This page explains how to add mobilities for a KA1 or KA3 project in Mobility Tool+, using the example of a KA105 - Youth mobility project for call year 2019.
The screens to input the mobility details allow you to fill in the basic participant details first, save the information as draft and continue the update later. Draft mobilities must be completed or removed before attempting to submit the beneficiary report, as they will not be considered in the budget summary.
It is also possible to complete all mobilities using the import and export of mobilities function in Mobility Tool+. See MT+ Manage export and import of mobilities for details on this feature.
For purposes of compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, as of Call 2019 the field "EU Special Needs Description and Justification" is no longer available for participants flagged as having special needs. If you wish to provide additional details about the specific mobility using the other available comment fields, do not include any sensitive information, especially related to participants' racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, health or sexuality.
In your project, click the Mobilities tab.
When the project is created in Mobility Tool+ the Mobilities list is empty.
To add the first mobility, click on the "+Create" button. This button is only available if the project has the status follow-up or processing.
The Create Mobility screen opens. This is the first of two sections you must fill in to register the mobility.
In this section you have to provide basic information on the mobility, including the participant's name.
Note the following:
Once all the mandatory information is provided the Save button becomes available.
Select one of the following options before clicking on Save:
In our example we select continue updating and click the Save button to proceed with the current mobility.
Once you have saved the mobility details, a new screen opens, indicating Mobility for (Participant name). This is the second section to fill in and requires more detailed information about the participant and the mobility.
Note the following:
The fields to fill in vary for the different action types. Make sure you read the onscreen information and instructions carefully, to provide the correct details.
In our example we have to select
- the Activity No. from the available drop-down, which should reflect the number for this activity used in the application or grant agreement.
- the Participant Group.
Note: Multiple activities can share the same activity number as long as the activity type is the same.
Once the mandatory details are filled in, the Mobility tab in the navigation menu is checked. The Save button also becomes available.
The Force Majeure check box is also displayed in this part of of the mobility screen.
Mobilities which due to an unforeseeable exceptional situation or event beyond the individual participant's control could not be started or completed have to be marked as Force Majeure. These situations can arise at any time including factors such as sudden disease, accidents, death, earthquakes and other causes beyond the control of the participant.
When the Force Majeure checkbox is checked the comment field Force Majeure Explanations becomes available and must be completed. The justifications for indicating the activity as Force Majeure must be added here.
Mobilities having an end date within 2020, the Force Majeure flag checked, and for which the provided Force Majeure Explanations contain keywords such as "corona" or "covid" will automatically have the "COVID-19 affected" flag set. The same rule applies for importing of mobilities. The same rule applies for the export and import of mobilities: the flag is not visible in the Excel files but is automatically set in Mobility Tool+ on import, if the conditions are met.
To indicate a mobility as COVID-19 affected:
For additional information and guidance on Force Majeure due to COVID-19, please see MT+ Force majeure guidance due to Coronavirus.
Access the Participant section either by scrolling down or by clicking on the Participant tab in the navigation menu. The information required here varies per action and activity type. Some details are already filled as they were provided in the first step of creating the mobility.
In our example, we only have to provide the Date of Birth and Nationality of the mobility. In the Participant ID you can provide an alpha-numeric identification code for the participant. It must be unique for the project but it is not mandatory.
For details on how to fill in this section for Youth EVS (European Voluntary Service - Programme Countries) mobilities flagged as long term, please see MT+ Volunteer from European Solidarity Corps.
The Participant section also displays a variety of flags such as Accompanying Person or Participant with Special Needs. These check boxes vary depending on the key action, action type and activity type.
They may also affect the budget fields, additional participant tabs in the mobility screen and/or require additional fields to be filled in.
For example:
Check the appropriate flags for the mobility.
For compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, please do not include any sensitive information about the participant's personal situation related to special needs, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, health or sexuality.
For further details about the Participant Reports, please see MT+ Manage KA1 participant report.
The Certifications tab is available for all actions, except for KA103 and KA107. Here you have the option to provide information on certifications the participant might receive. To do so:
Click the Certifications tab.
Click +create new.
