1. Introduction to Results and Monitoring
The European Union (EU) implements most of its external assistance through a large network of Delegations, which translate broad cooperation and development policy objectives into effective actions. EU Delegations and Headquarter Services work under a monitoring, reporting, and evaluation framework to implement international cooperation and development assistance. The framework assesses project performance, results, and implementation issues, evaluates results and sustainability, and in-depth assesses strategies and instruments. Monitoring and reporting occur at the intervention level and is aggregated by the EU for their own legal reporting.
Reporting on Results in OPSYS
In recent years, the European Commission has widely used logical framework matrices (logframes)[1] for signed contracts. However, there has been a significant update since late 2021. Instead of just reporting logframe indicator achievements in narrative reports, implementation partners now need to report through a new IT platform, OPSYS.
OPSYS, a project management tool owned and developed by the European Commission (EC), enables logframe encoding and reporting against indicators (amongst other aspects that are purely internal to the EC).
1.1 Interventions
In OPSYS, logframes are encoded under a new item called "intervention". The Operational Managers create interventions for the relevant contracts, actions, or budgetary guarantee agreements, allowing for adequate reporting on logframe[2] level.
2. Accessing OPSYS logframes
Implementing partners access OPSYS through the Funding & Tender Portal (F&TP). Only the appointed Lead Implementing partner (LIP) for each intervention can submit the Logframe and its updates to the EC via the system.
After signing an agreement or a contract, the LIP cannot access the dedicated space to create and regularly update the Logframe, until the corresponding Operational Manager of the EC assigns this role in the system.
2.1 Level of Permissions
In OPSYS and the F&TP, the “Lead Implementing Partner" is responsible for reporting. The LIP is an actual person with a valid email address and EU Login, appointed by the contractual partner that signed the agreement with the European Commission.
The assigned LIP may grant access to their team members or other partners involved in the agreement. However, these contacts are referred to as Implementing Partners (IPs) in the IT system. A LIP cannot grant access to another LIP.
Lead Implementing Partner
The LIP has to be invited by the Operational Manager. They can enter the logframe framework (results and indicators) as well as current values. They submit the logframe and current values to the Operational Manager.
Additionally, LIPs can use the matching functionality in the logframes.
Implementing Partner
The so-called IPs in the system, can either be invited by a LIP or by the Operational Manager from the EC side. IPs have the same access rights as a LIP and can enter the logframe framework (result and indicators) as well as the current values. However, IPs cannot submit a logframe or the current values to the Operational Manager, and they cannot use the matching functionality.
There is no limitation to how many Lead Implementing Partners and Implementing Partners can be invited to a single intervention, but each Lead Implementing Partner can only see who they invited. Only the Operational Manager on the EU-side has a full overview. There is no “view only” role, and everyone with access rights can make changes to the logframe. |
2.2 Accessing the EU Funding and Tender Portal
Before attempting to access the EU F&TP, users need to ensure they have a valid EU Login. Additionally, to be able to access as Implementing Partner (IP or LIP), users need to first be invited as described in the 2.1 Level of Permissions section, LIP and IPs will receive a notification via the email associated to them in the system after they are invited.
Implementing Partner (IP or LIP) can login to the EU Funding and Tenders Portal by first clicking on the “Sign in” button at the top right of the page, then enter their EU Login credentials (username and password) or use their preferred EU Login authentication method.
Please note that only Implementing Partners who have an active and valid EU Login account will be able to login to the EU Funding and Tenders Portal. If need, please consult the EU Login Guide for more information on how to create an EU Login account. |
Once logged-in, IPs can access their account menu (open by default) from the left menu icon " " in the header of the page.
The displayed options in the menu will depend on the permissions linked to the user’s account (see below).
2.3 Inviting an Implementing Partner
The Lead Implementing Partner (once their access has been granted by the Operational Manager) must first access the Intervention on the Funding and Tenders Portal.
To invite an IP, the LIP will select "My Intervention(s)" (1) from the left main menu in the F&TP, then select from the list the specific intervention for which the IP should be invited, by clicking on the Intervention ID in blue font (2).
Once in the Intervention page, the LIP will:
1) click on the "Implementing partners management" button at the top right of the page.
2) In the Implementing partners management pop-up window: click on the menu icon ( 2) of the Lead Implementing Partner and select the "Add new IP" option.
3) An Add a new IP section opens in the pop-up window, where to enter the e-mail address of the person to give Implementing Partner rights to, and then click on the "Next" button.
If the person has already an EU login a green outline appears to show that.
4) Click on the "Confirm" button to confirm, and an e-mail is sent to the Implementing Partner to notify them of the assignment. They will have immediate access; the email is only for notification.
5) If the person does not have an EU login yet, then the following screen appears:
The first and last name need to be filled, without spelling errors and with correct capitalisation, as this cannot be changed easily again. Then click Confirm.
