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This page is relevant for:

  • Erasmus+ Call year 2024
    • KA1 - Mobility of individuals
    • KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices 
  • European Solidarity Corps Call year 2024
    • ESC30 - Solidarity Projects 
    • ESC51 - Volunteering, Traineeships and Jobs Projects 

This page explains how to add the applicant organisation and where applicable, organisations of all consortium members or partners to your application form.

Please note

In KA151 this section in the Content menu and in the title of the page is called Applicant Organisation, not Participating Organisations.

The content of the Participating organisations section depends on the Key Action and action type you are applying for.

For most key actions you must first specify details about the Applicant organisation: first the organisation ID, which must have been specified in the Organisation Registration system, followed by the Profile of the applicant organisation, Accreditation information (if applicable), associated Contact persons from the organisation and Background and experience of your organisation. 

For key actions where partner organisations and/or a consortium are foreseen, the same information must be specified for each partner organisation/consortium member, if not already done during an existing accreditation for the applicable key action.

How to add organisations to an application

Below we have detailed how to complete the section, as well as examples of specificities for certain key actions. 


Questions or fields may vary depending on the action you apply for. Please read the onscreen information carefully to complete the relevant fields and sections.


Before you start

  • All previous sections of the application must have been completed.
  • Applicant organisation (as well as the organisations of all consortium members or partners, if applicable) must be registered in the Organisation Registration System and have a valid Organisation ID. 


1. Open "Participating organisations"

Select Participating organisations or Applicant organisation in the Content menu, depending on the key action and type of your application. 

The Participating organisations screen opens.

As you add organisations to the application, the number next to Participating organisations and Consortium members (where applicable) is updated.

Participating organisations screen - Example from KA130-HED

1.1. Add Organisation ID for the Applicant Organisation

Take note

Applications must be submitted to the National Agency in your own country unless an exception is stated in the Programme Guide. If your organisation has an exceptional status that links it to another country's Authority, please contact the National Agency in your country to confirm the status of your organisation before submitting the application.

In the Participating organisations section scroll down to Applicant organisation.

  1. Enter the Organisation ID of the applicant (or Consortium Member) organisation in the field Organisation ID.
    The Organisation ID format is E + 9 digit number (e.g. E99999999), as provided in the Organisation Registration system. 
  2. Basic information about your organisation is then automatically filled in the application form.
    In our example, the Legal name and Country of the organisation are filled in.
  3. In the Content menu the organisation name and Organisation ID are now displayed instead of the generic Applicant organisation.

Add organisation ID - Example from KA130-HED

1.1.1. OID not found

If the entered Organisation ID is not found, an error message is displayed. 

Invalid organisation ID entered

1.1.2. OID obsolete

If the entered Organisation ID is obsolete, meaning it has been replaced with a different OID for the same organisation in ORS and in the National Agency project management system, a warning message is displayed and the obsolete OID is automatically replaced with the newer one in the application form.

Organisation ID is obsolete and replaced with newer ID

1.2. Complete organisation details

To complete all required subsections for the organisation, click on the organisation name in the Content menu. 

Organisation names in Content menu

The Participating organisations details screen opens. 

Scroll down the page to see a number of subsections. Some subsections are prefilled, others need to be filled in. The available subsections depend on the type of application.

In our KA130-HED example we see:

  • Applicant Details (prefilled)
  • Profile
  • Accreditation
  • Associated persons
  • Background and experience

1.3. Applicant Details / Consortium member details

This section is prefilled with information from the Organisation Registration system.

  1. If the information in the Organisation Registration system has been modified, you can refresh the information in your application form by clicking the Refresh icon. 
  2. You can also view further organisation details from the Organisation Registration system by clicking the down arrow.

Applicant details section

1.4. Complete the "Profile" section

  1. The radio buttons for the public body and non-profit organisation are preselected to the values provided in the Organisation Registration system. For accredited organisations these cannot be changed.
  2. Select the Type of Organisation from the drop-down list. If you have already applied for Erasmus+ in the past, the field Type of Organisation will be prefilled. Please check if the displayed value is correct. If it is not correct, please choose the correct option from the drop-down list. If your organisation holds an ECHE, the organisation type Higher education institution (tertiary level) is already prefilled.
    For certain organisation types (e.g. Foundation, Non-governmental organisation/association, Social enterprise) you also have to select the main sector of activity from the second drop-down list. 

Complete Profile section

1.5. Accreditation (if applicable)

Depending on the action type and type of institution, the Accreditation section for the concerned application may be required. 

If the accreditation requirements have already been fulfilled, the Accreditation details are displayed.

