What it is?
The Guidance on Internal Monitoring for Results is a step-by-step guide for monitoring projects and programmes by the Operational Managers. It describes the approach, sequence of actions, methods and resources used for internal monitoring.
The Guidance was developed by INTPA D4 - Performance, Results and Evaluation; Internal Communication, Knowledge Management and Collaborative Methods", based on experience with the Quality Review process on the formulation of logical framework matrices and description of monitoring and reporting systems. It was also inspired by lessons learned from the results reporting and Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) processes.
This document benefited from inputs sent by 61 colleagues from EU Delegations and INTPA HQ who responded to a survey regarding current practices and possible improvement of processes and support tools in the design of EU funded interventions in May-June 2018.
What can it be used for?
The primary objective of this Guidance is to serve as a reference document for internal monitoring, strengthening the capacities of the Operational Managers and, consequently, to contribute to a more result-oriented implementation of development actions.
When can it be used?
The Guidance presents practical, step-by-step processes and checklists for Operational Managers who are managing different monitoring systems. It also outlines the contributions expected from implementing partners, country partners and other stakeholders, which the Operational Managers are following up on in order to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of development cooperation.
Who can use it?
The guidance can be used by staff managing interventions (Operational Managers), both in Delegations and Headquarters.
What are its strengths?
This guidance replaces the reference document "Strengthening Project Internal Monitoring" (2007) and integrates new terminology, tools and templates that have been introduced since then. It also provides links with the new IT operational system (OPSYS).
What are its limitations?
Practical application
Key elements
The Guidance offers a practical approach to key aspects of internal monitoring of an EU-funded intervention, throughout its different phases:
Tool | What it is useful for? |
Chapter 1. INTPA Monitoring & Reporting Systems: Global Overview | The first two chapters of the guidance explain the legal-regulatory and procedural framework for monitoring at corporate, instrument and operation levels. They also outline the roles and responsibilities of the Commission and its counterparts, the implementing and development partners, and other stakeholders. |
Chapter 3. Design Phase | Chapters 3-4 explain the logic, requirements and best practices for designing and managing monitoring systems throughout the intervention cycle. Key issues covered by the guidance are outlined in Figure 1 below). |
Figure 2: Process chart
As monitoring is done through a diverse set of tools, the specific requirements in terms of information and data collection methods are defined by the Operational Manager and implementing partner.
The timeframe is closely linked to the purpose of the analysis and already available information: The collection of an entirely new set of data through a survey may require several months, whereas the maintenance of a beneficiary list can be less time consuming but extended all along the project cycle. Some statistics, i.e. from the government or international organizations, are available on a regular basis and may only require additional time in case some processing is needed (i.e. disaggregation, comparison across locations, etc.).
The selection of monitoring tools should always be compatible with the competencies of the people in charge of data collection, analysis and reporting.
Facilities and materials
The required facilities and materials depend on the selection of the monitoring tool and approach.
Financial costs and sources
Monitoring costs should be included in the intervention budget, including any baseline/endline surveys, qualitative and quantitative assessments and other studies that may be required to collect the necessary data.
Tips and tricks
Where to find it
Internal Monitoring for Results (currently under revision)
Complementary methodologies and tools
- The European Commission (EC): The Exact External Wiki : Introduction to Results and Monitoring
- The European Commission (EC): Guidance for Monitoring & Evaluation Focal Points at INTPA
- The European Commission (EC), DG INTPA, Guidance on Results and Indicators for Development
- The European Commission (EC), DG INTPA, Result-Oriented Monitoring (ROM)
- EU Learn: training on Monitoring
- The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 2010. Glossary of key terms in evaluation and results-based management
- The European Union (EU). Better Regulation Guidelines
- The European Commission (EC), DG INTPA. Gender Mainstreaming Resource Package: Indicators for measuring results on gender equality