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OPSYS/eProcurement: Pre-Award 2022 - New release in OPSYS impacting Economic OperatorsDear Users,

Please be informed about the recent release OPSYS/eProcurement – Pre-Award 2022 in the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal (for Economic Operators).

This release includes a substantial improvement on Global Price Requests for Specific Contracts. It is now possible for the Contracting Authority to define a list of deliverables (i.e. a list of reports/studies), against where competing Framework Contractors will submit their offers. In this case, there is no longer the need for the Contracting Authority to define expertise position(s).

Please find below an overview of the new features and improvements in eProcurement for RELEX users.Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal
A. Specific Contracts
  • The Contracting Authority is no longer obliged to specify Experts and/or Other Costs for requirements on Global Price Requests for Specific Contracts under Framework Contracts SIEA 2018, PSF 2019, and EVA 2020. The Contracting Authority can choose to define the requirements through Other items defined by Contracting Authority, and/or allow the Economic Operator to propose experts and other items not defined by the Contracting Authority for their Financial Offer.
  • New terminology has been introduced for requirements on Global Price Requests for Specific Contracts, effectively replacing Other Costs/Other Details.
  • This new terminology has also been implemented in eSubmission > Tender Data screen for Economic Operators, as well as in the generated Financial Offer.
  • If activated and extending the above, Economic Operators now have the possibility to propose experts and other items not defined by the Contracting Authority in eSubmission > Tender Data for their Financial Offer.
  • The identification of the Authorising Officer is now included in the signature of Award Letters (best tenderer, next-best tenderer, unsuccessful tenderer) sent to Economic Operators.
B. Public Procurements
  • In the case of public procurement, the tenderer can choose any official EU language as the submission language. As a result, the submission receipt and the submission report are generated in the chosen language.

------Chers Utilisateurs,

Veuillez prendre note de la nouvelle release OPSYS / eProcurement – Pre-Award 2022 dans le Portail des Opportunités de Financement et d'Appel d'Offres (pour les Opérateurs Économiques).

Cette nouvelle version inclut une amélioration substantielle des Demandes pour des Contrats Spécifiques en prix forfaitaire. Il est désormais possible pour l’Autorité Contractante de définir une liste de livrables (c.-à-d. une liste de rapports / études), contre lequel les Contractants-Cadres concurrents soumettront leurs offres. Dans ce cas, il n'est plus nécessaire pour l’Autorité Contractante de définir le(s) poste(s) d'expertise.

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous un aperçu des nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations de l'eProcurement pour les utilisateurs RELEX.Portail des Opportunités de Financement et d'Appel d'Offres
A. Contrats Spécifiques
  • L'Autorité Contractante n'est plus obligée de spécifier des experts et / ou d'autres frais pour les conditions requises relatives aux Demandes pour des Contrats Spécifiques en prix forfaitaire sous les Contrats-Cadres SIEA 2018, PSF 2019 et EVA 2020. L'Autorité Contractante peut choisir de définir les exigences via d'autres éléments définis par l'Autorité Contractante, et / ou permettre à l'Opérateur Économique de proposer des experts et d'autres éléments non définis par l'Autorité Contractante pour son Offre Financière.
  • Une nouvelle terminologie a été introduite pour les conditions requises relatives aux Demandes pour des Contrats Spécifiques en prix forfaitaire, remplaçant effectivement les Autres frais / Autres détails.
  • Cette nouvelle terminologie introduite a également été implémenté dans l'écran eSubmission > Tender Data pour les Opérateurs Économiques, ainsi que dans l'Offre Financière générée.
  • En cas d'activation et dans le prolongement de ce qui précède, les Opérateurs Économiques ont désormais la possibilité de proposer des experts et d'autres éléments non définis par l’Autorité Contractante dans eSubmission > Tender Data pour leur Offre Financière.
  • L'identification de l'Ordonnateur est désormais incluse dans la signature des Lettres d'Attribution (meilleur soumissionnaire, deuxième meilleur soumissionnaire, soumissionnaire non retenu) envoyées aux Opérateurs Économiques.
B. Marchés Publics
  • Dans le cas d'une démarche public, le soumissionnaire peut choisir n'importe quelle langue officielle de l'UE comme langue de soumission. En conséquence, l’accusé de réception et le rapport de soumission sont générés dans la langue choisie.
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Contribution Agreements module in OPSYS compulsory from February 2024. Register in one of the trilingual webinars 


Since the 2nd of October 2023, EC Operational Managers could choose to launch certain types of Contribution Agreements (CA) under EU External Actions through OPSYS. The participation in the initial phase of this rollout in OPSYS was on a voluntary basis. From the 01/02/2024, the encoding of Contribution Agreements in OPSYS will become mandatory.

The full roll-out phase starting from 1st February 2024, you can manage information concerning your Organisation, and manage your Contracts (e-signature, submission of deliverables such as inception reports/progress reports/final reports, launch amendments to your Contracts, manage results and indicators) for the following types of Contribution Agreements (CA) via the electronic workflow (electronic signature):

 (i) Single-Partner CAs (including blending other than CAFI), and

 (ii) CAs with EUR as currency

You can also encode and manage the following CA types in OPSYS and ARES through a paper workflow (blue ink/QES signature):

(i) Multi-Partner CAs

(ii) CAs with entities having their participant identification code (PIC) linked to the LEF of another entity (the “mother entity”)

(iii) CAs for financial instruments (CAFIs)

(iv) CAs signed with a partner entites that have ‘specific templates’ as listed below

Please note that the following CA types still need to be created and managed outside OPSYS:

(i) CAs with currency other than EUR

(ii) Sensitive CAs

(iii) other CAs concluded in other circumstances (grants, either through call for proposals or direct award, by the Commission in direct management or by the partner country).

Their onboarding to OPSYS/LCM will follow later when the corresponding features will become available. CAs already launched outside OPSYS via CRIS will continue to be managed in CRIS. Addenda (including top-ups) to CAs already launched/managed in CRIS will be also managed in CRIS regardless of the 1st of February deadline. A migration of those CAs and addenda to OPSYS/LCM will follow at a later stage.

To onboard entrusted entities the following webinars have been organised. You can also watch a rerun of the webinar on 28 November via this url:




Webinar topic:

OPSYS: Contribution Agreement features and functionalities


Date and time:

jeudi 1 février 2024 14:00 | (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris


Register link:




Webinar topic:

OPSYS: Accord de contribution (Contribution Agreement)


Date and time:

lundi 5 février 2024 10:00 | (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris

Register link:



Webinar topic:

OPSYS: Convenio de Contribución (Contribution Agreement)

Date and time:

mardi 6 février 2024 16:00 | (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris

Register link:


Onboarding webinar for AUDIT 2023 Framework Contractors in the Funding and Tenders Portal (OPSYS)


From December 2023, the OPSYS ecosystem will be used to implement the Specific Contracts under AUDIT 2023 Framework Contracts across all stages of implementation. This includes requests for services, clarifications of requests, submission of offers, evaluation, signature of Specific Contracts and management of the contracts (including amendments).

To provide clarity on this matter, please join this introductory awareness webinar on 5th of December 2023 from 10 am to 12 pm CET Brussels time. In this webinar you will receive the necessary information regarding upcoming changes and receive information to complete all required steps in the Funding and Tenders Portal.


  • Introduction to the OPSYS ecosystem (Funding and Tenders Portal)
  • Key concepts, roles and terminology
  • How to electronically submit offers and manage new Specific Contracts under AUDIT 2023 Framework Contracts in the OPSYS ecosystem (Funding and Tenders Portal)?
  • Curated resources by INTPA R5 OPSYS Change Management team
  • Q&A with INTPA R3 and INTPA R5 Business representatives

Save the date and register now for the onboarding webinar to AUDIT 2023 Framework Contractors on Tuesday, 5 December 2023 from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. CET Brussels time

Onboarding webinar on the Contribution Agreement features and functionalities in the Funding and Tenders Portal


An awareness webinar has been organised in English for pillar-assessed organisations on 28 November 2023 from 14h00 to 16h00 (CET).

Register now:

Contribution Agreements module in OPSYS available in initial phase on voluntary basis

Dear EC Partner,

From the 2nd of October 2023, EC operational managers can choose to encode certain types of Contribution Agreements under EU External Actions through a module in OPSYS. The participation in the initial phase of this rollout in OPSYS is on a voluntary basis.

From 01/02/2024, the encoding in OPSYS will become mandatory.

During this voluntary phase and as an entrusted partner of the European Commission, and following your prior agreement with the Contracting Authority, you will be able to sign (with or without e-signature) and manage your Contribution Agreements from the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal – the single entry point for all external partners of the EC.

To sign Contracts electronically, and apart from a valid PIC (Participant Identification Code), you will need to have a LEAR (Legal Entity Appointed Representative). Should you have any questions related to PIC registration/validation and LEAR appointment for your entrusted entity, please contact for support.

In the Funding and Tenders Portal, you will be able to manage information concerning your organisation, and manage your Contracts, which includes e-signature, submission of deliverables (inception reports, progress reports, final reports, etc.), launch of amendments to your Contracts, and manage results and indicators. Please view the dedicated online documentation on our EXACT – External Action Wiki.