Valid accreditation exists

If the institution is not accredited for the action type, you are requested to select whether your organisation is a Higher Education institution. 

Depending on the answer, either accreditation is not required or an error message is displayed. 

Higher education but no accreditation found

1.6. Add "Associated persons"

See the page Associated Persons in applications for more details on how to complete this section of your application

Add associated persons section

1.7. Complete all other sections available for the organisation

Depending on the application form, you may need to fill in additional sections. 

In this example, you must fill in the Background and experience section. Provide the required information in the available fields.

Complete Background and experience section


2. Add consortium members (if applicable)

If you are applying on behalf of a consortium you need to add the Organisation ID and details of each of the members of the consortium. The options differ depending on the action type.

Please note that a number of requirements for the consortium are listed and must be covered to complete the application. These will be shown as red error messages, which disappear as the various requirements are fulfilled.

Take note

Consortium members must be from same country as the applicant organisation.

2.1. "Add consortium member" option

This option is available in application forms for KA121 - Mobility for learners and staff of accredited organisations in school education, vocational education and training, and adult education and KA130-HED - Erasmus accreditation for higher education mobility consortia.

Select Participating organisations in the Content menu and scroll down to Consortium members.

Click on Consortium members - example from KA130-HED

For each consortium member you wish to add, click the Add a consortium member button in the bottom right corner, then enter the Organisation ID.

Add a consortium member - example from KA130-HED

In the Content menu the organisation name and Organisation ID of each consortium member is now displayed under Consortium members

After having added the Organisation ID for all consortium members, complete the remaining details for each organisation as described under Complete organisation details above.

Consortium member names are displayed


2.2. "Load previous list of consortium members" option

In Erasmus+ projects developed under KA121 - Mobility for learners and staff of accredited organisations in school education, vocational education and training, and adult education, you have the possibility to retrieve the consortium partners from your accreditation project (either already valid for the current Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) or submitted for the current call year). To do so:

Select Participating organisations in the Content menu and scroll down to Consortium.

Click on the Load previous list of consortium members button, then click on YES in the pop-up message to confirm the action. A message is displayed, containing the project code of the accreditation project where the consortium partners were retrieved from, and a reminder that personal information about contact persons and legal representatives cannot be retrieved automatically due to data protection rules, therefore all contact persons must be added manually to the relevant organisations in the current application form. Click OK to close the message.

KA121 - Load previous list of consortium members

In the Content menu, the organisation name and Organisation ID of each consortium member added this way is now displayed under Consortium

The consortium composition for the current application can be changed at any time: you can remove (1) any of the previous consortium members or add new consortium members using the Add a consortium member button (2), as explained above under Add consortium member option.


Use the download icon in the Actions column to download the accession form for each of the consortium members, then upload the completed documents in the Annexes section of the application form.

KA121- Edit Consortium composition

After having added the Organisation ID for all consortium members, check/complete the remaining details for each organisation as described under Complete organisation details above.


2.3. Select Accreditation project to retrieve consortium members

This option is available in higher education projects (KA131-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff, K171-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds).

In higher education consortium applications, the consortium members are retrieved from the KA130-HED accreditation project once the Organisation ID of the applicant organisation is provided.

Here is an example of a consortium application where the Organisation ID of the Applicant organisation has already been filled in. 

Under Mobility Consortium, click in the Accreditation Reference field to display all valid higher education mobility consortium accreditations (KA130-HED) from the current MFF as well submitted consortium accreditation applications (KA130-HED) for the current call year, where you are the applicant. Select the relevant accreditation to be used in the current KA131-HED or KA171-HED application. The consortium members are automatically retrieved and displayed.


If you provided a Mobility Consortium Name in the Consortium Description section of your KA130-HED accreditation application (as of Call 2024), the name is also displayed here.

Use the download icon in the Actions column to download the accession form for each of the consortium members, then upload the completed documents in the Annexes section of the application form. 

Adding consortium members in higher education applications


3. View, refresh or delete organisation details

Once the Organisation ID has been filled in for an organisation (applicant, consortium member or partner), one or more of the following options are available for the participating organisations, depending on the key action and the organisation role in the application:

  1. Delete the selected organisation from the application - this action does not remove the organisation from Organisation Registration system
  2. Refresh the organisation details - bring the latest updated information from Organisation Registration system 
  3. Edit organisation details - brings you to the details screen for the selected organisation

Delete, Refresh, Edit organisation details - example from KA130-HED

Delete, Refresh, Edit organisation details - example from KA122

3.1. Remove the selected organisation from the application

You can delete an organisation either by clicking on the Delete icon (X) next to it or, where applicable, replacing its Organisation ID. confirmation pop-up will ask you to confirm the deletion.

