The Project Log screen displays certain project-related events that occur during a project's life cycle. It consists of a single view of the history of all transactions, notifications, and status changes at project level.
This functionality is available for both KA1 and KA2 and shows a variety of project-related events which were created, updated, or deleted either by the National Agency, the system or the beneficiary.
The project log only displays such project-related events that have occurred after the implementation of this feature in Mobility Tool+ on 20/06/2018. Information on claims is only displayed as of 02/10/2018 onward,
the release date of Mobility Tool+ version 4.2.
The project log is accessible via the main project page of Mobility Tool+ (Details tab).
The Project log screen is divided into three sections: 2. The Search functionality 3. The list of events By default the Project Log opens on the All tab. In this view all events recorded in the project are visible. The following functionalities are available on all the tabs (Organisation, Budget, Claim, Email, All) available on the project log. The details line contains the following information: Displayed columns can be adjusted. See the next paragraph. The Search bar allows you to search for specific items. Type a combination of letters and press the Enter button to display matching events. As in other lists in Mobility Tool+, it is also possible to add/remove columns in the Project Log. Click the Add/Remove Columns icon and make your selection. Click Done to save any changes. By default all options are selected for display. You can sort the list by clicking on the column names - a small arrow is displayed, which allows you to sort items in ascending or descending order. The example below shows the list sorted by Group type. Clicking the View icon next to every event in the list enables users to see the details of the event. The same happens when clicking on the hyperlink in the Action Description column. Clicking the hyperlink in the Entity column will display the Log Details window, with the details of the change. The example below shows the change of a contact telephone number, made by the beneficiary user. Clicking on the hyperlink in column Entity will open, if available, the respective window that event belongs to. In this example the Contact Details window opens in view mode when clicking the entity link for a changed organisation event. The export options allows the export of selected records to a PDF, XLS or CSV file. Click the export icon, select the events to be exported (all in this page, all existing records) and the file type to export to. Then follow the screen instructions to either download and save the file or open it immediately. The Organisation tab contains the information about the creation, update and deletion of organisation and contact details. The following example shows a change in the user's surname. The Budget tab shows the list of all items that have been inserted and deleted with regards to the budget. Such events include updates or the deletion of budget items such as Exceptional Cost or Special Needs. Clicking on the respective Entity Code link will open the specific details window. If the entity was deleted, an orange message at the top of the screen is displayed after clicking on the hyperlink. The Claim tab displays all recorded claims for the project. Clicking on the hyperlink under Action Description opens the details window. In our example one claim was cancelled and another one added by the National Agency. The Email tab lists all standard email notification sent to beneficiaries, partners or participants from Mobility Tool+. Such emails include notifications sent upon project creation, updates on project details, access-granted emails to beneficiaries or partners, final report reminders and more. Clicking on the hyperlink under Action Description opens a copy of the email.1. The Project Log screen
1.1. Explanation and illustration
2. Project log functionalities
2.1. The columns in the list of events
2.2. "Search" functionality
2.3. Add/Remove Columns
2.4. Sort option
2.5. View option
2.6. Export and selection option
3. Organisation tab
3.1. Explanation and illustration
4. Budget tab
4.1. Explanation and illustration
5. Claim tab
5.1. Explanation and illustration
6. Email tab
6.1. Explanation and illustration