Corporate reporting and Communication of results
INTPA is committed to aid effectiveness and transparency on results. To this end, the annual reports mechanism is a key visibility procedure that draws on monitoring data. Data on results are transmitted by implementing partners through their regular progress reports. Data are uploaded into the IT system, undergo an internal quality check and are structured around the Global Europe Results Frameworks before publication. Specific intervention examples from partner countries are also used to illustrate the EU's commitment to policy coherence for development.
Dissemination and Feedback process
An important distinction to be made is how to achieve both objectives of Accountability and Learning, with the evaluations and monitoring tools. While monitoring and Evaluation contribute to accountability, their objectives are also to draw out the lessons and recommendations from the successes and failures, and to feed these into both ongoing and future programmes so as to improve present and future EC external policies and action. Dissemination and feedback activities are integral parts of the whole evaluation process, as lessons and insights are provided not only at the very end but throughout the evaluation process. The communication on the results based on monitoring and evaluations is done during the dissemination phase and is to be related to the final use. It is designed in the Terms of References with a communication strategy and could target both objectives. Feedback phase is a key step for learning purpose.
Institutional memory is vital, and newly posted operational managers should examine lessons learned identified in past evaluation reports and records of meetings with key informants.ROM experts also produce insightful thematic and country/regional fiches as part of their annual consolidated analyses. Former ROM and EVAL modules, now integrated in OPSYS , are some of the practical tools that can facilitate this work, along with thematic groups at
Evidence Support
- INTPA is currently developping a project for internal staff to provide support for a) on-demand knowledge from Monitoring and Evaluation and b) collect monitoring and evaluation knowledge to inform the design and programming phases. For INTPA staff on the Knowledge extracted from Monitoring and Evaluations, please contact INTPA D4:
Other step:
Utilisation Focused Evaluation
Methdological fiche(s):
INTPA intranet page on Evaluation