

The budget screen in Mobility Tool+ details the project costs, broken down by activity type. The last approved budget by the NA is always visible from the Budget screen.

1. Approved Budget (by National Agency) and Current Budget (in Mobility Tool)

The budget summary screen provides an overview of the Approved Budget (by National Agency) and the Current Budget (in Mobility Tool).

Under Total Project in the budget screen an overview of the project cost is displayed:

  1. The first column - Approved Budget (by National Agency) -displays the total grant of the project, as approved by the NA. This amount cannot be changed in Mobility Tool+.
  2. The second column - Current Budget (in Mobility Tool) - reflects the Current total for the project in Mobility Tool+ including the amounts specified for the project, activities and mobilities for travel, individual support, and other budget items.
  3. The third column - % Current/Approved budget - reflects the percentage difference between the Approved Budget (by National Agency) and the Current Budget (in Mobility Tool+).

The total for each amount under the second column can be adjusted by adding/removing or adjusting the individual mobilities. If the amount entered is higher than the amount entered for the same budget item of the Approved Budget (by National Agency), it will be highlighted in bold and dark red. This does not indicate an error and does not inhibit the submission of the beneficiary report, as it is only for information purposes.

Approved budget vs. current budget

Take note

Even though you may be able to submit amounts greater than the amount approved by the National Agency, the final amount approved will never be higher than the last approved amount by the National Agency in the Grant Agreement or in the last amendment, if applicable. 

2. Budget items per activity type

Depending on the key action, project amounts may be entered under the current budget column, as they cannot be entered at the mobility level. Depending on the action, different fields are displayed.

A few examples of these amounts are

  • Exceptional costs - guarantee
  • Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment
  • Organisational Support

For example, in a KA105 project the following budget information is available: 

  • Exceptional costs - Guarantee: at project level

  • Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment
  • Per Activity Type the following sections are displayed:

    1. EU Travel Grant

    2. Exceptional Costs for Expensive Travel EU Grant (from 2017 onward)
    3. EU Individual Support

    4. Organisational Support

    5. EU Special Needs Support

    6. Exceptional Costs

If the realised amount is higher than the approved amount, the realised amount is highlighted in bold and dark red.

Budget items per activity type

Costs for Covid Tests

As COVID testing has become more and more a pre-requisite for physical mobilities abroad, the costs related to such tests are also eligible for funding under the exceptional costs category. The reimbursement rate is set at 100% of the eligible costs actually incurred.

In KA1 and KA3 projects, costs related to Covid tests, if applicable, have to be provided as Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment in the Budget screen, with the exception of KA107 - Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries projects. For these projects, the Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment is available in the mobility screen. See MT Exceptional costs for services and equipment  for details. 

Exceptional costs for service and equipment in budget

2.1. List of Budget Items for KA1 projects, excl. KA107 (all call years)

FieldDescriptionDisplay in Mobility Tool+Key Action Specifics
Reduction of EU grant

The reduction to the total current budget at project level applied by the National Agency at NA Validation stage. This reduction takes the form of a positive amount higher or equal to zero and equal or lower than the system calculated total current budget.

This field is only editable for National Agency users during NA Validation stage. Only visible after project was finalised.

At project levelOnly for Youth
Organisational Support

A contribution to the participating organisations for any costs incurred in support of the individual participants.

It includes mobility activities flagged as Zero-grant. It does not include mobilities still in draft.

For higher Education, calculations are based on the number of all supported outbound mobile participants and zero-grants, as well as incoming staff from enterprises.

For VET and VET Charter, Advanced Planning Visit mobilities are not taken in account for organisational support.

MT+ Organisational Support for KA1 and KA3 provides additional information on the calculations.

At project levelAll, except Youth
Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment

Real costs incurred by the Beneficiary user for services and equipment. See the page MT+ Exceptional costs for services and equipment  for more details.

At project levelAll from 2017 onward, except KA107
Exceptional Costs - GuaranteeReal costs incurred by the Beneficiary user to cope with any requests for a project guarantee by the National Agency.At project levelAll
Activity TypeThe type of an activity as specified in the Erasmus+ programme guide.Per budget itemAll
EU Travel Grant

This budget item accounts for transportation expenses incurred by individual participants to travel form their place of origin to their venues and back
including top-ups.

For Higher Education Students and Staff the percentage of Current / Approved budget is not displayed.

Per activity typeAll
Exceptional Cost for Expensive
Travel EU Grant
The EU grant for the exceptional cost for expensive travel.
EU Individual Support

This budget item accounts for accommodation and other subsistence expenses incurred by individual participants during their activity period.
For Higher Education Students and Staff the percentage of Current / Approved budget is not shown.

Per activity typeAll
Organisational SupportThese are costs linked to the implementation of the mobility activities, excluding travel and individual support.Per activity typeOnly for YOUTH
Course FeesThese are costs directly related to the payment of courses enrolment fees.Per activity typeOnly for SE and AE
EU Special Needs SupportThese are additional costs addressed at supporting individual participants with disabilities.Per activity typeAll
Exceptional CostsThese are real costs incurred by the project.Per activity type

Schools, VET, Adult
and Youth

Linguistic PreparationGrant given for language preparation.