Even though this initial rollout phase of Contribution Agreements in OPSYS is on a voluntary basis, we strongly advise your participation (providing you meet the requirements to sign electronically). Your participation in this voluntary phase will contribute to the preparedness of your organisation to the full and required rollout in Q1 – 2024. Furthermore, an extended support service and onboarding activities will be activated to accompany you during this initial phase.

If you choose not to participate in the initial rollout phase, for any reason, there is no modification in the actual procedure for Contribution Agreements. Also note that the following Contribution Agreements are not yet managed in OPSYS, so are not concerned by this initial rollout:

  • Contribution Agreements with Financial Instruments (CAFI)
  • Contribution Agreements with European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • Contribution Agreements with European Investment Bank (EIB)
  • Contribution Agreements with World Bank Group (WBG)
  • Contribution Agreements in foreign currency
  • Contribution Agreements in direct management (including Calls for Proposals)
  • Sensitive contracts (non-classified)

To support our partners in this transition, also starting from the 2nd of October 2023, we have organised the following change support activities:

Resources for Partners:

  • Multi-lingual awareness webinars on the Contribution Agreement features and functionalities in the Funding and Tenders Portal for Entrusted Entities
    • One webinar in English planned for pillar-assessed organisations on 28 November 2023 from 14h00 to 16h00 (CET). Details will be published in the EXACT Wiki – Latest News page.
    • Three webinars planned for Q1 and Q2 - 2024 open to all concerned partners. This webinar series will be held in English, French and Spanish.
  • Awareness video on Participant Identification Code (PIC)
    • One video explaining the PIC registration and validation process in the Funding and Tenders Portal
  • E-Learning Module: Tasks to be performed in the Funding and Tenders Portal
    • One module with online simulations for users to practice the Contribution Agreement features and functionalities in the Funding and Tenders Portal

Details about the resources for partners will be announced after the go live of Contribution Agreements in the EXACT Wiki Latest News Page and the Funding and Tenders Portal EU External Action page. All webinars will be recorded and available in INTPA Academy under the section “Webinars” in Resources, and under the category “Financial and Contractual Procedures”.

if you have questions, please contact the EC Funding and Tender Service Helpdesk

Welcome to OPSYS!

2024 Results Reporting exercise in OPSYS | Awareness webinars for Implementing Partners in October 2023

The Results Reporting exercise (RRE) for 2024 has been launched. The exercise will collect data on the results of interventions funded by NDICI, IPA III, DOAG and INSC, to measure the progress achieved and ensure transparency and accountability.

The interventions that will be covered by this exercise are those that started before the 1 July 2023 and that are funded through the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027.

This exercise takes place via the IT platform, OPSYS. As part of this exercise, Implementing Partners will need to:

-Input the logframe of the intervention in OPSYS (ensure that updates of baselines, targets and indicators that have been agreed are duly reflected)

-Update the current values if available. Please include the values reported in the latest financial/narrative report. Kindly note that the exercise will report on the last available data in the system. This data can be encoded in OPSYS at any time during the year, not necessarily during the Results Reporting exercise.

Updating the current values in OPSYS should be done on a regular basis. As a minimum, the values should be updated each time that the Implementing Partners submit the narrative and financial report.

To help you in the process, please find below the online resources available for log frame and data recording in OPSYS. A trilingual webinar series on this subject has also been organised:





The video recording and PowerPoint presentations of these webinars will be published in INTPA Academy under Resources > Webinars. The webinar in English will be available under the section called ‘Financial and Contractual Procedures’. Webinars in other EU languages will be available under the section called ‘French’ and ‘Spanish’.

Step-by-Step documentation:

Video resources:

In case you wish to consult the video recordings of past Results Data Collection Awareness Webinars for Implementing Partners, they are available in INTPA Academy:

o Englishwebinar

o Frenchwebinar

o Spanishwebinar

o Soumission Valeurs et Contrôl Qualité 

o Correspondance EURF-GAP III et Encodage Valeurs 

Video tutorials :


Curated list of resources:

Please consult in particular the Englishwebinar, it includes a demo. The video tutorials take users step by step through the process.

This specific link to documentation would be the most useful:,CreationandSubmission

Should you have technical issues while encoding the logframe in OPSYS (Funding and Tenders Portal), please contact the helpdesk via the contact form or via email: EC-FUNDING-TENDER-SERVICE-DESK@EC.EUROPA.EU

Please note that in case you have additional questions on the process, and want to verify if your interventions are concerned by this exercise, consult directly the EU Operational Manager.

We count on your cooperation and support throughout this exercise.

OPSYS onboarding for FPI Election Observation Missions (EOM) Framework Contractors

From 1st September 2023, the OPSYS ecosystem will be used to implement the Specific Contracts under Election Observation Missions (EOM) Framework Contracts across all stages of implementation. This includes requests for services, clarifications of requests, submission of offers, evaluation, signature of Specific Contracts, management of the contracts (amendments and administrative orders), reporting and payments.

All the contracts and requests for services launched before 1st of September will continue to be handled as they are currently. For a transition period, there will be two different methods of operation.

To provide clarity on this matter, please join this introductory awareness webinar on 5th of September 2023 from 14:30 to 16:30 Brussels time. In this webinar you will receive the necessary information regarding upcoming changes and receive information to complete all required steps with the  new procedures.


  • Introduction to the OPSYS ecosystem (Funding and Tenders Portal)
  • Key concepts, roles and terminology
  • How to manage ongoing contracts during the transition period?
  • How to electronically submit offers and manage new Specific Contracts under EOM Framework Contracts in the OPSYS ecosystem (Funding and Tenders Portal)?
  • Change management resources
  • Q&A with FPI 6 representatives


Connection details

Link to register for the webinar:

Link to join the webinar on 5 September: 

Webinar number: 2742 332 0639

Webinar password: e8xJBa5Yw*7 (38952259 from phones and video systems)

Join by phone: +32-262-00867 Belgium Toll | +352-2730-0072 Luxembourg Toll | Access code: 2742 332 0639

Update in hyperlink to Calls for Proposals and Tenders publications page

Dear Colleagues,

Due to an online services migration, please take important note and update your bookmarks: the hyperlink to the calls for proposals and tenders publications webpage, to apply for EU external action grants or public procurement, has changed!

The new link is >>

A temporary landing page has been implemented on the previous publication’s webpage, and will inform any potential applicants or economic operators of the new link.

The International Partnerships – Looking for Funding and Grants web pages, and other resources, have also been updated accordingly.

There is no impact for the publication of calls on the corporate Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal.

If you have any questions concerning this e-mail, please contact INTPA SUPPORT SERVICES or NEAR APPLICATION SUPPORT.

INTPA R5 – Data and Information Technology


[ Avis Important ] Action extérieure de l'UE - Mise à jour dans le lien hypertexte vers la page des publications des appels à propositions et appels d’offres

Chers Collègues,

En raison d'une migration des services en ligne, veuillez prendre note et mettre à jour vos signets : le lien hypertexte vers la page web des publications des appels à propositions et appels d’offres, pour postuler aux subventions ou marchés publics de l'action extérieure de l'UE, a changé !

Le nouveau lien est >>

Une page d'accueil temporaire a été mise en place sur la page web de la publication précédente et informera tous les candidats potentiels ou opérateurs économiques du nouveau lien.

Les pages web Partenariats InternationauxRecherche de Financement et de Subventions, ainsi que d'autres ressources, ont également été mises à jour en conséquence.

Il n'y a pas d'impact pour la publication des appels sur le corporate Portail des Opportunités de Financement et d'Appels d'Offres.

Si vous avez des questions concernant cet e-mail, veuillez contacter INTPA SUPPORT SERVICES ou NEAR APPLICATION SUPPORT.

Bien à vous,

DG INTPA R5 – Data et Technologie de l’Information

Extension of the Framework Contract SIEA 2018 until December 2023



Dear Framework Contractors under the Framework Contract SIEA,

To ensure business continuity until the start date of the new Framework Contract SIEA 2023, all lots of the Framework Contract SIEA 2018 were extended until 31/12/2023 at the latest.

For more information regarding management of Requests for Specific Contracts (submissions) and Specific Contracts (post-award), please consult the online documentation:


Chers Contractants-Cadres sous le Contrat-Cadre SIEA,

Afin d’assurer la continuité des activités jusqu'à la date de début du nouveau Contrat-Cadre SIEA 2023, tous les lots du Contrat-Cadre SIEA 2018 ont été prolongé jusqu'au 31/12/2023.

Pour de plus de renseignements sur la gestion des Demandes de Contrats Spécifiques (soumissions) et des Contrats Spécifiques, veuillez consulter la documentation en ligne :

The ROM module is now integrated in OPSYS


The Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) module was integrated in OPSYS recently. This release represents the initial version of the integration of the ROM module in OPSYS, allowing to perform ROM reviews on Interventions. ROM reviews that were created and approved in the ROM module (legacy system) will have to be completed in OPSYS now.

The ROM module is a tool used by DG INTPA and DG NEAR (in HQ and in EU Delegations), for the effective management of Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) reviews of ongoing Interventions.

Since March 2023, all new ROM reviews are created and managed in OPSYS. The ROM module in OPSYS covers the full cycle of ROM reviews on Interventions. The management of ROM Experts that are selected for ROM reviews is also entirely done through OPSYS.

