

"Project Details" screen


Once you click on the project's Grant Agreement No from the Project List, the Project Details tab opens which is divided into two screens Project Details and Project Log.

In the Project Details screen, the following key details of the project are displayed:

  • Context information

  • National Agency

  • Project information

  • Beneficiary Organisation information

  • Project Access

  • History information

KA1 and KA3 projects

The Project Details screen for KA1/KA3 projects looks as follows:

Project details screen for KA1 and KA3 projects

From this screen you have easy access to the various project tabs:  OrganisationsContactsMobilitiesMobility Import-ExportBudget and Reports

The Inclusion tab will be visible for KA1 and KA3 projects from 2019 onwards.

KA103, KA107, KA102 and KA116 projects will additionally display the Dashboard tab.

KA109 projects only display the DetailsOrganisationsContacts and Reports tabs.

The Beneficiary Organisation information section in the Project Details screen has additionally the option to quickly access the organisation details screen, using the VIEW icon. This is also applicable for KA2 projects.

KA2 projects

The Project Details screen for KA2 projects looks as follows:

Project Details KA2

The information under Project Main Objective in the project details screen for KA2 Strategic Partnerships projects (Call year 2016 onward) indicates the main project objective: Exchanges of Practices or Innovation.

Projects with the main objective Exchange of Practices will not display the tabs Intellectual Outputs and Multiplier Events. These tabs are only available for projects with the main objective Innovation.

From the Project Details screen you have easy access to the project tabs, such as Organisations, Contacts, Project Management and Implementation, Transnational Project Meetings, Intellectual OutputsMultiplier EventsLearning Teaching and Training Activities, Special Costs, Budget and Reports.

Example: Project with main objective "Innovation"

Example: Project with main objective "Exchanges of Practices"

Additionally, in KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships projects from call year 2018 onward the Partnership Dashboard tab is available.

The Project Information section in the Project Details screen has additionally the option to fully Export the project information into an MS Excel file via the Full Export icon.

Full Export

Project Details for projects subject to a claim

Projects that were/are subject to a claim/appeal will additionally display the Latest Claim Information section in the Project Details screen. A drop-down displaying any claims encoded for a project is available in the project tabs section.

Note: This functionality is currently not available for European Solidarity Corps projects.

Project Details for projects subject to a claim

Version drop-down for finalised projects

Finalised projects will have the version drop-down and the additional project tabs NA Validation (for KA1/KA3 projects) or NA Validation/Check Monitoring (for KA2 projects) displayed.

The pages MT+ KA1 and KA3 Validated and checked versions and MT+ KA2 Validated and checked versions provide details on this feature. 

Note: This functionality is currently not available for European Solidarity Corps projects.

Example: Finalised KA1 project

Finalised KA1 Project

Example: Finalised KA2 project

Finalised KA2 project

European Solidarity Corps Projects

For European Solidarity Corps (ESC) projects once you click on the project's Grant Agreement No from the Project List menu, the Project Details tab opens.

In the Project Details screen, the following key details of the project are displayed:

  • Context information
  • National Agency
  • Project information
  • Beneficiary Organisation information
  • Project Access
  • History information

Project Details ESC

In this screen you have easy access to the various project tabs, such as Details, Organisations, Contacts, Participants, Activities, Complementary Activities, Exceptional Costs, Budget, and Report. The availability of these tabs depends on the Action Type.

Example: ESC21 - Traineeship and Job project

Example: ESC31 - Solidarity Projects 

Changes to "Project Details"

Explanation and illustration

Project details such as Project Title, National ID, Start and End of Project cannot be changed in Mobility Tool+. To request changes for those details contact your National Agency.

Other project sections will have to be added, updated or removed during the project life cycle. See more information on those topics in the various How-to pages of the Mobility Tool+ Guide.

"Project Log" screen

Explanation and illustration

The Project Log screen allows to view certain project-related events that occur during a project's lifecycle and consists of a single view of the history log of all transactions, notifications, and status changes at project level.

This functionality is available for both KA1 and KA2 and shows changes coming from the NAs project management system as well as changes made by the beneficiary in Mobility Tool+.

For more information see MT+ KA1 and KA2 Project Log.

Note: This functionality is currently not available for European Solidarity Corps projects.

Project log