This chapter presents a set of guides, methodologies and tools available to INTPA staff in developing and implementing interventions to ensure they are in line with the principles and values of the European Union. They are regrouped in two main categories:
INTPA / EC essential methodologies are methodologies and tools that have been adopted or developed by INTPA and the European Commission, to reflect the specificities of our approach to development cooperation. This include, notably, the methodologies related to political priorities identified by the Commission: what must be considered when designing and implementing and intervention. Complementary methodologies , have been developed by INTPA and the European Commission, to reflect the specificities of our approach to development cooperation, and that may be useful in specific context and specific field of intervention.
General / horizontal methodologies are methodologies and tools that have not been developed by INTPA and/or the European Commission, but have been broadly adopted by the development community. They provide horizontal support in the design and implementation of intervention
Each of these is presented as a separate 'fiche' which captures its main characteristics. In this way, the operational manager will know at a glance which guides, methodologies and tools are appropriate to the intervention at hand.
Every fiche is hyperlinked:
- backward: to the applicable intervention cycle phase/analysis outlined in the previous chapters
- forward: to the complete guide, methodology or tool where available online
- horizontally: to complementary or similar guides, methodologies and tools
In selecting the guides, methodologies and tools presented in this section, first priority was given to those produced and/or validated by DG INTPA, followed by, respectively, those produced or validated by the European Commission and those which are internationally recognised.