INTPA D4 (Performance, Results and Evaluation; Internal Communication, Knowledge Management and Collaborative Methods) and NEAR A4 (Coordination of financing instruments - performance, results, and evaluation), are in charge of the overall coordination of the ROM system.

For external users (ROM Contractors and Core Team Experts*), the ROM module is accessible from:

 (*) Core Team Experts have access to all ROM reviews in all statuses for their respective lot.

ROM Contractors can perform their tasks in OPSYS, for example they can:

  • access the draft ROM review from their respective ROM Workplan or ROM Reviews sections via the external Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal. ROM Core Team Experts can also access draft ROM reviews for their respective lot.
  • view and extract a list of planned ROM reviews (draft, confirmed, experts selected, experts confirmed) and estimate the projects that they are able to review with the budget available under their contract.
  • cancel or resume a ROM review from the confirmed ROM review based on their planning (Workplan). ROM Core Team Experts can also view confirmed ROM reviews for their respective lot.
  • plan the specific missions, assign pre-approved Experts, propose mission dates etc.
  • encode this information for each ROM review via the external Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal.
  • select the Quality Control (QC) Expert in charge of supporting the mission
  • signal any conflict of interest at Consortium-level (if any).
  • etc.

e-Calls PADOR and e-Calls PROSPECT: EU Login 2-Factor Verification



Dear Applicants and External Assessors,

Please take important note that from the 1st of June 2022, all applicants and external assessors will require an EU Login 2-factor verification method to access e-Calls PADOR and e-Calls PROSPECT.

If you currently have a Call in submission or evaluation in e-Calls PROSPECT, we request that you make sure that you have your EU Login 2-factor verification method activated before the above requirement and Call deadline(s).

To activate your EU Login 2-factor verification method, access your EU Login account as previously, and set-up your 2-factor verification method as instructed in the EU Login Guide (PDF).

May we please stress the importance of this request, so that all deadlines are reached without any possible technical restrictions linked to your login.

You may also access the online documentation, including the updated step-by-step instructions for the EU Login access and 2-factor verification to the respective system:

If you need any technical support, please contact INTPA SUPPORT SERVICES.

We thank you for your collaboration.

Best regards,

DG INTPA R5 – Data and Information Technology


e-Calls PADOR et e-Calls PROSPECT : Vérification EU Login à 2 Facteurs


Chers Demandeurs et Évaluateurs Externes,

Veuillez noter qu'à partir du 1er juin 2022, tous les demandeurs et évaluateurs externes auront besoin d'une méthode de vérification EU Login à 2 facteurs pour accéder à e-Calls PADOR et e-Calls PROSPECT.

Si vous avez actuellement un appel en cours de soumission ou d'évaluation dans e-Calls PROSPECT, nous vous demandons de vous assurer que votre méthode de vérification EU Login à 2 facteurs est activée avant l'exigence indiquée ci-dessus et la ou les date limites de l'appel.

Pour activer votre méthode de vérification à 2 facteurs EU Login, accédez à votre compte EU Login comme précédemment et configurez votre méthode de vérification à 2 facteurs comme indiqué dans le Guide EU Login (PDF).

Soulignons l'importance de cette demande, afin que tous les délais soient respectés sans aucune restriction technique possible liée à votre login.

Vous pouvez également accéder à la documentation en ligne, y compris les instructions mises à jour et étape-par-étape pour l'accès à EU Login et la vérification à 2 facteurs du système respectif :

Si vous avez besoin d'assistance technique, veuillez contacter INTPA SUPPORT SERVICES.

Nous vous remercions de votre collaboration.

Bien à vous,

DG INTPA R5 – Data et Technologie de l’Information



1. Introduction to OPSYS


EN - OPSYS - Beginner’s introduction to the OPSYS IT systems

FR - Webinar in French: OPSYS - Beginner’s Introduction To The OPSYS IT Systems

SPA - Webinar in Spanish: OPSYS - Introducción Para Principiantes A Los Sistemas Informáticos OPSYS

2. OPSYS - 2024 Results Reporting exercise in OPSYS | Awareness webinar for Implementing Partners

EN - OPSYS - 2024 Results Reporting exercise in OPSYS | Awareness webinar for Implementing Partners

FR- OPSYS - Exercice de communication des résultats 2024 dans OPSYS | Séminaire en ligne de sensibilisation pour les partenaires de mise en œuvre

SPA - OPSYS - Ejercicio de informe de resultados 2024 en OPSYS | Seminario web informativo para socios de ejecución

PT - OPSYS - Exercício de coleta de dados de resultados 2024, no âmbito do sistema OPSYS

3.  OPSYS - Results encoding with a focus on EFSD+ indicators | Onboarding session for Financial Institutions 

EN - OPSYS - Results encoding in the Funding and Tenders Portal (OPSYS) | Onboarding session for Financial Institutions

4.  OPSYS - Introductory webinar on OPSYS with a focus on EOM 2021 | Onboarding session for EOM Framework Contractors 

EN- OPSYS - Introductory webinar on OPSYS to onboard EOM Contractors

5.  OPSYS - Introductory webinar on PIC registration and validation in OPSYS | Onboarding session 

EN - OPSYS - An introductory webinar on PIC Registration and Validation in the Funding & Tenders Portal

SPA- OPSYS - Un seminario web introductorio sobre el registro y la validación del CFP en el Portal de Financiación y Oferta 

6.  OPSYS - How to submit an EU External Actions tender and manage the subsequent contract in OPSYS? | Onboarding session 

EN - OPSYS - eSubmission of tenders for EU External Actions

FR- OPSYS - eSubmission des Appels d'Offres pour les Actions Extérieures de l'UE

We encourage you to consult the online documentation. We also invite you to enrol in the e-learning module.


e-Learning Module for Implementing Partners


Avail all webinars in INTPA Academy, click on 'Resources' in the menu and select 'eLearning'. The OPSYS related the eLearning module is available in the category 'Financial & Contractual Procedures'.


e-Learning Module: Encoding Interventions and Logframes in OPSYS

Link to the course


First time users will need to create an EU Login account to access content in INTPA Academy. After you create your account, you will need to register in the course by clicking on 'Enrol me'. 

Webinar Replay

Avail all webinars in INTPA Academy, click on 'Resources' in the menu and select 'Webinar'. All OPSYS related webinars in English are available in the category 'Financial & Contractual Procedures'. Webinars in other EU languages are available under the category 'French', 'Spanish' and 'Portuguese'. Direct links to the webinars are available on the OPSYS Onboarding page. 

Introduction to OPSYS Ecosystem for External Partners Same content as the webinar organized on 19 March 2021 below.If you are already an External Partner of the EC and you wish to participate in the webinar, please send your request and full credentials to to receive an invitation.Introduction to OPSYS Ecosystem for External Partners  - FrenchCe 28 Avril 2021 vous êtes invités pour un second webinaire sur « OPSYS écosystème » destiné aux partenaires externes francophones.Agenda du webinaire :
  • Présentation des outils informatiques utilisés dans le domaine des actions extérieures de l’Union Européenne : OPSYS écosystème, Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal, TED eTendering etc.
  • Les différentsrôles dans le Portail des Opportunités de Financement et d'Appels d'Offres
  • L’enregistrement de votre organisation sur le Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal
  • Ressources
  • [Nouvelles informations sur les Cadres Logiques] Pour ce point nous sommes en attente d’un accord officiel
Ressources :Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez déjà accéder à la présentation ainsi qu’à l’enregistrement en anglais disponible sur Capacity4Dev. N’oubliez pas de vous enregistrer comme membre sur Capacity4Dev pour avoir les dernières informations sur OPSYS écosystème. Vous pouvez aussi consulter le EXACT Wiki pour accéder au guide technique.Si vous êtes déjà un partenaire externe de la CE et que vous souhaitez participer au webinaire, veuillez envoyer votre demande et vos informations d'identification complètes à pour recevoir une invitation.Introduction to OPSYS Ecosystem for External Partners An informative Webinar in English titled ‘OPSYS Ecosystem Introduction for Implementing Partners and Contractors has been scheduled on e) on Friday, 19 March 2021 from 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.The intended audience of the webinar is partners with a PIC registration number but it is not limited to this audience. The 9-digit Participant Identification Code (PIC) has to be used in all correspondence with the Commission while participating in a project proposal or in a call for tenders with eSubmission. We will mention how to register your organisation and obtain a PIC registration number during the webinar.Please find inline the agenda for the webinar:
  • OPSYS today and tomorrow: State of Play
  • Access and roles: the minimum configuration of an organisation in the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal
  • Participant Identification Code (PIC) Registration 
  • Resources for externals by Change Management, including video tutorials and technical guides
  • Miscellaneous topics

3. Introduction to Calls for Publication

 Link to the webinar replay

New Webinars in May 2023 on Results Reporting in OPSYS with ROM Experts


To meet the requirements of Operational Managers and Implementing Partners, new sessions in May have been added to the schedule. 

1. Corporate Indicators - Matching and Values

This webinar is walking participants through what Results Reporting through Corporate indicators is, how to do it in OPSYS, including example and specific cases.