Read the message carefully and click on Yes/Delete (or similar) to remove the organisation. All related details are also deleted from the application form.


If you delete the applicant organisation, the application is reset and all information previously provided in the other sections is also deleted.

Here are some examples of confirmation messages for deleting an organisation:

Remove organisation from application

3.2. Refresh organisation details

If details have been updated in the Organisation Registration system, clicking the Refresh icon allows you to refresh the organisation information in the current application.

In the Content menu, click on the organisation name to access this feature.

The availability of this feature depends on the action type and the organisation role.

3.3. View or edit organisation details

There are two ways to access the organisation details:

  1. Click on the organisation name in the Content menu. The organisation details screen opens, where you can review and if necessary, modify the desired information.
  2. Click on the Edit icon next to the desired organisation under Participating Organisations. You will be redirected to the main organisation details screen.

Editing is not available for consortium member organisations in KA131-HED and KA171-HED applications.

3.3.1. Expand organisation details card

Click on the organisation name in the Content menu to open the organisation details screen.

At the top of the screen, click the down arrow in the available card to expand it. The organisation information displayed here is retrieved from the Organisation Registration system. To close the card click the up arrow.


Should any updates be required on these organisation details, they must be made in the Organisation Registration system. See Modify Organisation in the Organisation Registration system for details.

Expand organisation details card - Example from ESC30-SOL


4. Specifics for KA1 Accredited Grant Requests

4.1. KA121 - Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education, vocational education and training, and adult education 

The Organisation ID is to be provided in the Accreditation section of the form instead of the Participating organisations section. The Organisation ID is then automatically filled in the Participating Organisations screen. See the page Accreditation for more details.

Note: The organisation needs to have a valid accreditation (KA120) for the current MFF or a submitted accreditation application form (KA120) from the current call year for the applicable field before filling in the application for KA121 - Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education, vocational education and training, and adult education.

KA121 Accreditation

4.2. KA151 - Accredited projects for youth mobility

The section in the Content menu, and in the title of the page is called Applicant Organisation, not Participating Organisations.

Note: The organisation needs to have a valid accreditation or a submitted accreditation application form (KA150-YOU) before filling in the application for KA151-YOU - Accredited projects for youth mobility.

See the page Accreditation for more details.

KA151 special requirements

4.3. KA171-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds

  • The name of the section is Applicant Organisation(s).
  • The application can be submitted by either an organisation holding an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) or a consortium holding a valid Erasmus accreditation for higher education mobility consortia (KA130-HED) for the current MFF or a submitted accreditation application form (KA130-HED) from the current call year - see the page Accreditation for more details.
  • After you have provided your accredited Organisation ID in the Applicant Organisation(s) section, you are asked if you are applying on behalf of a mobility consortium
    • If you answer No and your organisation is duly accredited, no further action is necessary.

KA171-HED Apply for single accredited organisation

    • If you answer Yes, and your consortium is duly accredited or you have submitted an accreditation application for the current call year, you must select the accreditation project code from the Accreditation reference drop-down list. If you are part of more than one consortium, all the accreditation project codes will be displayed in the Accreditation reference field, and you must choose the applicable accreditation for this application. Once the relevant accreditation is selected, the consortium members are automatically displayed under Consortium members


      If you provided a Mobility Consortium Name in the Consortium Description section of your KA130-HED accreditation application (as of Call 2024), the name is also displayed here.

      Use the download icon in the Actions column to download the accession form for each of the consortium members.

Example - KA171-HED Applying on behalf of an accredited consortium

  • If you try to apply for a consortium which is not accredited, an error message is displayed:

KA171-HED Error messages when trying to apply for a consortium which is not accredited


5. Specifics for KA1 Grant Requests

5.1. KA122 - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education, vocational education and training, and adult education 

For all projects developed under KA122 the applicant can work with supporting organisations that are or are not registered in the Organisation Registration system. The latter do not hold any Organisation ID.

If you plan to use supporting organisations you have to select Yes for the statement My organisation plans to work with other supporting organisations that are not going to host our participants, but are going to help with the implementation of activities.

After having added supporting organisations, provide the required explanation in the field: 
How are the supporting organisations going to help with the implementation of your project?

Say Yes to using Supporting organisations

5.1.1. Add Supporting Organisation with OID
  1. Click on the Add Supporting Organisation with OID button.
  2. Fill in the Organisation ID in the dedicated field; the remaining details are retrieved automatically from the Organisation Registration system.

In the example below we have added a supporting organisation.

Add supporting organisation with OID

5.1.2. Add Supporting Organisation without OID
  1. Click on the Add Supporting Organisation without OID button.
  2. A new screen opens. Fill in all the required information about the organisation and click Save.