The person will receive an email inviting them to create an EU Login. If they create it with the exact same email address, they received the invite with, they will have immediate access to the Intervention as soon as they are logged in for the first time.
The person assigned as Implementing Partner can now access the Intervention from "My Intervention(s)" and can enter or update the Logframe by adding or updating indicators and values.
2.4 Removing an Implementing Partner
The Lead Implementing Partner can use the same procedure as indicated in the previous section “How to add an Implementing Partner?” above to access the Implementing partners management pop-up window in the Intervention page.
To remove an IP, the LIP can click on the menu icon of the Implementing Partners to be removed, then select the "Remove" option.
And them click on the "Confirm" button to confirm. The IP will no longer be assigned to the Intervention and lose access immediately.
3. Managing logframes in OPSYS
Logframes in OPSYS must correspond with the contractually agreed logframes and serve as a means to report data collected according to the indicators of the logframes.
3.1 Accessing a logframe
To access a Logframe, the IPs will first login to the Funding & Tenders Portal, and then select My Intervention(s) from the left main menu (1).
On the My Intervention(s) page, the IPs can click on the specific Intervention ID link (2) in the list of Interventions.
If the menu point My Interventions is not available, then the IP has not been invited to any intervention yet. |
On the selected intervention’s page, the IP can click on the “Create Logframe” or “View Logframe” button to view the Logframe.
If there is no logframe entered yet, the button will say “Create Logframe”; as soon as at least one result has been entered and saved, the button will say “View Logframe”.
Logframes can also be accessed directly from:
- The link within concerned notifications, which are accessible from the notifications bell icon at the top right of the page; or
- The task page accessible in My Task(s), with the relevant task for the intervention found in the list of tasks.
3.2 Creating a logframe
In OPSYS, logframe encoding occurs in a two-step process:
- First, the encoding of the results and indicators (including baselines and targets). These require approval by the Operational Manager before current values (achievements to date) can be entered.
- Secondly, the encoding of the current values (which need to be updated, at least annually, whenever the baseline is not in the future).
Generally, it is the IPs or the LIP who initiate the encoding of both the logframe and the current values. At the end of each step, only the LIP can submit the items encoded for approval of the Operational Manager.
3.2.1 Starting from scratch (NEW Logframe)
When there is no (even partial) logframe entered, then clicking the button “Create Logframe” in the intervention leads the IPs directly to the “MANAGEMENT MODE” of the logframe.
Before doing anything else the implementing partner needs to select an outcome profile (see section 3.5.2 for details).
Then the IPs can either:
- Add a result (1); or
- Save as draft Logframe (once at least one result has been created) (2); or
- Cancel the creation of the Logframe (3).
When the draft Logframe has been saved, the IPs can still edit the Logframe before submitting it for review to the Operational Manager via the “Manage Logframe” button on the Logframe page. But saving will close the “Management Mode”. To further edit the logframe, “Manage Logframe” in the top right must be clicked again.
3.3 Adding results to a logframe
To add results to a logframe, the encoder must first ensure she/he is in "MANAGEMENT MODE". If not, the encoder should navigate to this mode by clicking:
- "MANAGE LOGFRAME" from the main or initial logframe view, or
- “REVIEW LOGFRAME” if the logframe is in “To be revised” status.
Once in management mode, new results can be added by clicking on "Add Result" on the right-hand side of the logframe.
To this effect, in the Add Result pop-up window, the result name*, result level*, and result assumptions* can be encoded.
If the result assumptions are not yet defined, then the “To be defined” tick-box should be selected by clicking on it.
- (*) Required fields
Please note that result assumptions are not possible if the result level is set to an “overall objective – impact”.
IPs should click on the “Confirm” button to confirm the creation of the Result.
In the main logframe view, the "Result name" is what is visible and therefore it should show the result as written down in the approved logframe. IPs can include a numbering if the logframe has one but avoid only referencing the numbers as other users will not understand what the indicator is then. The "Result statement" is a box that is only visible when accessing the "Indicator page" for additional information. |
When the Result is added to the Logframe, it requires at least one Indicator to be valid (as part of the Quality Check), by clicking on add indicator(s) (1) and then save.
The Result can also be edited (2) or deleted (3), or new results added (4), before saving.
Deleting a result (to note that any indicators associated with it will also be deleted) will remove it from the logframe.
Editing a result will reopen the pop-up window where the result was initially entered, allowing for modifications.
The encoder should make sure to select the correct Result (if multiple) before deleting as, once deleted, the Result and Indicators (if any) can no longer be recovered. |
3.4 Adding an indicator to a result
In OPSYS, there are two types of indicators: predefined and customised. Predefined indicators are encoded by the EC and can be used by any user. Customised indicators are created from scratch by the user.