Target Audience: Operational Managers, Implementing Partners

  • Thu 11 May 2023, 11:30 – 13:00 Brussels time

  • Mon 15 May 2023, 11:00 – 12:30 Brussels time

  • Tue 16 May 2023, 11:30 – 13:00 Brussels time

2. Submission and Quality Control

This webinar is walking operational managers to the process to submit data to the Results Reporting and participate in the Quality Control process.

Target Audience: Operational Managers

  • Wed 10 May 2023, 14:00 – 15:30 Brussels time

  • Wed 17 May 2023, 11:00 – 12:30 Brussels time

  • Mon 22 May 2023, 10:00 – 11:30 Brussels time 

  • Wed 24 May 2023, 15:00 – 16:30 Brussels time


Pour répondre aux besoins des gestionnaires opérationnels et des partenaires de mise en œuvre, des nouvelles séances ont été ajoutées au calendrier au mois de mai. 

1. Correspondance EURF/GAP III et encodage valeurs

Gestionnaires Opérationnels & Partenaires de mise en œuvre

  • 10 mai 2023 04:00 PM Bruxelles 

2. Soumission valeurs et Contrôle Qualité

Uniquement pour Gestionnaires Opérationnels

  • 12 mai 2023 11:00 AM Bruxelles


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New Webinars in April 2023 on Results Reporting in OPSYS with ROM Experts

[EN] To meet the requirements of Operational Managers and Implementing Partners, new sessions in April have been added to the schedule. 
1. Corporate Indicators - Matching and ValuesThis webinar is walking participants through what Results Reporting through Corporate indicators is, how to do it in OPSYS, including example and specific cases.Target Audience: Operational Managers, Implementing Partners
  • Wed 19 April 23, 11:00 – 12:30 Brussels time is external)
  • Mon 24 April 23, 14:00 – 15:30 Brussels time is external)
  • Wed 26 April 23, 11:00 – 12:30 Brussels time is external)
2. Submission and Quality ControlThis webinar is walking operational managers to the process to submit data to the Results Reporting and participate in the Quality Control process.Target Audience: Operational Managers
  • Thu 27 April 23, 11:00 – 12:30 Brussels time is external)Manual Registration (needs to be approved)

[FR] Pour répondre aux besoins des gestionnaires opérationnels et des partenaires de mise en œuvre, des nouvelles séances ont été ajoutées au calendrier en avril.

1. Correspondance EURF/GAP III et encodage valeursGestionnaires Opérationnels & Partenaires de mise en œuvre

  • Mercredi, 19 Avril 4h-5h, Heure de Brussels is external)Meeting ID: 872 0293 6430Passcode: 181080
  • Mercredi, 26 Avril 15h-16h, Heure de Brussels is external)Meeting ID: 845 8755 1297Passcode: 635031
2. Soumission valeurs et Contrôle QualitéUniquement pour Gestionnaires Opérationnels
  • Lundi 11 April, 4h – 5h, heure de Brussels is external)ID de réunion : 869 8745 9410Code secret : jTPz7C
  • Jeudi 27 April,  10h-11h, heure de Brussels is external)ID de réunion : 885 0507 1360Code secret : 66PMnu

El seminario web del 6 de abril ha sido reprogramado para el 20 de abri | Spanish Webinar on OPSYS rescheduled from 6/4 to 20/4



Estimados Socios de Ejecución,El seminario web del 6 de abril ha sido reprogramado para el 20 de abril (sin cambiar el horario) después de las vacaciones de Pascuas.
Por favor, encuentre en línea la url para acceder a la sesión sobre el tema: campaña de recopilación de datos grabación del vídeo y la presentación en PowerPoint estarán disponibles en INTPA Academy:OPSYS - Serie De Seminarios Web Sobre Recopilación De Datos De Resultados Para Socios Implementadores
Por favor, hágase miembro en Capacity4Dev para mantenerse conectado con respecto a OPSYS.GraciasSaludos cordiales,Equipo de Gestión del Cambio, DG INTPA R5 - Tecnología de datos e información


Dear Implementing Partners,
The webinar on April 6 has been rescheduled after the Easter holidays on April 20 at the same time.Please find inline the url to access the session on the topic “Results Data Collection in OPSYS”: video recording and PowerPoint presentation will be available in INTPA Academy after the webinar: OPSYS - Webinar Series on Results Data Collection for Implementing PartnersWe encourage you to become a member of Capacity4Devto stay connected regarding OPSYS. Thank you.

Kind regards,

OPSYS Change Management TeamDG INTPA R5 - Data and information technology

Awareness Webinar series in EN, FR, SPA on the Results Data Collection Campaign for advanced users of OPSYS -  by the OPSYS Change Management Team

English version

This year for the first time, the annual results data collection will take place entirely in OPSYS. To support Implementing Partners, a trilingual awareness webinar series on the Results Data Collection Campaign in OPSYS has been organised. The same content will be presented in English, French and Spanish. This webinar series is brought to you by the OPSYS Change Management team (DG INTPA R5) in collaboration with the Unit for Performance, Results and Evaluation (DG INTPA D4), the Unit for Coordination of Financing Instruments - performance, results and evaluation (DG NEAR A4) and Unit for Budget, Finance, Relations with other Institutions (FPI 4).  As you know, the Commission needs to capture and report on results in the field of external cooperation which stems not only from Article 33 of the Financial Regulation but also from its own policy on budgetary performance. It is hence essential to source credible evidence and verifiable results to provide greater transparency on results for all stakeholders.  The upcoming results data collection will cover primary interventions funded under MFF 2014-2020 that started before 01/01/2022 and which have an EU contribution above EUR 750,000. This threshold does not apply to FPI as the Service will report 100% on all its interventions. This year’s sample will still not include interventions from the EU Trust Funds (EUTF) however it can be expected to happen in OPSYS next year. These webinars will prepare you for the upcoming tasks. Please note that the full reporting on results achieved with funds under the MFF 2021-20276 is expected to start in the forthcoming exercise in one year’s time. They are hence outside the purview of this year’s exercise.  Please note that the aggregated data collected for the indicators of the EU Results Framework and IPA Performance Framework and the FPI Results Framework will be used for reporting in the Annual Report on implementation of the European Union’s instruments for financing external actions in 2022 and other reporting. It will also support the strategic evaluation of MFF 2014-20 instruments and provide trends for the Mid-Term Review of NDICI-Global Europe and IPA III. In this context, the support of Implementing Partners to encode details in the logical frameworks and add the latest results in OPSYS is essential.  Please encourage your Implementing Partners join this advanced webinar and/or watch the video recording to be informed about the specificities of this results reporting campaign. 


  • Context of the Results Data Collection Campaign 
  • What is your role as an Implementing Partner in the Results Reporting exercise?  
  • How to select and contribute to the corporate indicators used for reporting in OPSYS? 
  • Deadlines
  • Encoding the logframe and results in OPSYS (Funding and Tenders Portal) - Demo
  • Change Management resources 
  • Support 
  • Q&A  

English 21 March 2023 | 10 am to 12 pm CET Connection:Join the webinar via the below URL on Webex: is external)Presentation:The video recording of the webinar and PowerPoint presentation will be available in INTPA Academy:OPSYS - Results Data Collection Webinar Series For Implementing Partners
French  28 March 2023 | 2 pm to 4 pm CET Connection:Join the webinar via the below URL on Webex: is external)Presentation:The video recording of the webinar and PowerPoint presentation will be available in INTPA Academy:OPSYS - Série De Webinaires Sur La Collecte De Données Sur Les Résultats Pour Les Partenaires De Mise En Œuvre
Spanish  20 April 2023 | 4 pm to 6 pm CET Connection:Join the webinar via the below URL on Webex: video recording of the webinar and PowerPoint presentation will be available in INTPA Academy:OPSYS - Serie De Seminarios Web Sobre Recopilación De Datos De Resultados Para Socios ImplementadoresFor the text in French and Spanish please click here.

Webinars by ROM Experts 

In addition to the trilingual webinar series above, ROM Experts have scheduled sessions for Implementing Partners on the following topics in English and French:  

  • Logframe and Current Value encoding 
  • Submission and Quality Control 
  • Corporate Indicators – Matching and Values 
All sessions have been scheduled in the month of March 2023. You can consult details about the sessions and register for a session by clicking here or scrolling below.Please feel free to circulate this link with other Implementing Partners who can benefit from these sessions.  

