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EVAL Evaluations

2. EVAL Evaluations

2.1 Find and Access an Evaluation

EVAL Contractors have access to their Evaluations (once the corresponding Evaluation Contract is signed) in statuses/steps "CONTRACTED" (if the Specific Contract is linked to the Evaluation), "INCEPTION", "INTERIM", "SYNTHESIS" and "COMPLETED".

EVAL Experts have access to Evaluations (once the corresponding Evaluation Contract is signed) for which they have been selected and in Evaluation statuses/steps "CONTRACTED" (if the Specific Contract is linked to the Evaluation), "INCEPTION", "INTERIM", "SYNTHESIS" and "COMPLETED".

EVAL Reference Group Members (external) have access to Evaluations for which they have been added as evaluation stakeholders, and in all Evaluation statuses/steps.

To find and access an Evaluation, use your EU Login to first login to the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal.

Once logged-in, you can access OPSYS EVAL from the Manage my area > Results > Monitoring & Evaluation option (1) in the left main menu. On the Monitoring & Evaluation page, the Evaluations section (2) is accessible from the left Navigation menu.

The Evaluations section displays the list of Evaluations (3) for which you are either the Contractor, or have been assigned as Expert or external Reference Group Member. If needed, use the advanced filter features to find the Evaluation.

Click on the Evaluation ID link (4) of the Evalauation to access the Evaluation page.

2.2 Evaluation Planning Phase

The Evaluation Planning Phase consists of three statuses/steps in the system ("PLANNED", "TOR" and "CONTRACTED"), which correspond to the status of the Evaluation in the workflow. Each step is managed by the Evaluation actor(s) responsible for the specific step in the workflow, and is detailed for the phase in the sub-sections below.

2.2.1 Evaluation Planned

The Evaluation Manager will create the Evaluation in OPSYS EVAL, and assign it to an Intervention. The Evaluation Manager enters the minimum required information to the Evaluation, and adds the evaluation stakeholders (Evaluation backup, M&E Focal Point, Reference Group Members, etc).

Please note that Reference Group Members must have an active EU Login account prior to being added as an evaluation stakeholder to the Evaluation. For more information on how to create and/or manage your EU Login account, please view the EU Login Guide.

The Evaluation Manager adds the Evaluation to the Operational Evaluation Plan (OEP), and the Evaluation Contract is planned.

There is no action required in OPSYS EVAL from external actors for the Evaluation in status "PLANNED".

Once the creation of the Evaluation is completed and the Evaluation Contract is planned, the Evaluation Manager will submit the Evaluation in OPSYS EVAL to the next status/step "TOR".

2.2.2 Evaluation TOR 

The Evaluation is launched when it is set to status "TOR". The contracting procedure is initiated by the Contracting Authority, and the Request for Specific Contract for the Evaluation is launched and published to Framework Contractors on the Funding and Tenders Portal.

  1. Framework Contractors can respond to an invitation to participate by acknowledging the invitation and expressing willingness to participate.
  2. Framework Contractors complete their submissions and submit their offers.
  3. Once the Specific Contract is awarded to the EVAL Contractor, the Contract is prepared using the Terms of Reference (TOR) templates of the Framework Contract, and with the support of the methodological guidance. The approval of the TORs is requested from the external Reference Group Members of the Evaluation by the Contracting Authority.
  4. The EVAL Contractor confirms that the EVAL Expert(s) are available, and that they have their EU Login details.
  5. Once the Specific Contract is prepared and approved by the Contracting Authority, the EVAL Contractor signs the Contract, followed by the final signature of the Contract by the Contracting Authority.

There is no action required in OPSYS EVAL from external actors for the Evaluation in status "TOR".

Once the above-listed steps are performed and the Specific Contract is signed by both parties, the Evaluation Manager will submit the Evaluation in OPSYS EVAL to the next status/step "CONTRACTED".

If you need methodological support for finalising the ToRs, please contact INTPA EVALUATION SUPPORT (for evaluations managed by DG INTPA) or NEAR EVALUATION HELP DESK (for evaluations managed by DG NEAR).

2.2.3 Evaluation Contracted

After the signing of the Specific Contract by both parties, the EVAL Contractor can access and download the signed Specific Contract from the Funding and Tenders Portal.

If requested, the bank guarantee is provided by the EVAL Contractor.

If applicable, Pre-financing Payment process is initiated automatically by the Contracting Authority.

The Evaluation Manager will verify the stakeholders' information (including the EVAL Reference Group Members) for the Evaluation, and update if needed.

The Evaluation Manager will then link the Specific Contract to the Evaluation.

If defined in the Specific Contract, the EVAL Contractor and EVAL Expert(s) are automatically retrieved from the Specific Contract to the Evaluation.