For interventions funded by the European Commission's Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), only predefined indicators can be encoded in OPSYS. For interventions funded by DG INTPA and NEAR, predefined indicators should be the first choice, while customized indicators can be encoded if no appropriate predefined indicator is available. Therefore, when developing (usually before the contract is signed) the logframe for an intervention, the IPs should consult the list of available predefined indicators in Capacity4Development.
Predefined indicators are categorised to facilitate understanding and support prioritisation. Groups can be based on thematic areas or where the indicators may be further utilised. The highest priority group is the corporate indicators for legal reporting, which the EC uses for reporting on their achievements in their broader efforts. In this group are included the Global Europe Results Framework of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) III Results Framework and the indicators linked to ‘mandatory’ and ‘mandatory if relevant’ results of the European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus (EFSD+) Results Measurement Framework (ReMF).
The next group consists of other corporate indicators, which are strongly recommended, like the FPI Results Framework, indicators for the Gender Action Plan III (GAP III), or the indicators linked to ‘recommended’ results of the European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus (EFSD+) Results Measurement Framework (ReMF).
Lastly, thematic indicators are proposed such as the SDG indicators or those for specific thematic areas.
3.4.1 Searching and selecting a predefined indicator
For the relevant Result, IPs should select the “Add Indicator” button to add an indicator.
Indicators can be reordered within a single result, but not transferred between results. Remember to click the button for the correct result. |
In the “Add Indicator – Search for an existing Indicator” pop-up window, a list of suggested predefined indicators is displayed. Search for an existing indicator (1) and select the predefined indicator from the list of search results (2) of suggested indicators.
To refine the search, two search criteria are always available: indicator groups and indicator codes.
Indicator groups aid in filtering for pertinent categories, which is particularly beneficial when seeking relevant indicators within a group for corporate reporting purposes.
If the encoder is familiar with a specific indicator, he/she can use the "Indicator's Code" search function to look for its unique identifier. While all indicators for corporate reporting possess a code, numerous others do not.
Under the "More search criteria" button, three additional filter options for indicators are provided. The first one, "Result's type," is typically pre-filled with the level of results from where the encoder clicked "Add Indicator," potentially making some indicators unavailable. Clicking on the white 'x' in a circle within the selection removes that filter (or any other).
The DAC Sector filter can assist in identifying indicators, as each predefined indicator is linked to DAC Codes.
The final filter, "Benefitting Zone," is currently non-functional, so please disregard it.
From the “Add Indicator – Fill Indicator’s Attributes” pop-up window:
Once the predefined indicators are found and selected (by clicking “Next”), the pre-programmed attributes will be displayed and greyed out, as they cannot be changed, such as the unit of measure. The IPs will be able to add/modify the values as required:
- Gender Sensitive: In some cases, an indicator may inherently be gender-sensitive, while in others, the user must determine its sensitivity based on the specific context and application.
- Disaggregation: Some disaggregation types are mandatory (e.g., sex disaggregation for the sub-unit "Person"), while others are optional to activate, depending on the data collected by the specific intervention. Mandatory disaggregation types show up for all values, but not all options have to be filled out.
- Source of data (SoD) type and sub-type: Some SoD types are mandatory, while others are optional to activate, depending on the sources of data collected of the specific intervention.
Gender sensitivity refers to the awareness and consideration of how a particular indicator may affect different genders differently. It involves evaluating whether the indicator adequately addresses the diverse needs, experiences, and perspectives of all genders. In some cases, an indicator may inherently be gender-sensitive, while in others, the user must determine its sensitivity based on the specific context and application. |
Scrolling down, the next section is the one on baseline and target values (as well as intermediate targets; see relevant section).
Both baseline and target values are mandatory to either be encoded directly or marked as “To be defined”. The option “To be defined” should only be used when there is a plan to gather or define the values in the near future. Should it be impossible to define the baseline or target value, then the indicators need to be revised to ensure data collection is possible.
Baseline dates for impact-level indicators might rely on the latest published figures or reports, which can be years old. However, for outcome and output-level indicators, the baseline should align with the start of the intervention's relevant part or component. When activities commence in the second or third year, the baseline should be set accordingly. The year and month are the key focus in dating, while the day is less significant. Total baseline values can be 0, particularly for output-level indicators.
It is now mandatory to provide sex-disaggregated data when counting people (persons) in OPSYS. IPs must ensure that their M&E system collects and stores disaggregated data accordingly. |
Final target dates should fall within the intervention's timeframe. On impact level, as recent data might not be available yet, older data can be accepted. For outcome and output level, target dates should align with the end of the activities the indicator measures, but not later than the contractual end date.
When the baseline isn't zero, and the indicator's logic allows aggregation (summing up), the target and current values must include the baseline value for cumulative reporting in OPSYS.