French version

Chers Partenaires de Mise en œuvre,

Cette année, pour la première fois, la collecte annuelle de données des résultats se fera entièrement dans OPSYS. Pour soutenir les partenaires de mise en œuvre, l’équipe de gestion du changement OPSYS (DG INTPA R5) en collaboration avec DG INTPA D4, DG NEAR A4 et FPI4 vous invite pour une série de webinaires trilingues sur la campagne de collecte de données des résultats dans OPSYS. Le même contenu sera présenté en anglais, français et espagnol.Comme vous le savez, la Commission est tenue à communiquer les résultats dans le domaine de la coopération extérieure qui découlent non seulement de l’article 33 du règlement financier, mais aussi de sa propre politique en matière de performance budgétaire. Il est donc essentiel de recueillir des preuves crédibles et des résultats vérifiables pour assurer une plus grande transparence des résultats pour tous les intervenants.La collecte de données des résultats pour l’année 2022 couvrira les interventions primaires financées au titre du CFP 2014-2020 qui ont débuté avant le 01/01/2022 et qui ont une contribution de l’UE supérieure à 750 000 euros. Ce seuil ne s’applique pas à FPI puisque le Service prendra en compte toutes ses interventions. L’échantillon de cette année n’inclura toujours pas les interventions des fonds fiduciaires de l’UE (EUTF), mais on peut s’attendre à ce que cela soit inclus dans OPSYS l’année prochaine. Ces webinaires vous prépareront aux tâches à venir. Veuillez noter que le rapport complet sur les résultats obtenus avec les fonds dans le cadre du CFP 2021-20276 devrait commencer dans le prochain exercice l’année prochaine. Elles ne font donc pas partie de l’exercice en cours.Veuillez noter que les données agrégées recueillies pour les indicateurs seront utilisées dans plusieurs rapports. Il soutiendra également l’évaluation stratégique des instruments du CFP 2014-2020 et fournira des tendances pour l’examen de mi-parcours de NDICI-Global Europe et IPA III. Dans ce contexte, votre soutien en tant que partenaires de mise en œuvre pour encoder les cadres logiques et ajouter les derniers résultats dans OPSYS, est essentiel.Veuillez participer à ce webinaire ou regarder l’enregistrement vidéo pour être informé des spécificités de cette campagne. N’oubliez pas de devenir membre du Forum OPSYS dans Capacity4Dev pour rester connecté.
Bien à vous,OPSYS Change ManagementINTPA R5 - Data and Information TechnologyDirectorate-General for International Partnerships
Sauver la date : Anglais21 mars 2023 | De 10 h à 12 h (HEC)Français 28 mars 2023 | 14 h à 16 h (HEC)Espagnole20 avril 2023 | 16 h à 18 h (HEC)
Ordre du jour :

  • Contexte de la campagne
  • Quel est votre rôle en tant que partenaire de mise en œuvre dans cet exercice
  • Comment sélectionner et contribuer aux indicateurs
  • Délais
  • Encodage du cadre logique et des résultats dans OPSYS (Portail de financement et d’appels d’offres)
  • Ressources
  • Soutien
  • Questions et réponses

Connection : Rejoignez le webinaire via l'URL ci-dessous sur Webex :ésentation :L’enregistrement vidéo et la présentation PowerPoint seront disponibles dans INTPA Academy :OPSYS - Série De Webinaires Sur La Collecte De Données Sur Les Résultats Pour Les Partenaires De Mise En Œuvre 

Spanish version 

Estimados Socios de Ejecución,

Este año, por primera vez, la recopilación de datos de resultados anuales tendrá lugar totalmente en OPSYS. Para apoyar a los socios de ejecución, el equipo de gestión del cambio de OPSYS (DG INTPA R5) en colaboración con DG INTPA D4, DG NEAR A4 y FPI4 le invita a participar en una serie de seminarios relativos a la campaña de recopilación de datos de resultados en OPSYS. El mismo contenido se presentará en inglés, francés y español.La Comisión está obligada a recoger e informar sobre los resultados en el ámbito de la cooperación exterior que se deriva no sólo del Artículo 33 del Reglamento financiero, sino también de su propia política en materia de resultados presupuestarios. Por lo tanto, es esencial obtener pruebas fidedignas y resultados verificables para conseguir mayor transparencia de los resultados para todos.La próxima recopilación de datos de resultados para el año 2022 abarcará las intervenciones primarias financiadas en el marco del MFP (Marco financiero plurianual) 2014-2020 que comenzaron antes del 01/01/2022 y que cuentan con una contribución de la UE superior a 750.000 euros. Este umbral no se aplica a FPI ya que el Servicio cubrirá el 100% de sus intervenciones. La muestra de este año todavía no incluirá intervenciones de los Fondos Fiduciarios de la UE (EUTF). Sin embargo, se puede esperar que se integrara en OPSYS el próximo año. Estos webinarios le prepararán para las próximas tareas. Tenga en cuenta que se espera que el reporting completo sobre los resultados obtenidos con los fondos del MFP 2021-2027 empiece el próximo ejercicio dentro de un año. Por lo tanto, quedan fuera del ámbito del ejercicio actual.Le avisamos que los datos agregados recopilados para los indicadores del EU Results Framework (marco de resultados de la UE) y del IPA Performance Framework (marco de resultados del IAP) y el FPI Results Framework (marco de resultados del FPI) se utilizarán para el reporting en el Informe Anual sobre la ejecución de los instrumentos de la Unión Europea para la financiación de la Acción Exterior en el 2022 y en otros informes. También apoyará la evaluación estratégica de los instrumentos del MFP 2014-2020 y proporcionará tendencias para la revisión intermedia de NDICI-Global Europe e IPA III. En este contexto, su apoyo como socios de ejecución para codificar detalles en los marcos lógicos y agregar los últimos resultados en OPSYS es esencial.Por favor únase a este webinario y/o vea la grabación del video para ser informado sobre las especificidades de esta campaña de reporting sobre resultados. No olvide convertirse en miembro del Foro OPSYS en Capacity4Dev para mantenerse conectado.
Atentamente,OPSYS Change ManagementINTPA R5 - Data and Information TechnologyDirectorate-General for International Partnerships

Apunte las fechas en:


21 de marzo de 2023 | 10 am a 12 pm CET


28 de marzo de 2023 | 2 pm a 4 pm CET


20 de abril de 2023 | 4 pm a 6 pm CET

Orden del día:

  • Contexto de la campaña de recopilación de datos
  • ¿Cuál es su función como socio de ejecución en el ejercicio de reporting sobre los resultados?
  • ¿Cómo seleccionar y contribuir a los indicadores estándares utilizados para el reporting en OPSYS?
  • Plazos
  • Codificación del marco lógico y resultados en OPSYS (Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal – F&TP)
  • Recursos de gestión del cambio
  • Apoyo
  • Preguntas y respuestas

Conexión: Únase al webinario en Webex:ón:La grabación de video y la presentación en PowerPoint estarán disponibles en INTPA Academy:OPSYS - Serie De Seminarios Web Sobre Recopilación De Datos De Resultados Para Socios Implementadores

Webinars on Results for Implementing Partners - by ROM Experts

English version

Please find below the list of webinars for Results Reporting. Each webinar with the same name, will be the same. There are three different webinar, with at least three sessions each:
  • Logframe and Current Value encoding
  • Submission and Quality Control
  • Corporate Indicators – Matching and Values

TitleRR - Logframe and Current Value Encoding
DescriptionThis webinar is showcases how to get started with encoding logframes and current values in OPSYS.
Target audienceOperational Managers, Implementing Partners
Date and timeTues 7 Mar 2023, 09:00 – 10:30 Brussels time
Registration Link
Registration ProtocolAutomatic Registration
TitleRR - Submission and Quality Control
DescriptionThis webinar is walking operational managers to the process to submit data to the Results Reporting and participate in the Quality Control process.
Target audienceOperational Managers
Date and timeThu 9 Mar 2023, 09:30 – 11:00 Brussels time
Registration Link
Registration ProtocolManual Registration (needs to be approved)
TitleRR – Corporate Indicators – Matching and Values
DescriptionThis webinar is walking participants through what Results Reporting through Corporate indicators is, how to do it in OPSYS, including example and specific cases.
Target audienceOperational Managers, Implementing Partners
Date and timeFri 10 Mar 2023, 11:00 – 12:30 Brussels time
Registration Link
Registration ProtocolAutomatic Registration
TitleRR - Logframe and Current Value Encoding
DescriptionThis webinar is showcases how to get started with encoding logframes and current values in OPSYS.
Target audienceOperational Managers, Implementing Partners
Date and timeTues 14 Mar 2023, 14:00 – 15:30 Brussels time
Registration Link
Registration ProtocolAutomatic Registration
TitleRR – Submission and Quality Control
DescriptionThis webinar is walking operational managers to the process to submit data to the Results Reporting and participate in the Quality Control process.
Target audienceOperational Managers
Date and timeWed 15 Mar 2023, 14:00 – 15:30 Brussels time
Registration Link
Registration ProtocolManual Registration (needs to be approved)
TitleRR – Corporate Indicators – Matching and Values
DescriptionThis webinar is walking participants through what Results Reporting through Corporate indicators is, how to do it in OPSYS, including example and specific cases.
Target audienceOperational Managers, Implementing Partners
Date and timeThu 16 Mar 2023, 14:00 – 15:30 Brussels time
Registration Link
Registration ProtocolAutomatic Registration
TitleRR - Logframe and Current Value Encoding
DescriptionThis webinar is showcases how to get started with encoding logframes and current values in OPSYS.
Target audienceOperational Managers, Implementing Partners
Date and timeTues 21 Mar 2023, 11:00 – 12:30 Brussels time
Registration Link
Registration ProtocolAutomatic Registration
TitleRR – Corporate Indicators – Matching and Values
DescriptionThis webinar is walking participants through what Results Reporting through Corporate indicators is, how to do it in OPSYS, including example and specific cases.
Target audienceOperational Managers, Implementing Partners
Date and timeFri 24 Mar 2023, 11:00 – 12:30 Brussels time
Registration Link
Registration ProtocolAutomatic Registration
TitleRR - Logframe and Current Value Encoding
DescriptionThis webinar is showcases how to get started with encoding logframes and current values in OPSYS.
Target audienceOperational Managers, Implementing Partners
Date and timeTues 28 Mar 2023, 11:00 – 12:30 Brussels time
Registration Link
Registration ProtocolAutomatic Registration
TitleRR – Submission and Quality Control
DescriptionThis webinar is walking operational managers to the process to submit data to the Results Reporting and participate in the Quality Control process.
Target audienceOperational Managers
Date and timeWed 29 Mar 2023, 14:00 – 15:30 Brussels time
Registration Link
Registration ProtocolManual Registration (needs to be approved)
TitleRR – Corporate Indicators – Matching and Values
DescriptionThis webinar is walking participants through what Results Reporting through Corporate indicators is, how to do it in OPSYS, including example and specific cases.
Target audienceOperational Managers, Implementing Partners
Date and timeThu 30 Mar 2023, 11:00 – 12:30 Brussels time
Registration Link
Registration ProtocolAutomatic Registration

  In addition to the webinars above please find inline the list of webinars in French below.

