Important announcement:
From the 19th of October 2022, users will need use an EU Login 2-factor verification method to access ROM. If not already done, please login to your EU Login account and activate this service. It is recommended that you download the EU Login app from your mobile phone’s app store to use as a verification method, and confirm validation requests via a PIN code, face ID, QR code, etc. Please view the EU Login Guide for more information, or if you need help, please contact EC External Relations Application Support (ERAS).
As of March 2023, the ROM module is integrated in to OPSYS:
All ROM reviews created in the legacy system ROM module before March 2023 will continue to be managed in that system until completion (see documentation below for the legacy system ROM module).
Results Oriented Monitoring - ROM
Please note that this page is addressed to all ROM users from outside the European Commission (i.e. ROM Contractors and ROM Experts). For all the other roles, please access the ROM page on our internal RELEX Wiki.
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What is the ROM module?
The ROM module is used by DG INTPA, DG NEAR, EU Delegations and ROM contractors/experts for the management of the ROM process and documents. This new tool was developed following the Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) reform, adopted in May 2014, and the issue of the new ROM Handbook in March 2015.
The ROM module covers the full cycle of ROM reviews for projects and programmes, from the preparation of the work plan to the finalisation of the ROM review and response of the EC services.
The ROM module brings major improvements to the ROM process:
- It reduces the workload for all actors, offering significant gains of time for Operational Managers (when commenting on a report) and for contractors (when downloading CRIS documentation);
- It supports the shift from a contractor-driven ROM system to one driven by EC services;
- It improves the quality of final ROM reports, by introducing the possibility for EC services to comment drafts;
- It improves data quality as project information is retrieved from CRIS rather than entered manually;
- It offers an improved multi-criteria search function, based on project and ROM information as well as on the text of ROM reports.
The ROM module will be integrated into Opsys.
The ROM module is used by all the actors in the ROM process:
- The ROM Coordination Unit (INTPA 05)
- The ROM Coordinators at Directorate level
- The ROM Focal Points in Units and Delegations
- The Operational Managers
- The ROM Contractors and Experts
All INTPA and NEAR staff has access to the ROM module and can consult ROM reports using the "Search" functionality.
The workplan for the ROM missions is prepared using the "Workplan" functionality:
- The CONTRACTOR estimates the projects that can be reviewed within the available budget;
- The OPERATIONAL MANAGER enters project location, availability for missions, implementing partners' contracts
- The CONTRACTOR indicates the proposed experts and mission dates;
- The OPERATIONAL MANAGER identifies any conflict of interest at the expert level;
- The ROM COORDINATION TEAM approves the mission.
The ROM missions and related reports are managed using the "Production" functionality:
- ROM EXPERT(S) download project documents and editable PDF templates for reporting;
- After the ROM mission and a process of internal quality control, the ROM CONTRACTOR uploads the ROM report and the Monitoring Questions template with answers (draft and final versions);
- The OPERATIONAL MANAGER comments both versions and establishes a Follow-up Plan based on the ROM report recommendations.
Open the ROM module in Firefox or Chrome using the following link:
The ROM module is available in English and French.
For any question, please contact EC External Relations Application Support (ERAS).