The most common case of cumulative reporting involves quantitative, numerical indicators starting with "Number of…" in OPSYS. Conversely, percentage-based and qualitative indicators cannot be cumulative, and neither can numeric indicators representing rankings or averages, such as “average income”. |
Once the required fields have been completed and the IPs/LIP has verified the encoded data, click on the “Confirm” button to confirm the addition of the indicator to the result.
When the indicator being encoded is a customised indicator, the IPs can proceed to create it in OPSYS because customised indicators are not pre-encoded in the system. This is only possible for DG INTPA and NEAR, following the steps detailed in the next section.
3.4.2 Encoding a customised indicator[3]
Customised indicators are created only for interventions funded by DGs INTPA and NEAR. At design phase of the intervention, if there are no pertinent predefined indicators to measure a result in the suggested list of indicators, then a customised indicator will be formulated that will have to be created in OPSYS when encoding the logframe.
Customised Indicators are classified by intervention and by the user that created them, and:
- Can be created, modified or deleted by Operational Managers, Lead Implementing Partners or Implementing Partners;
- Are only suggested to the specific user that created them but can be used in other Interventions for which that same user has access.
To search for a previously encoded customised indicator, IPs should proceed as follows:
For the relevant Result, the “Add Indicator” button should be clicked.
If the previously encoded customised indicator can be found, it can be selected the same way as a predefined indicator.
If there is no indicator in the list, then click on the “Create new Indicator” button to encode a new one.
To create a new customised indicator:
In the “Add Indicator – Fill Indicator’s Attributes” pop-up window:
The encoder must fill in the indicator information (attributes) according to the contractually agreed logframe, ensuring compliance and accuracy.
- Indicator name (*) – This is the actual text of the indicator.
- Indicator description – Further information that supports the understanding of the indicator.
- Indicator type (*) – “Quantitative” or “Qualitative”.
- Value type – Required if indicator type is “Quantitative”, and can be “Percentage” or “Numeric”.
- Qualitative type – If indicator type is “Qualitative”, as selected option from drop-down list.
- Unit of measure – If indicator type is “Quantitative” and value type is “Numeric”, then an option should be selected from the drop-down list (e.g. number of, kilometres, jobs, megawatts, etc.); The “number of” unit of measure has two sub-types, persons and other. Persons should be selected whenever people are counted, and then sex disaggregation becomes mandatory.
- Gender sensitive – The user must determine its sensitivity based on the specific context and application.
- Disaggregation type (e.g. sex, wealth quintile, geo-location, etc.).
- Source of data (SoD) type and sub-type describes the source of the data for reporting purposes.
- Values (Baseline and Target) – For each value, the Date (*), Total (*), Disaggregation (if relevant) and Comments (optional) are entered. Additional intermediate targets will be added by the system and can be adjusted (see section 3.5).
- (*) Required fields
Once IPs have completed the required fields and have verified the encoded data, they should click on the “Confirm” button to confirm the creation of the customised indicator and its values and the indicator it is automatically added to the Result under which it was created.
To prevent data loss, it's advisable to frequently save the logframe as a draft while encoding, especially with an unstable internet connection. When the "Save as Draft" button is pressed, the logframe is stored, mitigating the risk of data loss. To resume editing, access the logframe again through "Manage Logframe" |
3.4.3 Editing an indicator
To edit/modify an Indicator the encoder must first access and enter the “MANAGEMENT MODE” of the Logframe – as described before.
Then, for the relevant Result and Indicator, the “Edit Indicator” button is selected to edit the indicator.
In the “Edit Indicator – Fill Indicator’s Attributes” pop-up window:
The indicator information (attributes) is edit as required.
- (*) Required fields
Please note that once the Logframe is approved, IPs may only edit the dates and values (baseline, intermediate and final target), and add a comment to an indicator. Further disaggregation can be added, but not removed. Neither can the text be changed or the units of measure and type of indicator.
Once the encoder has completed the required fields and has verified the encoded data, she/he should click on the “Confirm” button to confirm the modification of the indicator and its values to the Result.
It is recommended to save the Logframe as draft after any modification to Result(s) and Indicator(s).
When modifying an approved logframe, its status reverts to "draft" mode. Even if the "Save as Draft" button is pressed without any changes, the logframe will still enter draft mode. In draft mode, current values cannot be accessed or managed, so the logframe must be resubmitted for approval and approved by the OMs before any current value can be encoded or edited. |
3.4.4 Removing an Indicator
To delete an Indicator the IPs must first access and enter the “MANAGEMENT MODE” of the Logframe.
However, the IPs cannot delete an Indicator if it contains Current Value(s) in any status.
First, IPs must delete the Current Value(s) before proceeding to delete the indicator. Current Value(s) are only accessible when the logframe is in the “Approved” status.
