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What it is?

Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) is an external support to the monitoring system of EEAS, DG INTPA, and DG NEAR external operations. ROM combines a methodology and a set of adapted services aimed at strengthening the accountability and results-based management capacities of the European Union and its partners. The ROM methodology and its set of services are presented in the ROM Handbook which was thoroughly revised at the end of 2019.

What can it be used for?

The ROM services are available to:

  1. Provide support to design the logframe, and/or the monitoring and reporting arrangements of an intervention (Service called “Support to Logframe Design”).
  2. Assist in collecting results from ongoing interventions for internal monitoring and institutional reporting (Service called “Results Data Collection”).
  3. Conduct external and impartial reviews of selected interventions’ progress and performance (Service called “ROM Review”).
When can it be used?

ROM services are available throughout the intervention cycle.

Support to Logframe Design can be requested at the inception of an intervention or, exceptionally, during its implementation.

Results Data Collection happens yearly, according to the selection of interventions established by the ROM coordination units of DG INTPA and DG NEAR.

ROM Reviews can be carried out at different stages of the implementation:

  • In the 1st year of implementation, to tackle as early as possible potential design weaknesses and other issues.
  • At any time during the implementation, when an external advice is needed to address any flagged shortcomings.
  • At closing stage (last 8 months of implementation) to draw lessons for a follow-up phase or design future interventions.
Who can use it?

The ROM services are addressed to INTPA and NEAR operational managers to support the management tasks at different moments in the intervention cycle, as shown in the figure below:

What are its strengths?

The ROM system contributes to foster the result-oriented approach of the EU in its international partnerships action. It helps Operational Managers to enhance the focus on results in monitoring and reporting their interventions. In particular, ROM reviews offer an external and impartial judgement on the progress and performance of an intervention, and propose practical recommendations and follow-up actions to address any challenges.

Further, the ROM system allows for consolidated analysis on priority sectors and themes identified by Headquarters and EU Delegations. The Consolidated analysis are produced yearly and gather information and data from the completed ROM activities.

What are its limitations?

The ROM services are on-demand (Support to Design and ROM Reviews) or carried out on a sample of ongoing interventions selected yearly (the Results Data Collection). Therefore, the findings are limited to the sample of interventions that benefitted from the ROM services. This is taken into account when performing consolidated analysis.

Practical application

Key elements

ROM services are provided through independent external experts, the ROM Contractors and their teams of monitoring experts, the ROM experts. Experts are mobilised to carry out remote or field missions according to the service and the context.


How it works

Further Information

How to request this service

Support to Logframe Design, Monitoring and Reporting System

Within 5 days from the request, a ROM expert is assigned to carry out the assignment remotely, involving the Implementing Partners if the Operational Manager considers it useful.  The ROM expert will develop a revised draft of the intervention logic and logframe and/or recommendations on the monitoring and reporting systems.

Support to Logframe Design

ROM Handbook (Chapter 7 and Annex 12)

OM can send an email to the ROM contractor, copying the functional mailbox of the respective DG.


ROM Africa:

ROM Global:

Functional Mailbox :



ROM Enlargement :

Functional Mailbox:

Support to Results Data Collection

A portfolio of interventions is selected by the ROM coordination unit of DG INTPA and DG NEAR.

Operational Managers can validate or propose amendments to this list.

Then, the ROM contractors will liaise with the M&E Focal Point to plan the expert’s mission. The mission can be conducted remotely or in the field.

This service is led by the ROM coordination unit of DG INTPA and DG NEAR.

For any questions, you can write to the functional mailbox of the respective DGs


ROM Reviews

ROM reviews follow a standard methodology based on eight monitoring criteria. The ROM expert conducts first a desk analysis of the intervention documentation and then a field mission to collect evidence and meet the stakeholders and beneficiaries. In the context of the pandemic outbreak, ROM Reviews can be conducted remotely.

ROM Reviews  

ROM Handbook (Chapters 4 & 5 on the service, and Annexes 1-3 on the monitoring criteria, questions and guidance).

OM can flag the need for a ROM review of an intervention through the internal management systems (EAMR or MIS). It is also possible to flag such need at any time during the year through the ROM module.



Intervention documentation (Action document, logical framework, progress reports, any other relevant study and report) is made available to the assigned ROM expert as soon as the mission starts.


The timeframe depends on the type of service. While the Support to Logframe Design and ROM Reviews can be requested when needed by the OM, the Results Data Collection takes place in a determined period, generally between October and March of the following year.

In regard to the duration, it also depends on the type of service and of intervention(s) selected. For example, the service “Support to Logframe Design” has a very short timeframe: from the request of the service by email, the expert is mobilised in one week and can use 1 to 4 days to carry the assignment out, depending on the complexity of the logframe or of the monitoring and reporting system to revise. In case of ROM reviews, the duration of the expert’s mission depends on the number of countries concerned by the intervention. In general, the whole ROM Review process – from the identification to the final report submission – takes approximately 3 months. The duration of a Results Data Collection mission - whether conducted remotely or on the field – depends on the number of interventions to examine.


ROM services are ensured by qualified, independent, and external consultants, mobilised by the ROM Contractors.

Facilities and materials

The ROM Contractors ensure that the necessary facilities and materials are made available for experts to carry out the assignment under each service.

Financial costs and sources

All costs related to the experts’ missions are covered by the ROM Service Contracts.

Tips and tricks



Where to find it

Capacity4Dev: ROM (Result Oriented Monitoring) Group

ROM Manual 2020 (available in EN, FR, ES, PT)

ROM Services and Implementing Partner 

Complementary methodologies and tools

The European Commission (EC), DG INTPA, Guidance on internal monitoring for results

The European Commission (EC), DG INTPA, Guidance on results and indicators for development

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 2010. Glossary of key terms in evaluation and results-based management

The European Union (EU). EU Better Regulation - Tool 41

The European Commission (EC), DG NEAR, 2016. Guidelines on linking planning, programming, monitoring and evaluation.

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