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What is the ROM module?
The ROM module is a tool used by DG INTPA and DG NEAR (in HQ and in EU Delegations) for the effective management of Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) reviews on ongoing Interventions.
For detailed information on the entire ROM Review Process, please consult the ROM Handbook and Annexes.
The ROM module is now integrated into OPSYS, so as of March 2023 and following the issuing of the related instruction note, all new ROM reviews will be created and managed in OPSYS. All ROM reviews created in the legacy system ROM module will continue to be managed in that system until completion (ROM module documentation – legacy system).
The ROM module covers the full cycle of ROM reviews on Interventions including the preparation of the work plan, the implementation of ROM reviews, the delivery of ROM reports, and comments by Commission services.
The ROM module brings major improvements to the ROM Review Process (see above):
- It reduces the workload for all actors, offering significant gains of time for ROM Contracts and ROM Experts (for completing the ROM reports and monitoring questions), as well as for Operational Managers (when commenting on ROM reports);
- It supports the shift from a Contractor-driven ROM system to one driven by EC services;
- It improves the quality of final ROM reports, by introducing the possibility for EC services to comment drafts;
- It improves data quality as the information on Interventions subjected to ROM reviews are already encoded in OPSYS;
- It offers an improved multi-criteria search function, based on Intervention and ROM review information.
The ROM module is accessible from:
- Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal for ROM Contractors and ROM Experts; and
- OPSYS – MyWorkplace for EC internal ROM users: ROM Coordinators, Operational Managers (OM), M&E Focal Points (M&E FPs), Heads of Cooperation/Heads of Section/Heads of Operations/Heads of Unit (HoC/HoO/HoS/HoU), Administrators, and EC users.
The tool is sub-divided into two sections in the Funding and Tenders Portal:
- ROM Workplan – Where the Interventions are listed, from which ROM reviews are created.
- ROM Reviews – Where all created ROM reviews are listed and managed.
- ROM Experts – Where all ROM Experts are listed and managed.
Access ROM in OPSYS
The access to the ROM module in OPSYS for ROM Contractors and ROM Experts is via the external Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal.
Only use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as web browser to access and use the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal.
Use your EU Login to login to the Funding and Tenders Portal, and once logged-in, you can access the ROM module from the Manage my area (1) > Monitoring & Evaluation option (2) in the left main menu. On the Monitoring & Evaluation page, the ROM module sections (ROM Reviews and ROM Experts) are accessible from the left Navigation menu (3). For more information on how to create and/or manage your EU Login account, please view the EU Login Guide.
- ROM Contractors have access to all ROM reviews in all statuses.
- ROM Core Team Experts have access to all ROM reviews in all statuses for their respective lot.
- ROM Experts have access to all ROM reviews for which they have been selected, and once the ROM review is approved.
User Support for ROM
For any questions, please contact EC External Relations Application Support (ERAS).
ROM User Manual
The ROM User Manual for ROM Contractors and ROM Experts provides a description of all the steps involved in the ROM review workflow of OPSYS, but focuses on the step-by-step instructions specific to ROM Contractors and ROM Experts.
Table of Contents