Second, for the relevant Result and Indicator, the IPs should click on the drop-down arrow button and then select the “Delete Indicator” option to delete the Indicator from the Result of the Logframe.
Important note: Once an Indicator from a Result is deleted, it can no longer be recovered! All the related values and information (e.g. baselines and targets) will also be deleted – and IPs will need to add a new indicator to the Result, along with its values.
Third, in the “Delete Indicator” pop-up window, the IPs should click on the “Continue” button to confirm the deletion of the indicator.
It is recommended to save the Logframe as draft after any modification to Result(s) and Indicator(s).
3.5 Intermediate targets
A logframe provides data on target achievement that is used by the EC internally for performance measurement. To ensure meaningful performance scores, intermediate targets (milestones) are necessary. Performance at indicator level can be assessed by comparing the current value (what we have) with the intermediate target (what we should have) for the same date.
Intermediate targets can be tedious to define and to encode. Therefore, intermediate targets are automatically generated for outputs and outcomes for all June 30 and December 31 dates between the baseline and final target dates.
3.5.1 Output indicators
For outputs, the intermediate targets will be generated by default using a linear function between baseline-date and value, and final target-date and value.
Each intermediate target is one of the red points in the graph above.
The graphs can be found, when clicking on “Access Indicator’s Page” in the main logframe view.
3.5.2 Outcome indicator profiles
For outcomes, which usually progress non-linearly, three non-linear profiles are suggested for automatic intermediate target generation. The outcome profile must be specified initially but can be changed later. Additionally, the automatically generated intermediate targets can be revised or removed as required.
The outcome profiles are:
a. Steady progress: The outcomes are achieved continuously throughout the second half of implementation.
This profile assumes a linear progress in the second half of implementation, whereas the target values are equal to the baseline value (here 0) in the first half of implementation.
b. Accelerating progress: The outcomes are achieved towards the end of the second half of implementation.
c. Progress at end of the intervention: The outcomes are mostly achieved at the end of the second half of implementation.
d. None of the above: Intermediate targets will be encoded manually.
When no intermediate target is encoded manually, then the same approach will be taken by the system by default, as for output level indicators, which is a linear one but starting from the baseline date.
Please note that these automatically generated intermediate targets can always be modified later if needed, either collectively by changing the outcome profile selection or individually by changing specific intermediate targets. |
3.5.2 Selecting an Outcome indicator Profile
The profile is now visible at the top view of the logframe.
In existing logframe, the above profile a) (linear) is chosen. When a logframe is newly encoded, the encoder needs to select a profile as part of the encoding of the logframe.
The outcome profile can be changed by clicking on “Manage Logframe” to enter the “Management Mode”.
In the Management Mode, there is a new button “Outcome Profile Selection” with a “?” next to it. The question mark provides further explanations.
The new pop-up window explains the different options again as well as the usage of them. The encoder (IPs, LIP, OMs) can select the relevant profile. If a profile is changed, a justification is mandatory:
Should option d) be selected (none of the profiles are relevant), then an explanation in addition to a justification change is required. The system provides a reminder that there is a high risk involved with selecting option d), as not encoding intermediate targets manually will lead to a linear assumption directly between baseline and target, without a grace period (first half of the implementation period) as for the profiles:
As the outcome profiles create intermediate targets, the selection/change of it, needs to be approved by the Operational Manager, as any other logframe change.
The intermediate targets are created when the “Save as draft” button is pressed. Please note that the first time this procedure is implemented for an indicator it can take longer to get back to the main view.
In the main view the targets are not immediately visible, as the logframe is now in “Draft” mode, and the intermediate targets are visible on the Indicator Page, that is only accessible when the logframe is in “Approved” status.
Once the logframe is submitted and approved, the intermediate targets are visible in the page table.
3.5.3 Editing intermediate targets
To edit the intermediate targets, before submitting the logframe or at a later date, the Management Mode has to be opened again via “Manage Logframe”.
Manual editing of targets has to be done indicator by indicator. The user needs to click on “Edit Indicator” for the indicator where the intermediate targets are to be changed.
If there are no intermediate targets yet, the logframe was not saved as draft after the selection of the outcome profile. |
The intermediate targets are numbered starting at 1.
For each target, different options are possible:
- Delete the target: Using the trash icon on the right-hand side, the target can be removed.
- Date: The date can be changed but must be after the baseline date and before the final target date.
- Total: The calculated total can be changed.
- Disaggregation: In case the indicator has disaggregation options, those can be added or changed.
- Comment: A comment can be added.
Should the baseline or target date or value need to change, then all intermediate targets should be deleted, and the system will re-introduce them the next time the logframe is saved as draft. This is necessary, as there may be errors, when the target value is for example reduced and the logic would not hold true anymore.
Any change to the intermediate target has to be submitted to and approved by the Operational Manager.