When the Specific Contract is linked to the Evaluation, the Evaluation Manager will link the required Contractual deliverables to their associated Evaluation "INCEPTION", "INTERIM" and "SYNTHESIS" statuses/steps.

There is no action required in OPSYS EVAL from external actors for the Evaluation in status "CONTRACTED".

Once the Specific Contract is linked to the Evaluation and all the above steps are completed internally, the Evaluation Manager will submit the Evaluation in OPSYS EVAL to the next status/step "INCEPTION" and the Evaluation Planning Phase is complete.

2.3 Evaluation Implementation Phase

The Evaluation Implementation Phase consist of three statuses/steps in the system ("INCEPTION", "INTERIM" and "SYNTHESIS"), which correspond to the status of the Evaluation in the workflow. Each step is managed by the Evaluation actor(s) responsible for the specific step in the workflow, and is detailed for the phase in the sub-sections below.

2.3.1 Evaluation Inception

The Evaluation is now accessible to the EVAL Contractor and EVAL Expert(s) from OPSYS EVAL (via Results > Monitoring & Evaluation > Evaluations section of the Funding and Tenders Portal).

The management of Contract deliverables by the EVAL Contractor is performed from the Specific Contract. During the "INCEPTION" status/step of the Evaluation, the EVAL Contractor uploads and submits an Inception Report deliverable before the set deadline. Once the deliverables are submitted by the EVAL Contractor, a notification is sent to the Contracting Authority to review the deliverables. The Contracting Authority can add comments to the deliverable, and either send the deliverable back to the EVAL Contractor for revision, or approve the deliverable. When the deliverable is approved, the Evaluation Manager selects the relevant deliverable for the Evaluation to indicate that the deliverable has been correctly submitted, and the Evaluation can proceed to the next step.

There is no action required in OPSYS EVAL from external actors for the Evaluation in status "INCEPTION".

After successfully selecting the Inception Report (and other(s) if applicable) deliverable in the Evaluation, the Evaluation Manager will submit the Evaluation in OPSYS EVAL to the next status/step "INTERIM".

2.3.2 Evaluation Interim

The management of Contract deliverables by the EVAL Contractor is performed from the Specific Contract. During the "INTERIM" status/step of the Evaluation, the EVAL Contractor uploads and submits an Interim Report deliverable (and any other required deliverable for this Evaluation status/step) before the set deadline. Once the deliverables are submitted by the EVAL Contractor, a notification is sent to the Contracting Authority to review the deliverables. The Contracting Authority can add comments to the deliverable, and either send the deliverable back to the EVAL Contractor for revision, or approve the deliverable. When the deliverable is approved, the Evaluation Manager selects the relevant deliverable for the Evaluation to indicate that the deliverable has been correctly submitted, and the Evaluation can proceed to the next step.

There is no action required in OPSYS EVAL from external actors for the Evaluation in status "INCEPTION".

After successfully selecting the Interim Report (and other(s) if applicable) deliverable in the Evaluation, the Evaluation Manager will submit the Evaluation in OPSYS EVAL to the next status/step "SYNTHESIS". The Contracting Authority manages the interim payment(s).

2.3.3 Evaluation Synthesis

The management of Contract deliverables by the EVAL Contractor is performed from the Specific Contract. During the "Synthesis" status/step of the Evaluation, the EVAL Contractor uploads and submits a Final Report deliverable (and any other required deliverable for this Evaluation status/step) before the set deadline. Once the deliverables are submitted by the EVAL Contractor, a notification is sent to the Contracting Authority to review the deliverablesThe Contracting Authority can add comments to the deliverable, and either send the deliverable back to the EVAL Contractor for revision, or approve the deliverable. When the deliverable is approved, the Evaluation Manager selects the relevant deliverable for the Evaluation to indicate that the deliverable has been correctly submitted.

For the Evaluation in OPSYS EVAL, a draft Conclusion, lessons learned and recommendations template becomes downloadable and must be completed by the EVAL Contractor or EVAL Expert(s). Alternatively, the Draft conclusion, lessons learned and recommendations form can be completed online (see below for details). For both the template and online form, conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations can be grouped and prioritised. The EVAL Contractor confirms that the Conclusion, lessons learned and recommendations template or form is set as final for the Evaluation.  

After successfully selecting the Final Report (and other(s) if applicable) deliverable in the Evaluation, and the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations are completed by the  EVAL Contractor or EVAL Expert(s), the Evaluation Manager will submit the Evaluation in OPSYS EVAL to the next status/step "COMPLETED". The Contracting Authority manages the final payment and clearing of the pre-financing (if applicable).

Fill-in the Conclusions, Lessons Learned and Recommendations 

To fill-in the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations, as EVAL Contractor or EVAL Expert(s), first find and access the Evaluation in OPSYS EVAL.

