This page explains the specifics for the assessment of Accreditation Progress Reports for KA120 - Erasmus accreditations in Assessment module.
Upon requesting an Accreditation Progress Report from the accredited beneficiary organisation, the National Agency will define specific report parts to be reported on. Therefore, the Assessment Details available and to complete for an Accreditation Progress Report vary.
Depending on the report parts to be assessed, Award criteria, Typology questions and/or the Comments section must be completed in the assessment details.
For general information regarding the Assessment details screen and its basic functionalities, please see Assessment Details basic functionalities. The assessment of Accreditation Progress Reports follows the general assessment workflow (expert assessment, consolidation and optionally editing). For step-by-step instructions for the completion of the assessment, please see:
The illustrations in the provided Wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation.
The header in the Assessment Details screen displays basic information about the Accreditation. By default, it only shows key details. To expand and view further information, click the available down arrow. When you expand the header, using the down arrow, the table displayed for the overview of the assessment criteria shows: Here is an example of an extended header for the KA120 Accreditation Progress Report assessment, which covers the evaluation of all three report parts. The expert column is empty because, in this example, the expert has not yet filled in the relevant award criteria scores. Here is an example of an extended header for a KA120 Accreditation Progress Report assessment, involving the assessment of two report parts. The expert has completed the assessment, and the total score has been calculated. The table also includes the individual scores for each award criteria for each report part, as applicable. Here is an example of an extended header in a consolidation assignment for a KA120 Accreditation Progress Report assessment, involving the assessment of two report parts. The columns dedicated to the consolidation specific details have been completed. From the Project information section you have access to all relevant report documents. In the Annexes section (1) of the screen you have access to the Accreditation Progress Report, the Declaration on Honour and the Application form as PDF files. Any other with the report submitted documents will also be available in this section. In the Assessment section (2) of the screen you have access to the relevant assessments as PDF. Initially, the Application Assessment(s) documents are available. You can download each file or open it in a new browser, using the respective buttons. For the application form document you also have the option to view it online. After the assessment is submitted by the expert, in the Assessments subsection, the Assessment for the Accreditation Progress Report as PDF file will become available and can be viewed and downloaded. The files available depend on your assignment role and the status of the assignment. Award criteria must only be completed if at least one of the Report Parts being assessed requires assessment of specific award criteria and scoring. Award criteria may not be available for all report parts. For each report part that requires assessment, a dedicated tab is provided, featuring both the Award criteria Comments field(s) (1) and Scores (2) per criterion for your input. Use the scrollbar in your browser to access all information on screen. For the Award criteria to be marked complete, the Award criteria for each report part must be filled in. In editing assignments, the Score fields are set to read-only. Here is an example where only the assessment of one report part was required. The comment fields and scores for the award criteria have been provided. The calculated total score is displayed in the specific report part tab. Depending on the report parts requested to assess, no Award criteria may have to be completed. In such case, Award criteria is automatically marked with a green check in the navigation menu, indicating completion. A notification is displayed when Award criteria is selected from the Navigation menu, informing you of the fact that no award criteria are defined. Depending on the report parts to be assessed, the Typology Questions may have to be completed. Use the radio buttons to answer all questions. Once all questions are answered, Typology Questions in the navigation menu is marked with a green check. Where available, the typology questions will have to be answered only once per assessment and not per report part as the Award Criteria section. Typology questions may automatically be marked with a green check, indicating completion, if none of the report parts to assess requires typology questions to be answered. A notification is displayed when Typology questions is selected from the Navigation menu, informing you of the fact that no typology questions are defined. Similar to the Award criteria, for each report part requiring assessment, a dedicated tab is provided within the Comments section of the assessment, where you can fill in the required comments. Use the scrollbar in your browser to access all information on screen. For the Comments section to be marked complete, the Comments for each report part as applicable must be filled in. Here the example of the Comments section where all three report parts had to be assessed. A tab for each part is available. On all three tabs the required mandatory comments must be filled in. Here an example of the Comments section, where only the assessment of one report part was required. Only one tab is displayed and the comments must be filled in.Header
Project information
Award Criteria
Typology questions