Select from the available drop-downs the Certifying Organisation and Certification Type.
Click Add.
The certification displays, including Edit and Delete buttons.
The Recognition tab will only appear for HE projects (KA103 and KA107). The page MT+ How to manage Survey on Recognition provides details.
Select the Sending and Receiving Organisation from the respective drop-downs. The Sending Country, Sending City, Receiving Country and Receiving City are automatically filled in based on your selection.
To confirm the correct Distance Band, use the Link to the distance calculator. Select the calculated distance from the available drop-down. The distance band will automatically update the budget values with the correct travel grant for that activity type and distance band in the budget section. When the From/To section is complete and the mobility saved, the budget section is updated accordingly.
Note: If the sending or receiving organisation has not yet been added to the project, for certain action types you can add it at this point via the create button at the top of each drop-down box.
Check and update the start and end dates of the mobility. The minimum and maximum duration in days applicable for the selected activity type is highlighted above the Duration Calculated (days) field. If these limits are exceeded, a warning message displays.
If there is a break in the mobility, the Interruption Duration (days) field has to be filled in. This duration is subtracted from the total duration of the mobility.
Any Travel days (max. 2) you enter are also added to the total duration.
When the duration section is complete, the budget information is updated again.
Take note
A full month is defined as 30 days. Fields such as Funded Duration (full months) use this 30 days base for the automatic calculations.
Once all sections have been updated the mobility status changes from Draft to Complete.
The EU Travel Grant is based on the selected distance band. Additional costs are calculated automatically or can be added here, depending on the action and activity type selected for the mobility.
In the example below the organisational support is indicated as 38.00 € per day. This means that the organisational support amount is automatically calculated based on the Funded Duration (days), as calculated in the Duration section, multiplied by the Organisational Support Grant/Day.
For further details about the Exceptional costs for expensive travel check box, please see MT+ Exceptional costs for expensive travel.
The EU Mobility Total Grant (calculated) is the sum of all relevant mobility costs.
If you wish to provide any additional explanations regarding the mobility, you can do so in the Mobility Comments field at the bottom of the mobility screen.
Please make sure you do not reveal any sensitive information, especially related to participants' racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, and information concerning health or sex life, in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
Click on Save.
To go back to the list of mobilities, click the back to list button at the top left of the screen. Here you also have the option to Export the mobility information as a PDF file.
The added mobility now appears in the list of mobilities, under the All tab. Since the mobility has been completed it also appears under the Complete tab.
Any draft mobilities will be visible under the All and the Draft tab. Such mobilities have to be completed, via the Edit functionality.
The Overview tab is available in the list of mobilities for certain action types. See MT+ Mobility list view - Overview tab (KA101, KA102, KA104, KA105 and KA116 only) for details.
Additional information on the general list functionalities in Mobility Tool+ is available under MT+ List functionality .
The Copy function allows you to copy most details from an already existing mobility to create a new mobility. In the newly opened draft mobility screen you will only have to provide the missing information as indicated in the Invalid Fields section and save.
See MT+ Copy mobility details for more details and step-by-step instructions.
To view the details of a mobility, click the view icon. The details screen opens, but no information can be edited. If you would need to edit the viewed mobility from here, click the Edit icon in the right hand top corner of the screen.
To edit details for a mobility, click the Edit (pencil) icon. The mobility details screen opens and you can make the required adjustments.
If there are any invalid fields, they are listed. Clicking on an available item brings you directly to the respective field in the mobility screen.
To delete a mobility, click the Delete (bin) icon. Confirm the deletion in the pop-up dialog.
Depending on the mobility you are deleting, additional warning messages may display. Read them carefully before you confirm the deletion.
As COVID testing has become more and more a pre-requisite for physical mobilities abroad, the costs related to such tests are also eligible for funding under the exceptional costs category. The reimbursement rate is set at 100% of the eligible costs actually incurred.
In KA1 and KA3 projects, costs related to Covid tests, if applicable, have to be provided as Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment in the Budget screen, and not as part of a mobility, with the exception of KA107 - Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries projects. For these projects, the Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment is available in the mobility screen. See MT+ Exceptional costs for services and equipment for details.