The consolidation phase starts once all experts have submitted their individual assessments for a project and the NA Selection Manager initiates the consolidation process by configuring the consolidation. The NA Selection Manager nominates one of the experts involved in the project assessment as consolidator and the other expert(s) involved in the consolidation are required to give approval to the consolidation. The NA can however exclude any expert from the consolidation process. The expert(s) excluded from the consolidation process will not have to approve the consolidated version of the assessment.
If the consolidation was initiated by the National Agency, and the other expert(s) involved in the assessment process were selected to participate in the consolidation process, the following main steps have to be completed in Assessment Module by the expert assigned as consolidator and/or the other involved expert(s):
This page explains the third of these steps, the submission of the consolidated version of the assessment to the National Agency.
Log in to the Single Entry Point and select My Assessments from the Assessment module. The My Assessments screen opens with the Search Filter and the Search results panels, displaying all your available assignments.
See My Assessments for details on the basic functionalities of this screen.
Consolidator assignments that are ready to be submitted to the NA will be in status Consolidation ready for submission. You can use the available Search filters to filter the results list according to your needs. See My Assessments for details on the available search filters.
In our example, we are using the Consolidation Flags filter Consolidation ready for submission. The rows of the relevant project(s) are highlighted in dark green.
To submit the approved consolidated assessment, click on the Actions button and select Submit assessment .
Click on Confirm and submit in the Submission of the assessment pop-up window.
A success message displays and the status of the project changes to Consolidation submitted for validation. The submission of the consolidated assessment to the NA is complete.
If you open the Assessment Details of the submitted assignment, a notification at the top of the screen displays the submission time and date. A PDF version of the consolidation is available for download or to view directly in your browser from the Project Details in section Assessments .
It is also possible to submit the consolidated assessment from the Assessment Details screen. In the Assessment Details of an approved, non-submitted consolidation the Submit button is active.
To submit the consolidated assessment to the NA:
The submission of the consolidated assessment to the NA is complete.