3.6 Submitting a logframe
Logframes follow a review mechanism for validation purposes, ensuring a consistent exchange, follow-up, and data-quality assurance between the Operational Managers and Implementing Partners.
The review mechanism is controlled by a status workflow, which includes review functions and status transitions to facilitate the review mechanism.
The status of the logframe is shown in the top left corner of the main view of the logframe (also in “Management Mode”).
Results and Indicators form the structure of a logframe. If any additions or changes are made to Results and Indicators, the Operational Manager must (re)approve the Logframe structure before Implementing Partners can add or edit any current values. Therefore, before submitting the Logframe, ensure that the information in the logframe, Results, and Indicators is complete and correct.
To begin the review process, click on “Submit Logframe”. Only the Lead Implementing Partner can see and use this button. Once the button is clicked and while the Logframe is in “Pending for Approval” status, the Logframe is locked for the Implementing Partners.
As shown in the diagram above, the Operational Manager can either “Approve” the Logframe or request a change. If changes are requested, the Logframe status changes to “To be Revised” and is locked for the Operational Manager until the Implementing Partner resubmits it.
- If the Logframe is "To beRevised"
The Implementing Partner receives an e-mail notification, and a notification and task is generated in the Funding & Tenders Portal, inviting them to revise the Logframe.
The encoder needs to click on the “Review Logframe” button at the top right of the page (only displayed if the Logframe is in the “To be revised” status). The Logframe is displayed in “REVIEW MODE”.
The IPs can revise the Logframe by:
i) Identifying the sections(Results and/or Indicators) that need to be revised, which are indicated by the thumbs-down(1) ");
", icon, indicator (2), and relevant required comments (3ii) Reading the relevant comments either in the concerned section (3), or in the comments box (4) on the right (displayed in chronological order, with the most recent at the top);
iii) Taking the necessary actions by using the appropriate action buttons (5) to add/edit/delete Results and/or Indicators (as required), or to read/add " " comments.
Remember to “Save as draft” (6) or “Submit Logframe” (7) (only Lead Implementing Partner) for review to the Operational Manager once all the required modifications have been applied.
When the logframe is submitted after revision, the logframe is resent to the Operational Manager for review.
3.7 Current Values
The entered current values should be substantiated by and confirmed in the narrative reports.
3.7.1 Adding Current Values
To add a current value, the logframe needs to be in “Approved” status.
At each round of reporting , ALL indicators have to be reported against based on the narrative report even if there is no change from the last report, or work has not started yet, but the baseline is passed.
Current values can be added by either clicking “Add Value” directly on the main logframe view, or when the user has entered an Indicator page.
In the main logframe view, the button is hidden under the blue arrow down, next to the button “Access Indicator’s page”:
On the Indicator’s page, the button is more prominent:
Clicking on either option of “Add Value” will open a pop-up to report the latest value.
The pop-up has various fields with some of them being mandatory (*):
- Current value date*: This is the date of the value, not the date of the encoding. It should be the same as the date of the narrative report that clarifies this value. The date has to be later than the baseline date, and before or on the final target date.
- Current value*: This is the actual current value, that needs to be reported cumulatively where applicable.
- N/A: Not applicable should be selected if no data could be collected against an indicator. It is not the same as reporting “0”, which is a value. If N/A is selected, a justification has to be provided why no data is collected.
- Disaggregation: Any disaggregation that was activated (for predefined indicators) or selected (for customised) is visible here. Disaggregation options should be filled whenever they have been selected and are required for sex disaggregation of people.
- Source(s) of data*: The options available/selected are shown here. Though, others can be added, or the existing ones can be removed, if there is change. Ideally, the location is filled with a page number of the document that is referenced for the value.
- Comment: Each current value has a comment field where further explanation can be provided, for example local geographic disaggregation options that are not available in OPSYS.
- (*) Required fields
Once all mandatory fields are filled, the user can click on “Save” in the bottom right corner of the pop-up and the value is added in “Draft” to the respective indicator.
Values need to be reported cumulatively. It means that when the logic of a quantitative numerical indicator allows for aggregation (most “number of” indicators), the baseline AND all achievement to date needs to be combined in one figure. Example: In Year 1, the current value is 150 (baseline + Year1). In Year 2, the current value is 225 (baseline + Year 1 + Year 2. |
3.7.2 Editing Current Values
Any current value can be edited at any moment, but the value will move to the status “Draft” again.
To edit a value, the indicator’s page needs to be accessed by clicking on “Access Indicator’s Page” of the respective indicator in question.
Current values have three buttons at the end of the row in the indicator’s page.
This " " opens the specific current value details, without being able to change anything. The same button is available for baseline, intermediate target and final target values, which can only be changed via “Manage Logframe”.