On the Evaluation page:

  • (Recommended) If you want to Fill Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations via the online form, choose theFill Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations option (1) and complete the online form; or
  • If you want to complete the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations via the downloadable template (editable PDF file), choose theDownload Conclusions. lessons learned and recommendations template” option (2) to download the PDF file to your computer and complete the file.

Via the online form

On the Evaluation Online Form page, select the Evaluation forms type With Clusters”, and the form displays specific text boxes for the cluster(s):

For the Cluster 1 text box, enter the required information. If you wish to add more clusters, click on the add icon located on the right side of the box, and then at the bottom of the page the Cluster 2 panel is displayed.

Click on the down arrow of the Cluster 2 panel to expand the panel and enter the required information. If you wish to delete a cluster, click on the delete icon of the cluster to delete.

If you delete a cluster, click on the "Yes" button in the Confirmaton pop-up message to confirm that the chosen cluster can be deleted from the form. This action cannot be undone!

Alternatively, click on the “No” button to cancel the deletion.

How to enter the Conclusions, Lessons Learned and Recommendations

For each required cluster panel, click on the down arrow of the cluster panel to expand the panel and enter the description, conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations in the corresponding tabs and text boxes.

Please note that all the fields are required, so if there there is no information or comment to be entered, you will need to enter "N/A" for the field. Otherwise, you will be blocked at the submission of the step.

In the Conclusions tab, enter the conclusions, and if needed, use the add and delete icons to add or remove conclusions.

In the Lessons Learned tab, enter the lessons learned, and if needed, use the add and delete icons to add or remove lessons learned.

In the Recommendations tab, enter the recommendations, and if needed, use the add and delete icons to add or remove recommendations.

For each recommendation:

  • Select the Main implantation responsibility of the recommendation, and add a description;
  • Select the Main associated actors of the recommendation, and add a description;
  • For Linked Conclusion(s), link the recommandation to the corresponding conclusion(s) by indicating to which conclusion(s) the recommentation should be assigned (e.g. "C1" corresponds to Conclusion 1, ...). A recommendation can be linked to one or multiple conclusions;
  • Select the Priotity of the recommendation;
  • Select the Importance of the recommendation.

At any moment while completing the form, you can click on the "Save" button at the top right of the Evaluation Online Form page to save the form.

How to set the status of the Conclusions, Lessons Learned and Recommendations as Final

When the required conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations are all completed and reviewed, click on the "Set as Final" button at the top right of the Evaluation Online Form page to confirm the completion of the form.

Click on the "Yes" button in the Confirmaton pop-up message to confirm the completion of the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations form.

Alternatively, click on the “No” button to cancel the confirmed completion of the form.

If the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations form is successfully confirmed as completed, a green Success! message is displayed at the bottom right of the page, and:

  • The status of the Evaluation Online Form is updated to "Final".
  • The Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations are registered and set to read-only.

Please note that that if modifications are required to the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations form and the status of the form is "Final", you can revert back to the "Draft" status and apply the changes (by clicking on the "Set as Draft" button at the top right of the Evaluation Online Form page), as long as the Evaluation is still in status/step "SYNTHESIS".

Click on the “Back to Evaluation” button at the top of the Evaluation Online Form page to be re-directed back to Evaluation page.

Via the downloadable PDF template

Select the "With Clusters" option in the pop-up message when downloading the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations template.

1. Open the downloaded PDF template file.

2. Complete the required fields in the template file (using the same process as described above for the online form).

3. Once completed, save the template file to your computer.

4. Once the template file is saved, return to the Evaluation page in the system, click on the “Actions” button at the top right of the page and choose the “Upload Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations template” option to upload the completed PDF file template from your computer to the system.

5. Once to have uploaded the completed template file, click on the "Submit" button to submit the template file.

6. Confirm the submission by clicking on the "Continue" button. Warning: The submission of the template file will overide the information on the online form!

If the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations template file was successfully uploaded, a green confirmation message will be displayed at the bottom right of the page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use the template file option, you still need to update the status of the Evaluation Online Form to "Final":

1. On the Evaluation page, select the "Fill Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations" option to access the Evaluation Online Form.

2. Review the completed form and set the status of the Evaluation Online Form to "Final".

2.6 Evaluation Completed and Follow-up Phases

Following the submission and approval of the Final Report, and all the compulsory deliverables are submitted, the Evaluation can be set as “Completed” in the system.

The inputs provided by the Evaluation are disseminated to policy makers, concerned services and partners for future reference by filling the Response of the services Report in EVAL module of OPSYS by the Evaluation Manager, with the input of the services involved.

The Follow-up Phase is an internal phase carried out one year later, in which there is no intervention by the Contractors.

