What is it?
A tool to 1.) Undertake an analytical process generating a common in-depth understanding of how shocks, pressures and structural vulnerabilities undermine resilience in a specific context and 2.) Define strategic and actionable interventions (roadmap) for strengthening resilience capacities.
What can it be used for?
This resilience analysis tool is meant to support the EU services and their staff to apply a resilience approach throughout their work and to enhance coherence, coordination, and consensus on the interventions required to strengthen resilience. It should serve as the basis for a common understanding on the risks and vulnerabilities in any given context and can be particularly useful in crisis settings. The tool can be used to inform political and/or policy dialogues, the design of specific interventions as well as mid-term reviews and dialogue with partners other than national governments.
When can it be used?
Ideally, the resilience analysis tool should be used at the beginning of the programming and/or the design phase to shape political and policy dialogue and to formulate the EU interventions. However, resilience being a dynamic concept, the tool can be used at different phases of the programming and project cycle to meet its various objectives or to reflect contextual changes.
Who can use it?
- Any EU service (INTPA, NEAR, FPI, EEAS, ECHO) either at Headquarters, in Delegation or both
What are its strengths?
- The in-depth comprehensive and shared analysis that can open space for dialogue and coherence.
- The modular structure allows for a great degree of flexibility to adjust the analysis to the specific purposes, needs and resources available for conducting it.
What are its limitations?
- The full process (i.e. 4 steps) can be time and resource intensive.
- Lack of information on risks and vulnerabilities (i.e. studies, reports, etc) or difficulty accessing resources or places might influence the quality of the analysis.
Key elements
The tool has a modular structure consisting of four steps:
- Step 1: Planning & design of the analysis
- Step 2: Conducting a preliminary analysis (combining a desk review and the collection of primary data)
- Step 3: Workshop to identify areas of support
- Step 4: Developing a Resilience Roadmap
Output: In-depth report, including recommendations for programming and development of a resilience roadmap defining strategic and actionable interventions (roadmap) for strengthening resilience.
Data/information. The tool relies on a broad mix of data and information gathered from a literature review (of EU internal documents, International Organisation, government and non-governmental/international non-governmental organisation reports and assessments, academic studies, etc.) as well as primary data collection from among key national and local stakeholders.
Time. The time frame is closely linked to the objective, scope and context of the analysis. A resilience analysis is a flexible tool that can be a full-blown integrated approach with broader participation from relevant stakeholders or a lighter approach that does not necessarily take on all four steps and/or can be tailored for a specific group or objective. In a crisis setting, the duration may take longer due to difficulties in accessing specific areas and stakeholders, capacity weaknesses of partner institutions and lack or diminished availability of resources.
Skills. The analysis will be normally performed by EU staff from all services (INTPA, NEAR, ECHO, FPI. EEAS – headquarters or in a delegation) with various degrees of thematic and geographical knowledge. Several relevant external actors can be associated and actively involved for more full-blown analyses organisations. External experts and consultants may have added value and provide support throughout the process or during specific steps.
INTPA G5 - Resilence, Peace, Security (Former DEVCO B2) can provide overall guidance to the process.
Facilities and materials. The tool does not require an extensive engagement of facilities as steps 1,2 and 4 can be undertaken in-house. Step 3 – the workshop – will require the rent of a facility for 2 days.
The required materials are mostly the formats, templates, and additional tools to perform the 4SAR. These consist of sample Terms of Reference (ToR) for the planning and design of the analysis and of the final report, formats for the compilation and analysis of data and information, and format for the development of the resilience roadmap.
Financial costs and sources. Costs may vary depending on the context and scope of the analysis. Budget considerations should include costs for hiring a consultant (or consultants), for staff time to be used to develop and validate the report, for the workshop, and for any potential travel.
Tips and tricks
- Can be conducted in any context and can be particularly useful in crisis settings;
- Promotes ownership of the process by participants and by the users of the analysis;
- Engages multi-sectoral expertise – whether EU staff, government or other partners and external experts/consultants – for a broad-based discussion;
- Clarity of purpose and use of the analysis, the resilience roadmap, and areas of intervention should be maintained throughout the process;
- Consider the comparative advantages of the intervention(s) and those with multiplier effects;
- Consider the timing of conduct of the analysis (stakeholders might be more receptive to resilience building in post-crisis context or at the moment of designing new programming cycles);
- Consider the potential for new funding tied to resilience building (particularly if government counterparts are involved).
Where to find it
Contact: DG INTPA G5 – Resilience, Peace Security INTPA-G5@ec.europa.eu
Complementary guides, methodologies and tools
- The European Commission (EC), 2023, Guidance for resilience analysis / Orientations pour l’analyse de la résilience (version française)
DG ECHO, Resilience marker General guidelines (2022)
European Union External Action, 2020. 2020 Guidance note on the use of Conflict Analysis in support of EU external action
- INTPA/T - EU Internal Workshop on the Links between Global Gateway 360 Approach in fragile/crisis context and the HDP Nexus
- INTPA EU LEARN Module 2 of the Fundamental Training Package, Context Analaysis for designing an Intervention
- The European Commission (EC), Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), 2013. Post Disaster Needs Assessments (PDNA)
- Technical User’s Guide: EU Conflict Analysis Screening (CAS)
- Joint Recovery and Peacebuilding Assessments, A Practical Note to Assessment and Planning, 2017The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, 2017.
- Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Peace, Stability and Conflict Prevention – annex