
The illustrations in the provided Wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation. 

Sending and Receiving organisation in mobility activities

In the Beneficiary module, when adding or updating mobility activities, you will be asked to provide information regarding the Sending and/or Receiving organisation for the activity.
To add the relevant organisation:

  1. Use the Select button displayed below the relevant field.
  2. A pop-up window opens, containing the list of organisations participating in your project. Click on the organisation you want to choose. It will be highlighted in the list.
  3. Click on the Select button. The pop-up will close.

  4. The Sending or Receiving organisation information in the From-To section is updated with the details of the selected organisation.
    • The fields Sending/Receiving country and Sending/Receiving city remain editable and can be changed, according to your needs.
      The fields are updated with the values of the selected organisation

In some projects, the Receiving organisation can be selected from a drop-down list, instead of the Select button.

See the relevant Mobility activity pages for details, for each action type. 

Click on the relevant tab below:

Sending and Receiving organisation in a KA121 mobility activity

In Higher education projects, the field Sending/Receiving organisation Erasmus code is also displayed and read-only.

Sending and Receiving organisation in a KA131 mobility activity

In this example, the Receiving organisation can be selected from a drop-down list. 

Sending and Receiving organisation in a KA122 mobility activity


When possible, this glossary quotes from the programme guides. The programme guide definitions and explanations precede the definitions based in Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps guides. The programme guides' glossary can be downloaded or viewed on line from:

Glossary entries in this wiki assist the end user to navigate to content on how to perform related tasks in Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corp Platform and related modules.