The Logical Framework Approach is a systematic process to build the intervention logic, making it explicit and using analytical and planning tools (such as context, public policy, stakeholder, and problem and risk analyses) that improve its design and allow for its relevant, feasible and effective outcome-focused management.
Operational managers will then apply planning tools to define the time span of the intervention as well as the required inputs. Both time and input planning should be outcome-based; they require prior analysis of the specific context, as it influences response strategies to the identified needs.
By combining analytical and planning tools, the logical framework approach creates an intervention logic supported by three interdependent pillars:
- A results chain comprising (inputs, activities,) outputs, outcomes and impact;
- evidence-based operational, behavioural and political assumptions;
- a monitoring system, built on indicators, baselines, targets and sources of verification.
The Logical Framework Matrix ( LFM or logframe) synthesises the evidence collected through analytical and planning tools by articulating these three pillars. The logframe is used as a monitoring tool throughout the intervention's life cycle:
- formulation: to summarise the intervention logic and support financing decisions;
- implementation: to monitor changes in assumptions and assess progress towards targets for indicators;
- closure: to assess the extent to which the intervention contributed to its desired outcomes and impact and whether risks affected achievement of objectives.
The logframe matrix is not a static document. It should reflect changes occurring in the context and affecting the intervention logic, the results chain and the indicators in all their components. Those modifications may — or may not — need administrative or legal endorsement, but are essential in maintaining the intervention as relevant, credible, feasible and effective.
Methodological fiche(s)