2. Acknowledge Invitation and Express Willingness to Tender 2.1 Acknowledge Invitation 2.2 Express Willingness
3. Tender Procedure - Preparation, Validation and Submission of the Offer 3.1 Tender Procedure – Steps 3.2 Prepare the Offer 3.2.1 Parties 3.2.2 Tender Data 3.3 Validate the Offer 3.3.1 Financial Offer Preview 3.3.2 Pre-financing 3.4 Submit the Offer 3.4.1 Submission Report 3.4.2 Submit 3.5 Status of Invitations and Submissions
4. Notifications
5. Expert Availability
6. Signature of the Contract 6.1 Nomination of Legal Signatory – LSIGN 6.2 Nomination of Project Legal Signatory – PLSIGN 6.3 Signing the Specific Contract
7. Manage Deliverables 7.1 Define Contract Deliverables 7.2 Effective Start Date of the Contract 7.3 Upload or Revise Contractual Deliverables 7.4 Approval of Contractual Deliverables
8. Amendments 8.1 Introduction to Amendments Initiated by the Contractor - Consortium 8.1.1 Choice of Contractor Initiated versus the European Commission Initiated Process 8.1.2 The Amendment Workflow 8.1.3 Amendments for increase in Maximum Value of the Contract 8.2 Launch the Amendment 8.2.1 How to launch the request for an Amendment 8.2.2 Choice of Type of Amendment (Administrative Order or Addendum) 8.3 Prepare the Amendment 8.3.1 Compose the Draft Amendment 8.3.2 Modify the Draft Amendment 8.3.3 Request Informal Review 8.3.5 Withdraw the Amendment - Cancel the Amendment 8.4 Sign and Submit the Amendment - Contractor 8.5 Awaiting Decision 8.6 Additional Information Request
last update: 25 Aug 2021