French version

Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste des nouveaux webinaires sur l’encodage des résultats. Les webinaires abordent trois sujets différents, chacun répété deux fois.

TitreRR - Encodage Cadre Logique et valeurs courantes dans OPSYS
DescriptionCe webinaire montre comment commencer à encoder les Cadre Logiques et les valeurs actuelles dans OPSYS.
Public cibleGestionnaires Opérationnelles et Partenaires de Mise en Œuvre
Jour et heureMardi 7 Mars 2023, 16:00 – 17:00 heure de Bruxelles
Lien d’enregistrement
Protocole d'enregistrementEnregistrement automatique
TitreRR - Encodage Cadre Logique et valeurs courantes dans OPSYS
DescriptionCe webinaire montre comment commencer à encoder les Cadre Logiques et les valeurs actuelles dans OPSYS.
Public cibleGestionnaires Opérationnelles et Partenaires de Mise en Œuvre
Jour et heureJeudi 23 Mars 2023, 16:00 – 17:00 heure de Bruxelles
Lien d’enregistrement
Protocole d'enregistrementEnregistrement automatique
TitreRR – Indicateurs de base – Correspondances et valeurs
DescriptionCe webinaire explique aux participants ce qu'est le Results Reporting par le biais des indicateurs de base, comment le faire dans OPSYS, avec des exemples et des cas spécifiques.
Public cibleGestionnaires Opérationnelles et Partenaires de Mise en Œuvre
Jour et heureMardi 14 Mars 2023, 09:30 – 10:30 heure de Bruxelles
Lien d’enregistrement
Protocole d'enregistrementEnregistrement automatique
TitreRR – Indicateurs de base – Correspondances et valeurs
DescriptionCe webinaire explique aux participants ce qu'est le Results Reporting par le biais des indicateurs de base, comment le faire dans OPSYS, avec des exemples et des cas spécifiques.
Public cibleGestionnaires Opérationnelles et Partenaires de Mise en Œuvre
Jour et heureLundi 27 Mars 2023, 09:30 – 10:30 heure de Bruxelles
Lien d’enregistrement
Protocole d'enregistrementEnregistrement automatique
TitreRR – Soumission valeurs et Contrôle Qualité
DescriptionCe webinaire permet aux Gestionnaires Opérationnelles de se familiariser avec le processus de soumission des données dans le Results Reporting et de participer au processus de contrôle de la qualité.
Public cibleGestionnaires Opérationnelles
Jour et heureJeudi 9 Mars 2023, 09:30 – 10:30 heure de Bruxelles
Lien d’enregistrement
Protocole d'enregistrementEnregistrement manuel (doit être approuvé)
TitreRR – Soumission valeurs et Contrôle Qualité
DescriptionCe webinaire permet aux Gestionnaires Opérationnelles de se familiariser avec le processus de soumission des données dans le Results Reporting et de participer au processus de contrôle de la qualité.
Public cibleGestionnaires Opérationnelles
Jour et heureJeudi 30 Mars 2023, 16 :00 – 17:00 heure de Bruxelles
Lien d’enregistrement
Protocole d'enregistrementEnregistrement manuel (doit être approuvé)

Awareness Webinar series for Implementing Partners in English, Spanish and French until December 2022

Dear colleagues,

OPSYS Change Management and User Engagement team (DG International Partnerships) continue to bring to you awareness webinars for EU External Actions Implementing Partners, Economic Operators, Contractors and Experts. Please find inline the programme for the month of September to December 2022.The following topics will be addressed in three EU languages (English, French and Spanish) for partners across the world in different time-zones:

  • Beginner’s introduction to the OPSYS IT systems
  • eSubmission of tenders for EU External Actions
  • Introduction to Results Reporting in the Funding and Tenders Portal (OPSYS)
  • Beginner’s Introduction to PIC registration and validation in the Funding and Tenders Portal (OPSYS)

Can’t attend a webinar of interest? No problem, watch the video recording and access the PowerPoint presentation in INTPA Academy.To stay up-to-date about OPSYS related news and activities, we encourage all interested stakeholders to become a member of Capacity4Dev. You can access step-by-step online documentation concerning EU External Actions procedures in the EXACT Wiki. Consult the repository of past webinar recordings as well as upcoming webinars in EU International Partnerships Academy, also called INTPA Academy (Follow the path: INTPA Academy> Resources > Webinar > Financial and Contractual Procedures).

1. Beginner’s introduction to the OPSYS IT systems - EN, FR, SPA

In this introduction to the OPSYS IT Systems, an overview of the available features for implementing partners in the Funding and Tenders Portal will be presented. The webinar will also give you an indication of upcoming features. The objective of this webinar is to provide a comprehensive overview for newcomers, without diving into the details of each topic. Advanced practitioners of OPSYS may find it useful to attend the more detailed webinars on Results Reporting, Calls for Tenders or PIC validation.


  • Introduction to the OPSYS ecosystem
  • Context and state-of-play
  • Registering your organisation to obtain a Participant Identification Code (PIC)
    • Check the status of PIC
  • Finding a call for tender in the Funding and Tenders Portal
  • Submitting an EU External Actions tender
    • Acknowledge invitation
    • Express willingness to participate
    • Create and submit an offer (via eSubmission)
  • Managing your contract in the Funding and Tenders Portal
    • Contract signature: eSignature
    • Deliverables
    • Amendments
  • Reporting on progress with the logical framework (logframe) in the Funding and Tenders Portal
  • Change Management Resources and closure

Target Audience
  • EU External Actions Economic Operators, Contractors, Experts, Implementing Partners who are new users of OPSYS
  • EU External Actions Economic Operators, Contractors, Experts, Implementing Partners who would like to revisit key concepts and view a demo of what is now possible in the system are most welcome.

Webinar in English17 October 20228h30-10h30 CESTWatch the video replay and access the PPT
Webinar in FrenchTuesday, 25 October 202210h00-12h00 CESTWatch the video replay and access the PPT
Webinar in SpanishTuesday, 6 December 2022 16h00-18h00Register now: is external)

2. eSubmission of tenders for EU External Actions - EN, FR

In this webinar you will gain an understanding of how to submit an EU External Actions tender and manage the subsequent contract using the IT systems for your application process. You will see demonstrations in the systems to find calls, submit tenders, submit deliverables and more. You will also receive a package of resources which you can consult after the webinar. This is an intermediate course for Economic Operators with some prior knowledge of OPSYS.


  • Introduction to the OPSYS ecosystem
  • Context and state-of-play
  • Introduction to EU External Actions public procurement  
    • Important principles: Transparency, Competition etc.
    • Management modes: Direct, Indirect and Shared management
    • Services, Supplies and Works Contracts
    • Global price vs fee based contracts
    • Typical timeline
  • Registering your organisation (PIC)
  • Locating a RELEX call for tenders in the Funding and Tenders Portal and TED
  • Applying for a call
    • Acknowledging the invitation
    • Expressing willingness to participate
  • Submitting a tender via eSubmission
    • Specific Contract under Framework Contract SIEA 2018, AUDIT 2018, PSF 2019, EVA 2020 and EVENTS 2020
    • International open, restricted and negotiated procedures in direct management for tenders of EU External Actions DGs
  • Managing your contract in the Funding and Tenders Portal
    • Contract signature: eSignature 
    • Deliverables
    • Amendments
  • Change Management resources and closure

Target Audience
  • EU External Actions Economic Operators, Contractors, Experts

Webinar in EnglishMonday, 28 November 20229h30-11h30 CEST

Register now: is external)

Webinar in FrenchWednesday, 30 November 202210h00-12h00 CEST

Register now: is external)

3. Introduction to Results Reporting in the Funding and Tenders Portal (OPSYS) - EN, FR, SPA

In this webinar you will learn how to report results in the Funding and Tenders Portal. You will see demonstrations in the systems to find or encode logframes, add, edit or delete results, add core or customised indicators, and more. This is an intermediate course for Economic Operators with some prior knowledge of OPSYS. The same webinar content will be presented in English, French and Spanish.