Add supporting organisation without OID

5.2. KA152-YOU - Mobility of young people, KA153-YOU - Mobility of youth workers, KA154-YOU - Youth participation activities and KA155-YOU - DiscoverEU inclusion action

For all applications to KA152-YOU, KA153-YOU, KA154-YOU and KA155-YOU:

As of Call 2024 there is a limited number of applications your organisation can be involved in, as applicant or partner, for a particular action type and round. This limit is specified in the Erasmus+ Programme guide for each action type.

In Application forms, a check is performed on the number of draft and submitted applications your Organisation ID is listed in. Once the limit of forms is neared, the applicant organisation will receive a warning message onscreen and the authorised users of your organisation are notified by email. The notification will include a list of all applications submitted for the relevant action type and round, where the Organisation ID is listed as either applicant or partner.

Once the applicable limit of submitted applications for your action type and role in the application (applicant or partner) has been reached, all future submissions in which your organisation is involved will be blocked for the given action type and round. 

Applications that have been reopened contribute to the predefined limits for each action type, as they have previously been submitted at least once.

For Call 2024 Round 1, an organisation can be involved as an applicant or partner in 5 submitted applications per action type and round. 

  • A warning message is displayed in the Participating organisations section of the applicant's form when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 3 draft and submitted applications.
  • An email notification is sent to the authorised users of the organisation when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 3 submitted applications.
  • All new submissions including the Organisation ID are blocked and an error message is displayed in the Participating organisations section of the form when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 5 submitted applications.

In KA210 applications for Call 2024 Round 1, an organisation can be involved in up to 10 applications, but can act as an applicant in 1 submitted form. 

  • A warning message is displayed in the Participating organisations section of the applicant's form when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 4 draft and submitted KA210 applications.
  • An email notification is sent to the authorised users of the organisation when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 4 submitted KA210 applications
  • All new submissions including the Organisation ID are blocked and an error message is displayed in the Participating organisations section of the form when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as an applicant in more than one KA210 submitted application.
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 10 submitted KA210 applications, taking into account the above limit of one submitted application per applicant.

In KA220 applications except KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education, for Call 2024 Round 1, an organisation can be involved as an applicant or partner in 10 submitted applications per action type and round. 

  • A warning message is displayed in the Participating organisations section of the applicant's form when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 4 draft and submitted applications.
  • An email notification is sent to the authorised users of the organisation when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 4 submitted applications.
  • All new submissions including the Organisation ID are blocked and an error message is displayed in the Participating organisations section of the form when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 10 submitted applications.

Example of a warning message for the Applicant

KA152, KA153 and KA154 projects require an applicant organisation and one or more partner organisationsNo accreditation and no consortia are required.

Each application form includes a section to fill in the basic details for the applicant and the first partner. Add more partners as applicable by clicking the Add partner organisation button at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Here is an example of the Participating Organisations screen for a KA153-YOU - Mobility of youth workers application form:

KA152, KA153 and KA154 Special requirements

5.3. KA182-SPO - Mobility of sport staff

Take Note

Only sending organisations can be applicants in KA182-SPO application forms.

KA182-SPO projects require an applicant sending organisation. Up to 10 hosting organisations can also be added to the application form, if they are identified at this stage. Hosting organisations do not need to be registered in the Organisation Registration system.

An application form initially includes a section to fill in the basic details for the applicant.

If you have not identified any hosting organisations at this stage, fill in the available text field, explaining how you plan to find suitable hosting organisation(s) for the mobilities you wish to organise. 

If you already know the prospective hosting organisations, add them by clicking the Add Hosting Organisation without OID button, then adding their Legal Name and Country in the relevant fields.

Here is an example of the Participating Organisations screen for this key action, where the Organisation ID of the applicant has been filled in. For the applicant, fill in the remaining details, as explained under Complete organisation details above.

The Hosting Organisation section in the Content menu is indicated as complete, since adding hosting organisations at this stage is optional. The applicant has clicked the Add Hosting Organisation without OID button, and the hosting organisation details must be filled in.

Example - KA182-SPO participating organisations


6. Specifics for KA2 Grant Requests

6.1. Applicant and partner organisations

KA2 projects require an applicant organisation and one or more partner organisations. No accreditation and no consortia are required.


For all applications to KA210 and KA220, except KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education:

As of Call 2024 there is a limited number of applications your organisation can be involved in, as applicant or partner, for a particular action type and round. This limit is specified in the Erasmus+ Programme guide for each action type.