2.6.1 Evaluation to Completed

If no further modifications are needed or there is no need to revert / cancel the status of the evaluation, Evaluation Manager navigates to the Evaluation page in EVAL module of OPSYS (Monitoring & Evaluation > EVAL > Evaluations > Evaluation ID), clicks on “Actions” and selects “Submit to Completed” option.

In the confirmation pop-up, click on “Continue”, to change the status to Completed.

Alternatively, click on the “Cancel” button to cancel the status change of the evaluation.

If the Evaluation is successfully confirmed, a green Success! message is displayed at the bottom right of the page, and:

  • The evaluation status is changed from Synthesis to Completed.

Please note that the Conclusions, lessons learned, and recommendations form needs to be in FINAL status, to access the Response of the services Report form.

2.6.2 Fill Responses of the services Report

If no further modifications are needed or there is no need to revert / cancel the status, on the Evaluation page, click on the “Actions” button at the top right of the page, and then select “Fill Response of the services Report".

On the Response of the services section, navigate to Recommendations 1 to view the recommendation(s) recorded for the evaluation. Information related to:

  • Linked to Conclusion(s)
  • Priority
  • Importance
  • Main implementation responsibility
  • Main associated actors (from the online report).

On the Response 1 section, open the drop-down box underneath the required Agreed* field. Choose from the following options:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Partially

For the “By when?, select a date by clicking on the “calendar icon”, and change months by using the left and right “arrows” inside the calendar.

Continue to record the remaining required* fields related to:

  • Justification;
  • Action(s) to be taken;
  • By who?.

Follow the described procedure to register the responses for the other Recommendations sections present on the form.

When finished with the responses, click on “Save” to save without setting the response as final.

In the following confirmation message, click on “Yes” to save the Response of the services online form.

Alternatively, click on the “No” button to cancel the saving of the Response online form.

If the Response of the services is successfully saved, a green Success! message is displayed at the bottom right of the page, and:

  • You are redirected to the Evaluation page;
  • The Response of the services Report online form is successfully

Setting the form of the Response of services Report as Final

Return to the response form to mark the response status as final, click on “Actions” and select again “Fill Response of the services Report” option.

On the Response of services form, click on “Set as Final”.

In the Confirmation message, click on “Yes” to confirm that the status can be changed from Draft to Final.

Alternatively, click on the “No” button to cancel the saving of the status.

  • The status of the Response of the services Report is changed to “Final”.

Continue editing the Response of services Report

To continue editing the report, select and click on “Set as Draft”.

When the following confirmation message appears, click on “Yes”, and the form returns to Draft.

Alternatively, click on the “No” button to cancel the saving of the status.

Once finished with the form modifications, to reset the form back to Final status.

Repeat the previous steps, and select “Set as Final”.

Then, click on “Back to Evaluation” button, to be redirected to the Evaluation.

2.6.3 Fill Follow-up one year later Report

To fill the Follow-up one year later Report, navigate to the Evaluation page (Monitoring & Evaluation > EVAL > Evaluations > Evaluation ID) and click on “Actions”. Then select “Fill Follow-up one year later Report option.

Please note that the Response of the services Report form needs to be in FINAL status, to access the Follow-up one year later Report form.

On the follow-up one year later -section encode the required* responses to the question(s) for the configured Cluster(s), and for the recorded recommendations and responses.

Once finished with the answer to the required question(s), click on “Save”.

In the Confirmation message, click on “Yes” to confirm the update of the form.

If the update is successfully confirmed, a green Success! message is displayed at the bottom right of the page, and:

  • You are redirected to the Evaluation page;
  • Follow-up one year later Report is successfully saved.

Setting the Fill Follow-up one year later Report as Final

Return to the Follow-up one year later Report to mark the response status as final, click on “Actions” and select again “Fill Follow-up one year later Report” option.

On the form, click on “Set as Final

In the following confirmation message, click on “Yes” to save the Follow-up one year later online form.

The status of the evaluation Follow-up form is changed to “Final”.

Alternatively, click on the “No” button to cancel the saving of the status.

Continue editing the Follow-up one year later Report

To continue editing the report, select and click on “Set as Draft”.

When the following confirmation message appears, click on “Yes”, and the form returns to Draft.

Alternatively, click on the “No” button to cancel the saving of the status.

Once finished with the form modifications, to reset the form back to Final status.

Repeat the previous steps, and select “Set as Final”.

Then, click on “Back to Evaluation” button to be redirected back to the Evaluation page.

2.6.4 View and download recorded Forms and Reports

To view any of the following items recorded related to the Evaluation, such as Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations, Response of the services, Follow-up one year later.

Begin by clicking on “Actions” and select the needed option from the list.

Select any of the following download(s) from the drop-down list:

  • Download Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations
  • Download Response of the services
  • Download Follow-up one year later.

The following files are downloaded in PDF format:

  • No labels