This " " is the button to edit a current value. When clicked, the initial pop-up with the details opens, and anything can be changed. As soon as the changes are saved, the user cannot undo the action anymore.
This " " is the symbol to delete/remove a current value.
3.7.3 Removing Current Values
Any current value can be removed at any moment. This action cannot be undone.
To remove a value, the indicator’s page needs to be accessed by clicking on “Access Indicator’s Page” of the respective indicator in question.
In the table, the " button is clicked for the current value in question. Once confirmed the value is removed and cannot be restored.
"3.7.4 Submitting Current Values
Once all indicator values are updated according to the latest narrative report and the intervention’s M&E system, the LIP needs to submit the current values to the Operational Manager for review.
From the main view of the logframe, the status of current values cannot be assessed, as this is only visible from the indicator’s page and thus slightly difficult to assess because this information is on value-level and some may be approved, while others are still in draft.
As for the logframe review, the Operational Manager has several options when reviewing the values:
- They can approve all values.
- They approve some values and request adjustments for others.
- They request adjustments for all values.
In case of option 1, all current values that were sent for approval are now “Approved”. As the logframe is not blocked during this process, it is possible that further current values are encoded while the Operational Manager has done the review. Thus, only the current value approved are those that were part of the approval cycle.
In case of option 2 or 3, the indicators requested for change are now in the status of “To be revised”. The IP can open the revision and change the indicators accordingly.
The values have to be sent back for approval, once all required changes are made.
3.8 Matching Indicators
Relevant corporate indicators from the respective results frameworks (such as Global Europe Results Framework, Instrument for Pre-Accession III Results Framework, FPI Results Framework) should ideally be identified during the design phase of new interventions and then incorporated into the logframe and encoded directly (please note that corporate indicators are a subset of the predefined indicators).
Predefined indicators should ideally be directly encoded into the logframe to take advantage from the baseline and target features that are not available for matching indicators, as well as from the availability of all disaggregation options (matching only allows for sex disaggregation).
If the logframe is contractually approved and changes are no longer possible, then the matching functionality to make the links to the relevant corporate indicators can be used as described below.
Matching is employed to enable reporting against corporate indicators, even if these are not part of the logframe. Ideally, the existing logframe indicator should be "matched" to an appropriate corporate indicator , which generally measures a similar aspect. Units of measure may differ, but the matched indicator will be utilised to calculate the total value of the corporate indicator.
3.8.1 Adding Matching Indicator
To add a matching indicator, the logframe needs to be in “Approved” status. Only LIPs and OMs can use this functionality in OPSYS.
Clicking on “Add matching Indicator” will open the same pop-up as in the “Management Mode” when the button “Add Indicator” is clicked.
The LIP needs then to search for the respective matching indicator that has been identified to report against. They can make use of the various filters, such as for the respective group of indicators. Each corporate results framework has their own group, and this can be reviewed in the Capacity for Development (Cap4dev) site.
The user searches for the correct indicator, and then clicks “Next”. A summary page on the indicator, for information only, will be visible.
When clicking “Confirm”, the matching indicator is directly added to the logframe, below the logframe indicator it is attached to.
Matching indicators are not part of the approval process; thus, the LIP can add them without having to send the logframe for approval. However, their current values have to be approved, as any other current value in the logframe. |
3.8.2 Editing Matching Indicator
Matching indicators cannot be edited, as they are selected from the list of predefined indicators in OPSYS, and no baseline and target values are to be encoded.
3.8.3 Removing Matching Indicator
If there is no current value (including N/A) encoded, (1) the LIP can directly remove a match by clicking on “Delete Matching Indicator” (2) in the main logframe view.
3.8.4 Adding Current Values to Matching Indicators
Current values of matching indicators can be added by either clicking “Add Value” directly on the main logframe view, or when the user has entered an indicator’s page.
In case of adding the value via the indicator’s page, the user needs to pay attention to click on the correct “Add Value” as the logframe indicator also has that button. The correct button can be identified by the headline “Matching Indicators values by indicator”.
Current values can now be added by the IP or LIP, as this is not a restricted action anymore. |
The most important part of adding a value to a matching indicator is to ensure that reporting happens in the correct unit of measure.
- In the screenshot above, the top part shows the value date and value of the logframe indicator with which the match is done.
The next section is on the matching value itself.
- Value date: This should be the same date as the logframe indicator it is matched to, as there is no new observation.
- Total: This is the value of the matching indicator (with the calculation done). N/A is to be clicked if the value is Not available.
- Source(s) of Data: This is taken over from the logframe indicator, and nothing should be done.
- Calculation method: This is where any calculation is explained in detail, allowing users of data and quality reviewers to understand the relationship between the unit of measure and the unit of measure of the matching indicator.
- Comment: Here the match can be further explained (especially, if it is not obvious from the name of the indicators) or any other important and relevant information on the current value be included.
Once everything is filled out correctly and with the required level of detail, “Save” is clicked to add the value in “Draft” status to the logframe.
To submit the value, please see section 3.7.4.
3.8.5 Editing Current Value of Matching Indicator
Any current value can be edited at any moment, but the value will move to the status “Draft” again.
To edit a value, the indicator’s page needs to be accessed by clicking on “Access indicator’s Page” of the respective indicator.
Matched Current values have three buttons at the end of the row in the indicator’s page.
This opens " " the specific current value details, without being able to change anything. The same button is available for baseline, intermediate target and final target values, which can only be changed via “Manage Logframe”.
This " " is the button to edit a current value. The initial pop-up with the details opens, and anything can be changed. As soon as the changes are saved, the user cannot undo the action anymore.
This " " is the symbol to delete/remove a current value.
3.8.6 Removing Current Value from Matching Indicator
Any matched current value can be removed at any moment. This action cannot be undone.
To remove a value, the indicator’s page needs to be accessed by clicking on “Access Indicator’s" page of the respective indicator.
In the table, the " button is clicked for the current value in question. Once confirmed, the value is removed and cannot be restored.
" bin3.9 Error messages
There are two options for error messages when creating or updating logframes in OPSYS. One is the quality check, and the other are validation errors.
3.9.1 Quality Check errors
An automated basic Quality Check by the system is applied to the logframe and its components (results and indicators) as soon as the logframe is created. The Quality Check runs continuously as modifications or updates are applied.
The status of the Quality Check can be either “OK” (in green), or “INVALID” (in orange), and the validation is achieved when:
- The Logframe has at least one Result; and
- The Result is valid; and
- Each Result has at least one Indicator; and
- The indicator is valid.
The Quality Check (1) of the Logframe will display a validation message (2) to inform the user if the Logframe is “INVALID”.
The quality check does not check the quality of entered results or indicators. |
3.9.2 Validation errors summary
In both the main and management views, a summary of validation errors is displayed, showing any issues found in the logframe. The error summary uses a multi-layered, multi-line visualisation, with each layer/line providing additional information about the location and type of the error. Each layer can be opened to get further information and access the next layer.
First layer
The first line only provides information on the intervention the error is located. As the visualisation is within the logframe, there is no additional information in this line. Click the little arrow at the right-hand side of the line to expand the next line.
Second layer
The next layers refer to the Result within the logframe where the error is located and may show many lines (as below) if there are several issues within that result.
Third layer
The next layer shows the indicator (if the error is on indicator level). Visible also in the screenshot above.
Fourth layer
The fourth is the last layer and is shown if the error is on current (actual) value level. It then provides information for what the error is.
Common error phrases and their meaning
An error can occur during the encoding of information in OPSYS, or when the system is enhanced, leading to new rules or features being implemented causing previously entered data to become incorrect.
Value date: Duplicate Entry
This statement pertains to an error related to current values. When entering current values into OPSYS, there are two significant dates to consider:
- "Last update" date: This date is automatically captured by the system and allows for duplicate entries. It represents the date when someone last entered the value or made changes to it.
- "Value date": This is the date of the observation for which the value is being encoded. This is where errors can occur. There should not be two values for the same value date, as this would either result in a complete duplicate (if the values are identical) or conflicting information (if the values differ).
To resolve value date error, there are two options:
- Modify the date of one of the entries: the encoder can do this by using the "edit" button at the end of the row of the current value in OPSYS.
- Remove one of the duplicates: by using the "trash" icon at the end of the row to delete the redundant entry.
Any of the two actions should be performed to ensure that there is only one unique value for each date in the system.
Justification: Missing mandatory value
This error was triggered by a change in the rules, rather than being directly caused by a user's action. However, it still needs to be addressed for proper logframe use. The logframe must be in "approved" status to enable the resolution of this issue.
In OPSYS, it is acceptable to have values marked as "N/A" (not available). However, the system requires a justification for this. If the justification is missing, an error will occur.
To resolve this error, the current value in question needs to be edited, via the “edit” button on the indicator’s page
Then, the IPs should provide the justification in the "edit indicator value" pop-up.
The "N/A" option should only be used in specific circumstances, for instance if the activities or work an indicator reports on have not yet started. This can be indicated using baseline dates, which show when the work is set to begin. No reporting is required before the baseline value date. Also, "N/A" can be used in the case of a temporary force majeure event that hinders data collection. However, if data collection is generally impracticable, the indicator must be revised or replaced to facilitate data collection. |
[1] For further information on the logframe approach and the logframe matrix please refer to the Intervention Cycle Management (ICM) guide and DG NEAR Programming, M&E WIKI.
[2] Results framework in the case of blending and budgetary guarantees.
[3] Not applicable to FPI. Refer to explanations under chapter 2.4