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Through public policy analysis, we assess policies in the context of the priority areas identified by the programming document. We thus advance in the identification of policy or programme options that may maximise the impact of future interventions. Interventions should contribute to the Commission political priorities and positively interact with domestic politics, so to contribute to SDGs while being aligned with EU objective and strategy.

Public policy analysis helps identifying most suitable aid modality, intervention typology, implementing partner, relevant stakeholder, etc. In short, this analysis helps in progressively understanding the likelihood of success of the specific change to be supported by the intervention, through a compara tive study of opportunities and challenges from a public policy perspective.

In developing this assessment, INTPA refers to the complementary concepts of relevance, credibility and EU value added. Relevance relates to the extent to which key weaknesses are being addressed by the strategy and within the framework of the EU approach (the match-up between the challenges/problems identified and the various solutions available). Credibility refers to actual capacity to implement change/reform based on current status and proven engagement of the partner country. EU added value refers to objectives that are better achieved through action by the EU.

Relevance analysis should lead to an assessment of the specific objectives pursued by the policy and how these respond to problems and needs expressed by stakeholders. The analysis describes the specific objectives of the partner policy which are to be supported, the actual status of the policy itself, and the impact on direct and indirect beneficiaries. Those elements are then assessed in term of the effectiveness of the approach with regard to the planned change.

As interventions are not based in theory but must exist in a real world, establishing the relevance of a policy includes a reality check: credibility assesses the effective capacity of the partner country or implementing partner to plan, finance, monitor and execute a policy. The entry point for the intervention will define the level of the credibility assessment.

The ratification of international conventions on human rights is a first step in ensuring they are respected, but must translate into national policy and legislation and be implemented. An intervention should always aim at supporting human rights at the highest possible level (i.e. supporting the development of national legislation) and all along the project cycle.
Public policy analysis is particularly relevant when working in the budget support modality, as it directly interacts with the partner country's government and state structures. Assessment should cover several eligibility criteria in detail and include a determination of policy adherence to fundamental EU values (see Budget Support Guidelines).

Governments should be encouraged to share their own analysis. However, these reports cannot replace INTPA's own analysis.

Methodological fiche(s):

Public policy analysis