This page explains how experts with the editor role can complete an editing assignment. Editing assignments are available for action under My Assessments in Assessment module.
Please consult the page Assessment Details basic functionalities to familiarise yourself with the general functionalities and navigation within the Assessment Details screens.
For an overview of the assessment process, see page Expert Assessment. For a list of all available wiki pages regarding expert assessments, see Assessment module for experts - Index.
Log in to the Single Entry Point and select My Assessments from the Assessment module. The My Assessments screen opens with the Search filter and the Search results panels, displaying your available assignments as per your default filter.
See My Assessments for details on the basic functionalities of this screen.
Editing assignments requiring your attention will have the status Editing ongoing. You can use the available Search filters to filter the results list according to your needs. See My Assessments for details on the available search filters.
Take note
Editing assignments with status Reviewing (read-only) are not yet available for editing. The individual expert or consolidation assignments for such projects are still ongoing. The editor will be able to open such assignments, but only have view access (read-only) to the available ongoing and/or submitted assessments of the experts and/or consolidator.
In our example, we filter for Assignment role: Editor and Assignment status for editor: Editing ongoing. One displays the assignment status, meaning only this one is ready for editing.
To open the editor assignment, click on the hyperlinked Project Code, or click the Actions button and select the Open assessment option.
The Assessment Details for the selected project assessment opens in edit mode in a new browser tab.
You can access the Project information, Award criteria, Typology questions, or Comments section by selecting the respective option in the Navigation panel. By default, the Project information is displayed.
Under the Award criteria section you can click on the available tabs (e.g. Expert 1, Expert 2, Expert 3, and/or Consolidator) to have read-only access to the assessments of each expert involved in that specific project assessment. The availability of these depends on your role and the status of the assignment.
As the purpose of the editing assignment is to improve the linguistic quality of the comments of the consolidated assessment, no changes can be made to scores, decisions or any other content of the assessment that is not classified as commentary. Therefore, you will only be able to edit text in the comments fields in the Award criteria and Comments sections.
The answers under Typology questions cannot be changed during the editing process.
Click Award Criteria in the Navigation panel to update this section. Simply make the required changes directly in the respective fields. Your changes are saved automatically.
Award criteria comment fields may require a minimum of characters, for example 50 characters, for a specific answer. A warning message is displayed below the comment field if such a minimum is configured and not reached. Once reached, this warning message will disappear. The maximum number of characters that can be used per available comment field, for example 3000, is indicated in the top right corner of the text boxes. If the maximum number of characters has been reached, a red 0 is displayed and no more text can be added.
The Comment field size will expand automatically while you type.
Click Comments in the Navigation panel to update this section. Simply make the needed changes directly in the respective fields. Your changes are saved automatically.
The maximum number of characters that can be used per available comment field in the Comment section is indicated in the top right corner of the text boxes, for example 3000 characters. The counter updates automatically while you type. If the maximum number of characters has been reached, a red 0 is displayed and no more text can be added. No minimum number of characters is required for the comments fields in the Comments section of the assessment.
The Comment field size will expand automatically while you type.
Once you have finished editing, click on the Submit button in the top right corner of the screen.
Click on Confirm and Submit in the Submission of the assessment pop-up window. A success message displays.
The editing assignment is completed, all information on the screen is greyed out and no further changes are possible. A notification displays at the top of the screen, with basic submission information.
Back in the list of your assessments under My Assessments, the Assignment Status of the completed editing assignment now displays Editing completed.
The Assignment submission date column is filled in with the respective data. It is still possible to view the submitted assignment, either by clicking on the hyperlinked Project Code or by selecting Open assessment from the Actions button. The assessment details open in a new tab, in read-only mode.
In the Assessment Details screen, under Project Information > Assessments, you will find a PDF version of the completed assignment. You can download or open it directly to view in your browser from here.
When working on a editing assignment for an ESC50 - Quality Label application for 2022, the basic functionalities are the same as described above.
In an ongoing editing assignment, only the comment fields in the Award Criteria and Comments section can be updated by the expert assigned as Editor.
In ESC50 - Quality Label applications, the Award criteria will display subtabs per role requested by the applicant organisation. The editor can access the available tabs, Host role, Support role and/or Lead role, and make the required changes in the comment fields available, where required.
No changes can be made on the outcome (for Host/Support role) or scores (Lead role).
In an ongoing editing assignment for ESC50, call year 2023 onward, only the Comments fields in the Award Criteria (1) and Comments (1) sections can be updated by the expert assigned as Editor (2).
In ESC50 - Quality Label applications, the Award criteria will display sub-tabs per role requested by the applicant organisation. The editor can access the available sub-tabs, Host role and/or Support role (3), and make the necessary changes in the Comments (4) fields available.
No changes can be made to the assessment outcome.
Here is an example of the available Award criteria sub-tabs in an editor assignment, where the applicant organisation attained the Host role in a previous year. The Host role sub-tab is inactive. Only in the sub-tab for the Support role can editing changes be made.
In editing assignments for applications for the Host and Support role, any changes made in the comment field for the award criterion Relevance will result in a pop-up window, informing you of the fact that this criterion is common for both the host and support role. The changes made in the comment field for this criterion for one role will be copied into the comment field for this criterion in the other role.
Click on OK in the pop-up to confirm. Clicking on Cancel will result in the changes being discarded for both roles.
In an ongoing editing assignment, only the comment fields in the Award Criteria and Comments section can be updated by the expert assigned as Editor.
In ESC50 - Quality Label applications for the Lead role, the Award criteria will display the Lead role sub-tab. The editor can access Lead role sub-tab and make the required changes in the comment fields available, where required.
No changes can be made on the scores.
When working on a editing assignment for KA171, the basic functionalities are the same as described above.
In an ongoing editing assignment, only the comment fields in the Award Criteria and Comments section can be updated by the expert assigned as Editor.
When accessing the Award criteria for a KA171-HED editing assignment, you will notice two main sections within the Editor specific tab:
If the organisation applies, as in the example below, for two regional partnerships, the Award criteria section of the assessment will display:
You can Open/Collapse the criteria for each section, using the available button.
The editor can access the available region specific subtabs tabs and make the required changes in the comments fields available, where required. No changes can be made on the scores.