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What is it?

Investing in inclusive, quality education for all, in all contexts and levels of education, is an essential dimension for the implementation of EU external policies and the achievement of the Union’s geopolitical priorities. The 2021 Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) – Global Europe adopted in June 2021 includes education as an area of cooperation in both geographic and thematic programmes and commits to contribute at least 20 % of the ODA funded under the Instrument to social inclusion and human development, including education. Furthermore, Commissioner Urpilainen has pledged to increase the education spending from 7% to at least 10% for all the programmes under her responsibility and financed by NDICI-Global Europe. This is to set an example and send a strong signal on the importance of education for development.

Tools and Methods Series Reference Document No. 27: Strengthening education systems to provide learning for all  (2020) provides guidance, practical know how and information on the education sector to support the EU staff in delivering on EU’s commitment to providing quality, safe and inclusive education for all.

The overview (part 1) of TMS describes global and EU policy commitments to education, including an introduction to education systems and EU engagement and contribution to development in the sector. The second part provides a set of concise Practical Guidance Notes (PGNs) on different topics that are relevant to programme design and implementation in the education sector. Each note includes a summary of the subject, practical ideas on how the EU engages and provides support, case studies on good practice from the EU programmes, selected references and links to further reading

What can it be used for?

The TMS and its accompanying PGNs provides support for the various steps entailed in engagement with the education sector in partner countries, including sector coordination and policy dialogue, sector analysis, programme and project design (identification and formulation), implementation and monitoring and evaluation.

When can it be used?

At any stage of the Intervention Cycle Management, as the Reference Document provides technical / thematic guidance related to programming, policy dialogue, intervention design, monitoring, and evaluation.

Who can use it?

This document primarily targets the EU staff working in the education sector in a Delegation (especially the newcomers to the sector). However, it can also be useful for the EU staff working at Headquarters (INTPA, NEAR, FPI, ECHO, EAC) as well as the other development practitioners in Member States and the EU’s development and implementing partners.

What are its strengths?

The Reference Document provides an overview of the global context and the EU’s role in supporting the strengthening of education systems in partner countries in 33 pages. Chapter 1 describes the global agenda for education and how EU policies and instruments contribute. Chapter 2 provides an overview of how education systems are structured and function and how they change, drawing on global evidence and good practice. Chapter 3 looks more closely at how the EU can support the strengthening of education systems to operate coherently and effectively at all levels. It summarises lessons from EU programmes and presents a simplified intervention logic to map how the EU can contribute to education system strengthening through policy dialogue, financing, technical cooperation and capacity development. Each chapter includes a list of further readings.

The accompanying 14 PGNs focus on specific themes and issues in education. Each one of them is illustrated with case studies drawn from EU experience. They provide simple and usable tools for EU staff as they consider how best to engage and support the development of education.

What are its limitations?

Some of the global education data is outdated, although remains broadly relevant. The document does not include reference to the impact of COVID-19 crisis.


Key elements


Chapter 1: The Global Agenda for Education, EU Policies and Support to Education

  • What is the Global Agenda for Education?
  • How Do EU Development Policies Support This Global Agenda?
  • Overview of EU Support
  • Recommended Reading

Chapter 2: Key Elements of Education Systems and How They Improve

  • Adopting a Systems Approach
  • What Is an Education System?
  • What Are the Main Elements of an Education System?
  • Why and How Do Education Systems Improve?
  • Recommended Reading

CHAPTER 3: EU Support to Strengthen Education Systems

  • Simplified Intervention Logic for EU Support to Education System Strengthening
  • Contributing to System Strengthening and Reform
  • Managing the EU Contribution
  • Recommended Reading

PART 2: Practical Guidance Notes

  1. Education Sector Analysis
  2. Education Budgeting and Financial Management
  3. Monitoring Results in Education
  4. Capacity Development for Education System Strengthening
  5. Sector Coordination and Policy Dialogue
  6. Leave No One Behind
  7. Education In Emergencies and Protracted Crises
  8. Gender Equality in Education
  9. Stopping School Related Gender-Based Violence
  10. Teacher Policy and Management
  11. Learning Assessment
  12. Mainstreaming Digital Technology in EU Support to Education
  13. Early Childhood Education
  14. The Contribution of Higher Education to Development







Facilities and materials:


Financial costs and sources:


Tips and tricks:



Where to find it

The European Commission, 2020. Tools and Methods Series, Reference Document N° 27, Strengthening education systems to provide learning for all

Complementary guides, methodologies and tools

The European Commission, 2021. Tools and Methods Series, Reference Document N° 24: Vocational education and training for inclusive growth in development cooperation

The European Commission, 2021. Tools and Methods Series, Reference Document N° 31. EU Conflict Sensitivity Guidance Note 12: Education

Capacity4Dev: EC Education Focal Person

Capacity4Dev: EC Education Focal Person Group, 2020. Discussion note: Education in the new Geopolitical Commission Priorities 

Capacity4Dev: EC Education Focal Person Group, 2020. Infographic: Transformational Power of Education


Capacitry4Dev, Environment, Climate Change and Green Economy Group, 2020. Activities that qualify for Rio markers in the education sector 

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