
Take note

The illustrations in the Application Forms wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation.

There may be minor changes to the screen appearance and layout which are described on the updated page: How to complete the application form

The Quality Label section of the application form asks for your Organisation ID and for general information about your project proposal. It also specifies the National Agency that will receive, assess and decide on the selection of your proposal. 

Our example below shows how to complete the Quality Label section using a Volunteering, Traineeships and Jobs Projects (ESC51-VTJ) application form

Take note

Questions or fields may vary depending on the action you apply for. Please read the onscreen information carefully to complete the relevant fields and sections.

This page is relevant for:

  • ESC Call year 2025
    • ESC51 - Volunteering, Traineeships and Jobs Projects

Before you start

  • Your organisation needs to be registered in Organisation Registration system and have a valid OID
  • The applicant Organisation needs to hold a valid Quality Label for the Lead role or have completed and submitted the relevant Quality label application form (ESC50-QLA)



1. Click on "Quality Label" 

Click on Quality Label in the Content menu. The Quality Label screen opens by default when opening a new or existing application form. 

The Quality Label screen

2. Fill in the "Organisation ID"

Enter the Organisation ID of the accredited applicant organisation in the Organisation ID field.

Fill in Organisation ID

Take note

If no valid Quality Label is linked to your Organisation ID, a warning message is displayed. If you have a valid Quality Label for the Lead role, please contact your National Agency. If you have not yet applied for a Quality Label for Lead role, you must submit an ESC50-QLA application before you are able to apply for grants under ESC51-VTJ. For more details, see Accreditation and ESC50 Quality Label application.

No valid Quality Label linked to the specified Organisation ID

Once a valid accredited Organisation ID is provided, the Quality Label reference and National Agency are automatically displayed based on information entered in the preceding Quality Label request (ESC50-QLA).

Quality Label and National Agency information is displayed


3. Set the "Project total duration" and "Language used to fill the form"

The Project start date is prefilled with the predefined start date for the selected project type and year, but it can be changed to a later date.

Select the Project total duration in number of months from the available drop-down list. The Project end date is then filled in automatically. 

Select the Language used to fill in the form from the available drop-down list.

4. Example of a completed "Quality Label" section

Once you have correctly completed all sections and subsections, the section is marked with a green check.

The section is marked complete

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