In Application forms, a check is performed on the number of draft and submitted applications your Organisation ID is listed in. Once the limit of forms is neared, the applicant organisation will receive a warning message onscreen and the authorised users of your organisation are notified by email. The notification will include a list of all applications submitted for the relevant action type and round, where the Organisation ID is listed as either applicant or partner.

Once the applicable limit of submitted applications for your action type and role in the application (applicant or partner) has been reached, all future submissions in which your organisation is involved will be blocked for the given action type and round. 

Applications that have been reopened contribute to the predefined limits for each action type, as they have previously been submitted at least once.

For Call 2024 Round 1, an organisation can be involved as an applicant or partner in 5 submitted applications per action type and round. 

  • A warning message is displayed in the Participating organisations section of the applicant's form when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 3 draft and submitted applications.
  • An email notification is sent to the authorised users of the organisation when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 3 submitted applications.
  • All new submissions including the Organisation ID are blocked and an error message is displayed in the Participating organisations section of the form when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 5 submitted applications.

In KA210 applications for Call 2024 Round 1, an organisation can be involved in up to 10 applications, but can act as an applicant in 1 submitted form. 

  • A warning message is displayed in the Participating organisations section of the applicant's form when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 4 draft and submitted KA210 applications.
  • An email notification is sent to the authorised users of the organisation when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 4 submitted KA210 applications
  • All new submissions including the Organisation ID are blocked and an error message is displayed in the Participating organisations section of the form when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as an applicant in more than one KA210 submitted application.
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 10 submitted KA210 applications, taking into account the above limit of one submitted application per applicant.

In KA220 applications except KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education, for Call 2024 Round 1, an organisation can be involved as an applicant or partner in 10 submitted applications per action type and round. 

  • A warning message is displayed in the Participating organisations section of the applicant's form when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 4 draft and submitted applications.
  • An email notification is sent to the authorised users of the organisation when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 4 submitted applications.
  • All new submissions including the Organisation ID are blocked and an error message is displayed in the Participating organisations section of the form when:
    • the Organisation ID is listed as a partner or applicant in more than 10 submitted applications.

Example of a warning message for the Applicant

Each application form includes a section to fill in the basic details for the applicant and the first partner. Add more partners as applicable by clicking the Add partner organisation button at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Use the download icon in the Actions column to download the accession form for each of the partners, then upload the completed documents in the Annexes section of the application form.

In KA220, for the applicant you also need to specify the Establishment/Registration date of the organisation. Per the Erasmus+ Programme guide, in order to be eligible, applicant organisations must have been legally established at least 2 years before the application deadline.

Here is an example of the Participating Organisations screen for a Cooperation partnerships in school education (KA220-SCH) application form:

KA220 Participating Organisations

For KA210 - Small-scale partnerships applications, you must also fill in the Cooperation arrangements section. Click in the Navigation tree to open this section and fill in the information as required.

KA210 Cooperation Arrangements


7. Specifics for European Solidarity Corps

7.1. ESC30 - Solidarity Projects

7.1.1. Add group members via their PRNs

In ESC30 - Solidarity Projects application forms, the subsection Composition of the group must be filled in at the bottom of the Applicant Organisation section, to add the members of the team (at least five persons) carrying out the project. 

For each person, click the Add Member button, then type the PRN (Personal Reference Number) in the available field. The Date of birth and Country of residence will be filled in automatically, if the PRN is recognised.

Take note

All group participants must have reached the age of 18 and must not be older than 30 at the start date of the project.

ESC30 - Add group members via PRNs

7.1.2.  The Legal representative is one of the group members

If you have specified the Type of organisation to be a Group of young people, you can designate one member of the group to act as Legal representative on behalf of the group. In this case, check the Legal representative is part of the group box when adding the legal representative's contact card under Applicant, then add the person's PRN in the dedicated field. This PRN will automatically be added to the member list under Composition of the group, and will be read-only - you can only change it here, but only in the PRN field within the contact card.

Take note

Do not add the legal representative's PRN in the member list. It will be counted as a duplicate, which is not allowed by the form.

Add PRN for Legal representative in contact card

Read-only Legal representative PRN added automatically to group composition

7.2. ESC51 - Volunteering projects 

The Organisation ID has to be filled in the Quality Label section of the form. The Organisation ID is then automatically filled in the Applicant Organisation screen.

Note: The organisation needs to hold a valid Quality Label or a submitted ESC50 - Quality Label application form before filling in the ESC51 - Volunteering projects application form.

ESC51 applicant information retrieved from Quality Label

8. Example of a completed "Participating Organisations" section

All details have been filled in for all participating organisations and each organisation is marked as complete.

Participating Organisations section is complete.

Participating organisations completed
  • No labels