
This page explains how to add and update Project details in an ESC51 - Volunteering, Traineeships and Jobs Projects project.

This functionality allows you to provide information regarding your project, such as a project summary, needs addressed, objectives and expected results, project implementation, activities, partners and participants as well as the topics addressed by your project. 

Changes to other project details, for example project duration, title etc. must be requested from the NA. See Updates to project data in Beneficiary module for details. 

This page is relevant for:

  • European Solidarity Corps, call 2021 onward
    • ESC51 - Volunteering, Traineeships and Jobs Projects 


Fields may vary depending on the action type and call year of your project. Please read the onscreen information carefully.

The illustrations in the provided Wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation. 



  • Only the contact persons of the beneficiary and partner organisations with edit rights to the project are able to perform these actions.
  • A grant agreement has been signed for the project, and it is visible in Beneficiary module.
  • Project is in status Project ongoing.


1. Access "Project details" in your project

From the Details (1) section in your project, click on Project Details (2) in the Filter panel to access the Project Details (3) that are editable in your ESC51 project.

Access the Project Details

2. Click on the "Edit" button

Initially, all displayed fields are greyed out. If information has already been provided in a field, this will be displayed. To add or update the required information, click on the Edit button.

Click on the Edit button

3. Provide the required information and click on "Save"

Provide the required information.

Mandatory fields display the Value missing notification and are marked with a red *.  To add the topics of your project, use the available drop-down list to make your selection(s). A maximum of three topics can be selected. 

Click on the Save button to save your updates. 

Provide the required information and click on Save

A success message displays. 

Success message displays

4. Project details updated 

The Project Details have been updated. To make further changes, follow the steps just explained. You can make changes for as long as the project is in status Project ongoing. 

Project Details updated

Expected Outcome

  • Project details have been updated