
At least once during a period of five years, Erasmus accredited organisations must update their Erasmus Plan (KA150)/Activity Plan (KA120) and report on respect of Erasmus quality standards, and their Erasmus Plan (KA150)/Activity Plan (KA120) progress. See the Erasmus+ Programme Guide for details.

Organisations awarded with the ESC50/ESC52 Quality Label will also be required to report on their Objectives, Quality standards and Activity Plan at least once during the validity of the Quality Label. See the European Solidarity Corps Programme Guide for details.

This type of reporting is done with the Accreditation Progress Report, requested periodically by the National Agency. The National Agency may decide to request a progress report on the different elements of the accreditation at the same time, or separately. The composition and timing of accreditation reports is decided by the National Agency for each accredited beneficiary. Upon requesting an Accreditation Progress Report from the accredited beneficiary organisation, the National Agency will define the specific report parts to be reported on. The requested report can consist of one or multiple specific report parts, as per selection by the National Agency. 

For Erasmus+ accreditations (KA120 and KA150):

Depending on the roles awarded with the European Solidarity Corps Quality label (Host, Support and/or Lead), the requested report can consist of one, multiple or all of the following report parts, as per selection by the National Agency.

For ESC50 - Quality Label:

For ESC52 - Quality Label:

  • Progress report Host role

  • Progress report Support role

  • Locations/Standard Activities Update

In addition to selecting the report parts, the National Agency will define a submission deadline for the requested report, specifying by when the report must be submitted from Beneficiary module. An email notification is sent to the contacts of the accredited organisation when the accreditation report request is launched. The accreditation report can then be completed and submitted from Beneficiary module.

The National Agency may decide to replace any Accreditation Progress Report with a Structured Monitoring Visit.

Accreditation Progress Reports and Structured Monitoring Visits can be requested for accreditations in status Accredited, Accredited (under observation) and Suspended. 

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