approval.

In the case where only one expert was selected to consolidate and the NA decided to allow Automatic submission of the consolidation, the consolidated version of the assessment is generated and submitted automatically. No consolidation assignment will be available for action in My Assessments. 

The consolidator has, at this point, also the option to withdraw the approval, if they need to make further changes to the consolidated version of the assessment.

Consolidation Status and Expert Approval

The approval phase starts once the consolidated version of the assessment was sent for expert approval by the consolidator. The experts that were selected by the NA to participate in the consolidation have to approve the consolidated version of the assessment before it can be submitted by the consolidator.

These expert assignments will be available for the involved expert(s) under My Assessments with status Consolidation ready for approval.

In the case where only one expert was selected to consolidate and the NA decided to allow the Automatic submission of the consolidation, no expert approval is needed. 

The experts will have to confirm that they approve the consolidated version from the dedicated Approval tab of the Assessment details. 

The assignments status will change to Consolidation approved

Depending on the submission option selected by the consolidator when requesting the expert approval, the expert may be able to withdraw the approval after it was given.

Consolidation submission

The submission of the consolidated version of the assessment is not possible until the involved expert(s) have approved it.

Depending on the submission option selected by the consolidator upon sending the consolidation for expert approval, the submission of the consolidation may be automatic or done manually by the consolidator.

If automatic submission was selected, the consolidated assessment is submitted to the NA after the last involved expert gave their approval. 

In the case of manual submission, the consolidation assignment status for a consolidation ready to be submitted, and available under My Assessments, is Consolidation ready for submission. The expert assigned as consolidator must then submit the consolidated assessment manually.

After submission, the consolidation can no longer be modified. The consolidation assignment status is now Consolidation submitted for validation

If the consolidator wishes to revise the assessment after submission, the NA has to be contacted. The NA can then request a new version of the consolidation, if necessary.

Assessment Editing

The purpose of the editing task is to proofread and, where necessary, improve the linguistic quality of the comments of the consolidated assessments. Editing in Assessment module is usually done after an assessment has been consolidated, but is not a mandatory step in the assessment process. 

Scores and other parts of the consolidated assessment cannot be modified by the editor, only the comments are editable. The assignment status for an editing assignment is Editing ongoing.

An expert who is assigned as an editor by the National Agency will have access to edit the consolidated version of an assessment. Once editing is completed, the edited version must be submitted by the editor. The assignment status of the editing assignment after submission is Editing completed.

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