  • Introduction to the OPSYS ecosystem
  • Context and state-of-play
  • Introduction to the EU External Actions results reporting exercise in the Funding and Tenders Portal
    • Introduction to Interventions and the Logical Framework (logframe)
    • Two main types of interventions: Introduction to Primary Interventions and related concepts
  • Tasks for the Implementing Partners
  • Encoding logframes and results in the Funding and Tenders Portal
  • Check the status of the logframe
  • Change Management resources and closure

Target Audience:
  • EU External Actions Implementing Partners (Member State Agencies, United Nations, Banks, NGOs, all contractors contractually in charge of implementing activities for EC-funded Projects etc.)

Webinar in EnglishWednesday, 12 October 20229h30-11h30 CEST

Watch the video recording and access the PPT

Webinar in FrenchWednesday, 23 November 20229h30-11h30 CEST

Register now: is external)

Webinar in SpanishTuesday, 13 December 202216h00-18h00 CEST

Register now: is external)

4. An introductory webinar on PIC registration and validation in the Funding and Tenders Portal (OPSYS) - EN, SPA

The OPSYS Change Management team (DG INTPA R5) in collaboration with REA and the PIC Management team bring to you this informative webinar focused on PIC registration and validation.Electronic submission (eSubmission) is mandatory for international open, restricted and negotiated procedures in direct management for tenders of EU External Actions DGs since March 2022. This means that paper submissions are no longer applicable for these procedures. Before submitting their application online via eSubmission, the tenderer (the leader and all the members in case of consortium) must first register in the Funding and Tenders Portal (OPSYS ecosystem) to obtain a 9-digit Participant Identification Code. If the leader and/or participant have already registered in the Participant Register and know their credentials, they can search for their PIC and use it when submitting tenders or requests to participate in eSubmission, otherwise they will need to register their entity in the Funding & Tenders portal.In the course of the procedure, tenderers (including consortium members) may be contacted by European Research Executive Agency (REA) validation services and requested to submit documents. Based on these documents their PIC will be validated once and for all. The validated PIC will then allow tenderers to subscribe to any future call, as well as to manage their contract(s) electronically in the Funding and Tender Portal. In this context, tenderers, Contractors and Experts would find it valuable to attend the proposed awareness webinar in English and Spanish via Webex.Participants will understand the registration process, the validation rules and processes, as well as learn how to navigate and find relevant information in the Funding and Tenders Portal (OPSYS ecosystem).


  • Introduction to the OPSYS ecosystem
  • Context and state-of-play
  • Introduction to the Participant Identification Code (PIC)?
    • What is a PIC?
    • How to register for a PIC in the Funding and Tenders Portal?
    • The requirement for PIC Validation
  • An overview of eSubmission and EU External Actions specificities to understand the requirement for the PIC
  • Demo in the Funding and Tenders Portal
  • Change Management resources  
  • Q&A with the panel of experts
  • Closure

The panel of experts will comprise of members from the European Research Executive Agency (REA) validation services, and colleagues from the Data and Information technology unit of DG International Partnerships (the OPSYS Change Management team and the PIC Management team).       

Target Audience:

  • To-be tenderers, Contractors and Experts without a PIC
  • EU External Actions Tenderers, Contractors and Experts with ongoing contracts who have questions concerning PIC Validation

Please note that electronic submission (eSubmission) for Specific Contracts under Framework Contracts SIEA 2018, AUDIT 2018, PSF 2019, EVAL 2020 and EVENTS 2020 is managed through OPSYS since February 2020. All the contractors for these five Framework Contracts have already registered a PIC so they are not the intended audience of this webinar. They are however most welcome to participate. We encourage Economic Operators concerned by open, restricted and negotiated calls for tenders in direct management to join us in this webinar.

Webinar in English

Monday, 19 September 202210h00-12h00 CEST

Watch the video replay and access the PPT 

Webinar in Spanish

Wednesday, 28 September 202216h00 – 18h00 CEST

Watch the video recording and access the PPT

An introductory webinar on OPSYS ecosystem: Beginner's guide to the Funding and Tenders Portal - EN, ES, FR


In this introduction to the OPSYS IT Systems, an overview of the available features for implementing partners in the Funding and Tenders Portal will be presented. The webinar will also give you an indication of upcoming features. The objective of this webinar is to provide a comprehensive overview for newcomers. Advanced practitioners of OPSYS may find it useful to attend the more detailed webinars on Results Reporting, Calls for Tenders or PIC validation.


  • Introduction to the OPSYS ecosystem
  • Context and state-of-play
  • Registering your organisation to obtain a Participant Identification Code (PIC)
    • Check the status of PIC
  • Finding a call for tender in the Funding and Tenders Portal
  • Submitting an EU External Actions tender
    • Acknowledge invitation
    • Express willingness to participate
    • Create and submit an offer (via eSubmission)
  • Managing your contract in the Funding and Tenders Portal
    • Contract signature: eSignature of contracts
    • Deliverables
    • Amendments
  • Reporting on progress with the logical framework (logframe) in the Funding and Tenders Portal
  • Change Management Resources and closure

Target Audience
  • Economic Operators, Contractors, Experts, Implementing Partners who are new users of OPSYS
  • Economic Operators, Contractors, Experts, Implementing Partners who would like to revisit key concepts and view a demo of what is now possible in the system are most welcome.

Webinar in English

17 October 20228h30-10h30 CEST

Watch the video replay and access the PPT

Webinar in French

Tuesday, 25 October 202210h00-12h00 CEST

Watch the video replay and access the PPT

Webinar in Spanish

Tuesday, 6 December 2022 (Rescheduled from 16 November due to unforeseen cicrcumstances)16h00-18h00

Register now: is external)

An introductory webinar on PIC Registration and Validation in the Funding & Tenders Portal



Electronic submission (eSubmission) is mandatory for international open, restricted and negotiated procedures in direct management for tenders of EU External Actions DGs since March 2022. This means that paper submissions are no longer applicable for these procedures. Before submitting their application online via eSubmission, the tenderer (the leader and all the members in case of consortium) must first register in the Funding and Tenders Portal (OPSYS ecosystem) to obtain a 9-digit Participant Identification Code. If the leader and/or participant have already registered in the Participant Register and know their credentials, they can search for their PIC and use it when submitting tenders or requests to participate in eSubmission, otherwise they will need to register their entity in the Funding & Tenders portal. In the course of the procedure, tenderers (including consortium members) may be contacted by European Research Executive Agency (REA) validation services and requested to submit documents. Based on these documents their PIC will be validated once and for all. The validated PIC will then allow tenderers to subscribe to any future call, as well as to manage their contract(s) electronically in the Funding and Tender Portal. In this context, tenderers, Contractors and Experts would find it valuable to attend the proposed awareness webinar in English and Spanish via Webex. The awareness webinar on PIC registration and validation for Economic Operators has been scheduled:

In English

On 19 Septemberfrom 10 am to 12 pm CESTWebex Link: password: Opsys@2022 (67797120 from phones)
In Spanish

On 28 Septemberfrom 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm CESTWebex Link: password: Opsys@2022 (67797120 from phones)Participants will understand the registration process, the validation rules and processes, as well as learn how to navigate and find relevant information in the Funding and Tenders Portal (OPSYS ecosystem).


  • What is a Participant Identification Code (PIC)?
  • How to register for a PIC in the Funding and Tenders Portal?
  • The requirement for PIC Validation
  • An overview for each procedure type
  • Demo
  • Q&A with the panel of experts

The panel of experts will comprise of members from the European Research Executive Agency (REA) validation services, and colleagues from the Data and Information technology unit of DG International Partnerships (the OPSYS Change Management team and the PIC Management team).
The intended target audience is:

  • To-be tenderers, Contractors and Experts without a PIC
  • Tenderers, Contractors and Experts with ongoing contracts who have questions concerning PIC Validation

Please note that electronic submission (eSubmission) for Specific Contracts under Framework Contracts SIEA 2018, AUDIT 2018, PSF 2019, EVAL 2020 and EVENTS 2020 is managed through OPSYS since February 2020. All the contractors for the five Framework Contracts mentioned above have already been registered for a PIC so they are not the intended audience of this webinar. They are however most welcome to participate. We encourage Economic Operators concerned by open, restricted and negotiated calls for tenders in direct management to join us in this webinar.* as it refers to time and not to quantities.


Un seminario web introductorio sobre el registro y la validación del CFP en el Portal de Financiación y Ofertas

La presentación electrónica (eSubmission) es obligatoria para los procedimientos internacionales abiertos, restringidos y negociados en la gestión directa de las licitaciones de las DG de Acciones Exteriores de la UE desde marzo de 2022. Esto significa que las presentaciones en papel ya no son aplicables a estos procedimientos. Antes de presentar su solicitud en línea, el licitador (el líder y todos los miembros en caso de consorcio) debe registrarse primero en el Portal de Financiación y Ofertas (ecosistema OPSYS) para obtener un Código de Identificación de Participantes de 9 dígitos. Si el líder y/o participante ya se han inscrito en el Registro de Participantes y conocen sus credenciales, pueden buscar su PIC y utilizarlo al presentar ofertas o solicitudes para participar en eSubmission, de lo contrario, tendrán que registrar su entidad en el Portal de Financiación y Licitación (Funding and Tenders Portal). Durante el procedimiento, los servicios de validación de la Agencia Ejecutiva de Investigación Europea (European Research Executive Agency - REA) podrán ponerse en contacto con los licitadores (incluidos los miembros del consorcio) y solicitar la presentación de documentos. Sobre la base de estos documentos, su PIC será validado de una vez por todas. El PIC validado permitirá entonces a los licitadores suscribirse a cualquier convocatoria futura, así como gestionar su contrato(s) electrónicamente en el Portal de Financiación y Licitación (Funding and Tenders Portal). En este contexto, los licitadores, contratistas y expertos considerarían valioso asistir al seminario web de sensibilización propuesto en inglés y español a través de Webex. Se ha programado el seminario web de sensibilización sobre el registro y la validación del CFP para los operadores económicos:
En inglés El 19 de septiembrede 10 am a 12 pm CEST

Enlace de Webex :ña del seminario web: Opsys@2022 (67797120 de los teléfonos)
En español  El 28 de septiembrede 16.00 a 18.00 h CEST

Enlace de Webex :ña del seminario web: Opsys@2022 (67797120 de los teléfonos)

Los participantes comprenderán el proceso de registro, las reglas de validación y los procesos, así como aprenderán a navegar y encontrar información relevante en el Portal de Financiación y Ofertas (ecosistema OPSYS).