KA102/KA116 VET Learners
(mobility "Duration Calculated (days)" equal/higher than 19 days):

KA125 Long-term activities

Complementary ActivitiesThe total cost of the Complementary Activities.


The following comment fields are also displayed in the Budget breakdown tab:

  1. Exceptional Costs  - provide an explanation regarding the exceptional costs incurred.
  2. Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment justification - for projects 2017 and onward, this field appears if the specified amount for Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment is higher than 10% of the Approved Budget (by National Agency). This field is mandatory.

Example Budget screen for a 2020 KA104 - Adult education staff mobility project

Example Budget screen for a 2020 KA104 Project

2.2. List of Budget Items for KA107 projects (all call years)

FieldDescriptionDisplay in Mobility Tool+
Organisational Support

A contribution to the participating organisations for any costs incurred in support of the individual participants (excluding Zero-grant mobilities not flagged as "OS Covered by Erasmus+ EU Funds").

MT+ Organisational Support for KA1 and KA3 provides additional information on the calculations.

At project level
Exceptional Costs - GuaranteeReal costs incurred by the Beneficiary user to cope with any requests for a project guarantee by the National Agency.At project level
Activity TypeThe type of an activity as specified in the Erasmus+ programme guide.Per budget item
EU Travel GrantThis budget item accounts for transportation expenses incurred by individual participants to travel form their place of origin to
their venues and back.
Per activity type
EU Individual SupportThis budget item accounts for accommodation and other subsistence expenses incurred by individual participants during
their activity period.
Per activity type
EU Special Needs SupportThese are additional costs for supporting individual participants with disabilities.Per activity type
Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment (from 2017 onward)Real costs incurred by the Beneficiary user for services and equipment. See the page MT+ Exceptional costs for services and equipment  for more details.Per activity type
Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment (total)Sum of the special costs for services and equipment for all concerned activities.At project level

More information on the KA107 Budget in Mobility Tool+ under MT+ KA107 Budget transfer.

Example Budget screen for a 2019 KA107 Project

Example Budget screen for a 2019 KA107 Project

2.3. List of Budget Items for KA3 projects (all call years)

FieldDescriptionDisplay in Mobility Tool+ Budget Screen

Reduction of EU grant

The reduction to the total current budget at project level applied by the National Agency at NA Validation stage.

This reduction takes the form of a positive amount higher or equal to zero and equal or lower than the system calculated total current budget.

This field is only editable for National Agency users during NA Validation stage. Only visible after project was finalised.

At project level

Exceptional Cost – Guarantee

Real costs incurred by the Beneficiary user to cope with any requests for a project guarantee by the National Agency.

At project level

Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment

(from 2017 onward)

Real costs incurred by the Beneficiary user for services and equipment. See the page MT+ Exceptional costs for services and equipment  for more details.At project level

Exceptional Costs – Consultations and Dissemination Activities

Real costs incurred by the Beneficiary user to organise consultations and dissemination activities.

At project level

Activity Type

The type of an activity as specified in the Erasmus+ programme guide.

Total EU Travel Grant

This budget item accounts for transportation expenses incurred by individual participants to travel form their place of origin to their venues and back.

Per activity type

Exceptional Cost for Expensive Travel

The exceptional cost for expensive travel.

Organisational Support

These are costs linked to the preparation, implementation and follow up of the mobility activities.

MT+ Organisational Support for KA1 and KA3 provides additional information on the calculations.

Per activity type

EU Special Needs Support

These are additional costs to support individual participants with disabilities.

Per activity type

Exceptional Costs

Costs connected to support participation of young people with fewer opportunities and for visa-related costs, residence permits and vaccinations.

Per activity type

Example Budget screen for a 2017 KA347 Project

Example Budget screen for a 2017 KA347 Project

3. Budget versions

After the project has been finalised, it is possible to view the different versions of the budget.

Selecting a budget version will update the current budget column to reflect the amounts submitted for that budget version. In the drop-down you will find for example project versions for NA Validation, Checks and/or Claims.

The version field defaults to the last version submitted or closed. Details on the various budget versions are available under MT+ KA1 and KA3 Validated and checked versions.

Example for project version drop-down, including NA Validation and Checks:

Example for project version drop-down, including NA Validation and Checks

Example for project version drop-down, including NA Validation and Claims:

Example for project version drop-down, including NA Validation and Claims

4. Claims

Should the project be subject to any Claims/Appeals, those could also have an impact on the budget. Encoded claims are visible in the drop-down, similar to the project version, even if the project is not yet finalised.

Use the drop-down to compare any changes in the budget that a claim/appeal might have had.

Reported values

Effect of a claim

5. Export the budget overview to PDF

To export the budget overview to a PDF file, click the Export PDF button. The download will start.

Depending on your browser, either a pop up will display for you to choose the download option or you will see the download options on the bottom of your screen. Follow the instructions on screen.

Select Open to immediately open the file.

 Export budget to PDF