Organisational support outlined in the application form, is awarded as a lump sum for the whole project in the grant agreement. Before or while completing the final report, the beneficiary may add the requested organisational support amount under the Budget tab of the project in Mobility Tool+. The amount added may not be greater than the amount granted nor greater than the number of participants multiplied by 350 €. The calculation of this amount is based on the number of participants detailed in the list of completed mobilities in Mobility Tool+ and is highlighted in blue above the text field. If the amount exceeds this calculation, a warning message in red is displayed and the entered amount can not be saved.
The Organisational Support amount is linked to the number of participants (excluding Zero-grant mobilities that are not flagged as OS Covered by Erasmus + EU Funds).
This is not valid for KA105 projects which excludes the accompanying persons from the number of Participants.
In the example below, 20 participants mobilities are complete in the Mobilities tab. The amount in the Budget tab corresponds to the 20 mobilities.
Before or while completing the final report, the beneficiary may add the requested organisational support amount under the Budget tab of the project in Mobility Tool+.
The Organisational Support must be checked before submitting the Beneficiary report.
The amount added may not be greater than the amount granted nor greater than the number of participants multiplied by 350 €.
The calculation of this amount is based on the number of participants detailed in the list of completed mobilities in Mobility Tool+ and is highlighted in blue above the text field.
If the amount exceeds this calculation, a warning message in red is displayed and the entered amount can not be saved.
In the examples below:
In the case of KA103 and KA107 the maximum approved/granted amount for Organisational Support can be paid in full if 90% of granted mobilities take place.
For example, an organisation got approved/granted 12 mobilities and is hence entitled to 12 x € 350 = € 4.200 of Organisational Support. If not all mobilities are implemented, the 90% rule is applied.
90% of 12 approved/granted mobilities equals 10.8 (which is rounded down to 10). Since 10 mobilities took place, the originally approved/granted amount for Organisational Support will be used. The organisation is hence entitled to the total maximum approved/granted budget for Organisational Support of € 4.200.
If there are 12, 11 or 10 mobilities entered in Mobility Tool+ then the current budget for Organisational Support will be the maximum approved budget for Organisational Support (€ 4.200).
If there are 9 or fewer mobilities entered in Mobility Tool+ then the current budget for Organisational Support will be based on the number of mobilities (indicated in the Budget page field "No. of Participants (excluding acc. persons)") multiplied by € 350."