Orden del día:

  • ¿Qué es un Código de Identificación de Participantes (PIC)?
  • ¿Cómo inscribirse para un PIC en el Portal de Financiación y Ofertas?
  • El requisito para la validación PIC
  • Una visión general para cada tipo de procedimiento
  • Demostración
  • Preguntas y respuestas con el grupo de expertos

El grupo de expertos estará compuesto por miembros de los servicios de validación de la Agencia Ejecutiva de Investigación Europea (European Research Executive Agency - REA), y colegas de la Unidad de Tecnología de Datos e Información de la DG Asociaciones Internacionales - DG INTPA (el equipo de gestión del cambio de OPSYS y el equipo de gestión de PIC).

El público objetivo es:

  • Posibles licitadores, contratistas y expertos sin PIC
  • Licitadores, contratistas y expertos con contratos en curso que tengan preguntas sobre la validación de PIC

Tenga en cuenta que la presentación electrónica (eSubmission) para contratos específicos en virtud de contratos marco SIEA 2018, AUDIT 2018, PSF 2019, EVAL 2020 y EVENTS 2020 se gestiona a través de OPSYS desde febrero de 2020. Todos los contratistas de los cinco Contratos Marco mencionados anteriormente ya han sido registrados para un PIC, por lo que no son el público al que se dirige este seminario web. Sin embargo, son bienvenidos a participar. Animamos a los operadores económicos afectados por las convocatorias abiertas, restringidas y negociadas de licitación en gestión directa a unirse a nosotros en este seminario web.* ya que se refiere al tiempo y no a las cantidades

Extension of deadline to encode logframes in OPSYS


Dear Implementing Partners,

The deadline to encode log frames in OPSYS has been extended to 31 May 2022. Acknowledging that some Implementing Partners faced certain difficulties to complete the encoding log frames by the previously agreed deadline of March 31st, the deadline is hereby extended until May 31st. Please note that it is not possible to extend this deadline any further. All log frames must be encoded with the latest available results values by then in order to contribute to the Commission’s institutional reporting in June. It is possible to add values to indicators and match customised indicators to core indicators only when the log frame has been approved.To support you with this process, the following resources are available:

Thank you for your attention. 

Kind regards,


Communication to Implementing Partners on Logframe encoding in OPSYS


This communication has been signed by the Director General of DG INTPA and DG NEAR. Read the communication in English, French and Spanish.Dear Implementing Partners,Communicating on and learning from results is an important dimension of our external action. The European Commission’s results campaign started in September 2021 and runs until 30 June 2022. Your active contribution is necessary to produce the most truthful picture of achievements and issues to be addressed. The simpler and direct our collaboration to develop and update our joint logframes, the more timely and effective we will be in reporting on results. In a context of fruitful and trusted partnership with all its Partners, the Commission counts on a mutual interest in the use of our new operational system for external action (OPSYS) to report on the results related to the implementation of our interventions.
Consequently, we are pleased to invite you to contribute to encoding the logframes and reporting the results of your ongoing interventions with DG INTPA and DG NEAR (or recently ended ones not having submitted a final report in previous results exercises). This is the standard procedure for results reporting as of now. We trust it will allow to demonstrate objectively and soundly, as well as to give visibility to the great success we obtain with our mutual collaboration. Apart from being more straightforward towards result reporting, taking over the direct registration on the results framework has these advantages for you:
· You are sure that we have up to date information and hence accurately reflect it in the results reporting done by Commission services;
· You will have an easier and more flexible way in getting approval on changes in the logframe. OPSYS is easy to handle and your access requires just a simple invitation by your EU Operational Manager.
To reduce the existing backlog, our Commission colleagues have already encoded in 2021 a part of the existing logframes. This allowed to test and to clear technical bottlenecks. To have it all in our result campaign cycle and the system 100% up to date, your logframe initial inputs should be encoded by the end of March, while we should have final inputs and data by the end of May 2022.

The EU Operational Manager of your intervention can give you access to all information and details on how to do it. You can also consult the training/information material here:- Our EXACT - External Action Wiki for dedicated online documentation and e-learning videos for Implementing Partners.
- Our EC Funding and Tender Service Helpdesk for any technical questions concerning the Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal, to be used for the encoding of logframes and values.
- Webinars for Implementing Partners are ongoing. Invitation details are on INTPA Academy and Capacity4Dev. During these webinars, a team of experts addresses all your questions. The webinars are recorded and can be viewed afterwards.
- Our services and supporting expert teams can organize more meetings with different groups of Implementing Partners to discuss issues relevant to each group concerning PINTVs logframes and results reporting.

We thank you very much for your collaboration and look forward to another year of joint work on making EU external action a success!

Kind regards,

Koen Doens

Director General, DG INTPA

Maciej Popowski

Acting Director General, DG NEAR

Download the Communication

nameCommunication to Implementing Partners on Logframe encoding in OPSYS - 22-0-2022.pdf

List of Core Indicators

The groups of core indicators used also for corporate reporting (EURF/GERF, IPA PF, FPI PF) are available as follows:

Important communication to Implementing Partners regarding Results Reporting


This communication serves as notification in case your contractual conditions establish a pre-notice period for the use of an e-reporting system.

Dear Implementing Partners,

As you are probably aware, the ongoing results campaign commenced in September 2021 and will last until 30 June 2022. In this context, the RELEX IT integrated system (OPSYS) now supports recording interventions’ results directly in it and will be used for this purpose.

Since OPSYS is a new system and Primary Interventions a new concept, DG INTPA/DG NEAR are on-boarding users in three iterations: In phase I (September/October 2021), Commission staff identified all the PINTVs in the Commission’s external action portfolio. In phase II (from November 2021), Commission Operational Managers create PINTVs in OPSYS. As of 3 December 2021, most PINTVs are created in OPSYS and the remaining ones will be created in the coming weeks.

Phase III, expected to last from January to May 2022, will see the encoding of updated logframes (incl. indicators) in OPSYS PINTVs. The aggregation of result data and preparation of the first OPSYS result reports will take place subsequently for their publication by the end of June 2022.

Those DG INTPA/DG NEAR Operational Managers having completed the creation of their PINTVs in OPSYS can move ahead and invite their Implementing Partners to encode logframes (incl. indicators’ values) in the system. While the plan described in the preceding paragraph is maintained, we could use some advanced cases as unofficial testing pilots and then go ahead in a structured way as of January 2022.

Completion of PINTVs managed by FPI follow a different calendar, with a deadline of 31 January 2022 for updating the values of indicators. Implementing Partners concerned have already been contacted by FPI staff in this regard.

We trust you will start encoding your logframes in the system as soon as you are given access; we are confident that you will see the relevance of using OPSYS for reporting results, as no results will be neither processed nor reported outside the system, making OPSYS necessary for informing about noteworthy contributions to our common goals.

Please view our EXACT - External Action Wiki for the dedicated online documentation for Implementing Partners, enrol in the e-learning module in INTPA Academy and watch the video replay of our webinars on this topic in EnglishFrench and Spanish.

For any technical questions concerning the Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal for the encoding of logframes and values, please contact the EC Funding and Tender Service Helpdesk.

Download the Communication


nameCOMM-OPSYS-Communication-to-Implementing-Partners-for-Reporting-Results-07122021 - V2.pdf

Important note regarding Management of Interventions (including their Logframes)


Due to ongoing structural changes concerning Interventions, in terms of methodology and in the IT system, you are requested to not create and/or manage Logframes on Interventions that have already been assigned to you, until further notice.

Please wait until the newly improved definition of Interventions is fully implemented for further instructions.

The scope of the present request covers all Logframes in all Interventions (i.e. for Actions and/or Projects/Contracts), under all domains of the RELEX-family (DG INTPA, DG NEAR and FPI).

As soon as the new Intervention structure is implemented in OPSYS, the creation and encoding of Interventions with their Logframes, indicators and related values will be done centrally by HQ Responsible Units. An email to this effect has been sent to Operational Managers.

We will reach out to you with new information and instructions as soon as possible, until then kindly stop creating and/or managing Logframes. In case you have any questions concerning this email, please reach out to the Funding and Tender Service Desk: