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Awareness Videos and Video Tutorials

Webinars for Implementing Partners


Avail all webinars in INTPA Academy, click on 'Resources' in the menu and select 'Webinar'. All OPSYS related webinars are available in the category 'Financial & Contractual Procedures'.


For more details please consult the OPSYS Onboarding page

e-Learning Videos


Click on the link for information on How to navigate in the Funding and Tenders Portal?


PIC registration and validation + LEAR appointment

Introduction to Primary Interventions

Link to downloadable video

Contribution Agreements module in OPSYS

1. Introduction to PIC registration and validation in the Funding and Tenders Portal 

Link to video

2. Sign a Contribution Agreement Contract electronically in the F&T Portal

Link to video

3. Upload deliverables in the Funding and Tenders Portal

Link to video

Results and Monitoring on Interventions for Implementing Partners

Grant access to Implementing Partners in OPSYS - MyWorkplace 

>> Click here to view the documentation on cooperating with Implementing Partners, Contractors or Experts.

Create a Logframe and add a Result in the F&T portal.

Click on the respective link to view the documentation on how to create a Logframe, and how to add a Result.

FAQs - Logframe Management

Access the video subtitled in FR, ES, PT

Create and add an Indicator

>> Click here to view the documentation on Indicators.

FAQs - Logframe Management

Access the video subtitled in FR, ES, PT

Add a Current Value to an Indicator

>> Click here to view the documentation on Current Values.

FAQs - Logframe Management

Access the video subtitled in FR, ES, PT

Select and add a Core Indicator in the Funding and Tenders Portal

Follow the progression status of a Logframe

>> Click here to view the documentation on Logframes.

FAQs - Logframe Management

Access the video subtitled in FR, ES, PT

How are the Logframe (Results and Indicators) and Current Values approved - The Review Mechanism

Link to video

Click on the link for further information on How are the Logframe and Current Values approved?


Apply for a Grant in EU External Actions

Look for a Call for Proposal in OPSYS Funding and Tenders Portal

Link to video

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