
Take note

The illustrations in the Application Forms wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation.

There may be minor changes to the screen appearance and layout which are described on the updated page: How to complete the application form

The  Context  section of the application form asks for general information about your project proposal, including the language used to fill in the application form  and the National Agency that will receive, assess and decide on selection of your proposal. Depending on the key action you are applying for, additional information may be required.

  • The Context section is the first section to be completed in an application.
  • Depending on the action you apply for you may be required to fill in additional information such as Project Name, Start Date, Project Duration, Accreditation type (KA120) and/or Lump Sum grant amount (KA220).
  • If you later need to update information in the Context section, you also need to review all other sections of the application to ensure the provided information is still valid and complete. The Main menu will indicate with a red X if a section has turned incomplete as a result of changing information in the Context section.

Please read the onscreen information carefully before you complete the relevant fields. For general information on how to fill in the application form see the page How to complete the application form.

This page shows the minimum requirements in the Context section for different key actions.

This page is relevant for:

  • Erasmus+ Call year 2025 round 1
    • KA1 - Mobility of individuals; except KA121, KA151, to be specified.
    • KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices 
  • European Solidarity Corps Call year 2025 round 1
    • ESC30 - Solidarity Projects
    • ESC50 - Quality Label 


1. Open "Context" 

Click on the Context option in the content menu (this is the default option when you start a new application). The context screen opens.

The context screen provides general information relevant for your application including for some Key Actions links to the Programme guide and a list of National Agencies and allows the specification of general information required for your application.

2. Provide the required information

Fields to be completed depend on the selected action you are applying for.
In our first example, only the National Agency of the Applicant Organisation and Language used to fill in the form have to be filled in.

All mandatory fields are marked with a *.

Please note

If you select a language to be used in the form different to English, certain fields in the form may need to be completed both in the selected language and in English, for example the Project Title (where applicable). 

Open Context section

2.1. Select your National Agency

One important aspect to take into account at this step of your application is the National Agency in your country to which you want to submit your application. 

If a country has more than one National Agency, you can consult the full list of National Agencies for your country here or via the link provided on the page.

Here you can find the code of the National Agency responsible for your field of activity to which you should submit your application.

The information to look for on the webpage is National Agency Code and the fields in which it is active.

There are two ways to select your National Agency.

2.1.1. Select National Agency from Drop-down list

You will find a drop-down list with all Erasmus+ National Agencies covering each field of education, training and youth.

  1. Click in the National Agency box to open a list of all NAs.
  2. Locate your country and the correct National Agency in the list using the scroll bar
  3. Click on your National Agency to select it.

Select your National Agency

2.1.2. Enter your National Agency code directly
  1. In the National Agency field, type the National Agency code (ex Ro01 for Romania NA 01)
  2. Click on the National Agency name to select it

Enter your National Agency code directly

2.2. Provide other required information

Fill in all remaining required information on the screen. In our example only the Language used to fill in the form still has to be provided, using the available drop-down list.

Depending on the language selected, some fields in the form may be required to be completed, both in English and in the selected language.

For information on other possible fields per Key Action, see Key Action specifics below.

Please note

If information in the form is entered incorrectly or does not fulfil certain criteria, a warning message is displayed. To proceed, such errors have to be corrected.

All required information added

3. Key action specifics

Depending on the Key Action of your application, you may have to provide some or all of the information below. 

Some forms may request additional information.

Additional information and guidelines may be listed on the page.

3.1. KA1 and ESC Application forms

  • Project Title
  • Project Title in English (only if Enlish is not selected as language)
  • Project Acronym - Optional
  • Project Start Date (prefilled with the earliest start of the project).
  • Project Duration
  • Project End Date (will be automatically calculated once project duration is filled in)
  • National Agency of the Applicant Organisation that will receive and assess your application form (must be in same country as the Applicant Organisation)
  • Language used to fill in the form

As an example here the context screen for a KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education form. 

Sample of Action Type specific fields (here KA122)

For KA120-SCH, KA120-ADU, KA120-VET - Erasmus accreditation 

A specific section, Accreditation type, has to be completed:

You must select either the Accreditation for an individual organisation or Accreditation for a Mobility Consortium Coordinator radio button.
Questions in other sections of the Application form will depend on what is selected here.

Accreditation Type (KA120)

3.2. KA2 Application forms

The following additional fields are available for KA2 applications.

  • Project lump sum - to be selected from a drop-down list (mandatory)

The definition of the project lump sum can be found in the description of the Key action in the Programme guide.

KA210-SCH and KA220-SCH - Project lump sum

3.3. ESC50-QLA Quality Label Application form

In this form you must specify:

  1. Language of Application form
  2. National Agency that will receive and assess your application form (must be in same country as the Applicant Organisation)
  3. Organisation ID (OID) of the Applicant Organisation 
    Already existing valid Quality Labels for the selected organisation are listed (including still valid ESC50 or ESC52 accreditations from the previous programme) if applicable.

Sample organisation with existing Quality Labels

Type of Quality label you apply for (radio buttons):

  1. Application for a Quality Label role (host and/or support)
  2. Application for lead organisation

Select Type of Quality Label

If you select Apply for Quality Label role ( host and/or support) you will have to select which of the roles you apply for in a separate drop-down box.

Select Host and - or Support Organisation

Please note

The available type(s) of Quality label you may apply for vary depending on your country and already existing valid Quality Label(s).
The sections and questions in the rest of this application form will vary depending on the type of Quality Label(s) you apply for.

4. Example of a completed "Context" section

  • Context section marked complete

Context section complete