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This page explains the basic functionalities and common elements for all assessments in Assessment module for expert, consolidator and/or editing assignments, and for all assessment types (application, interim report and final report), unless specified otherwise.

The term assessment is used throughout this page and covers expert assessments, and consolidation as well as editing assignments, unless specified otherwise.

Take note

The assessments contain onscreen notifications and warning messages specific to the assessment you are working on. Please read the information carefully and, if you require further assistance, consult the relevant 'How to' pages for experts. 
In addition, tooltips and/or guidelines are available which are clearly indicated by a question mark icon in a black circle . Clicking on the icon will open the related guidelines pop-up window. 

For an overview of the assessment process, see page Expert Assessment.

For a list of all available wiki pages regarding expert assessments, see Assessment module for experts - Index.

The "Assessment Details" screen

After opening one of the given assignments from My Assessments, the related Assessment Details screen opens in a new tab. The following elements are available:

  1. Header

    • Basic information about the project under assessment is displayed at the top of the work area.
  2. Navigation menu

    • Allows you to navigate to the various sections of the assessment.
    • When a section is completed, the displayed icon changes to a green check. 
  3. Content area

    • Includes the content of the assessment as per assignment. By default, the Award criteria screen is displayed. 

  4. PDF (Print) button
    • Click on the PDF button to export the assessment, draft or completed, to a PDF file. 
  5. Submit button
    • Becomes active only once all sections are indicated as Completed and, in the case of expert assignments, the Conflict of interest statement is confirmed with No conflict of interest.

Assessment Details screen

For submitted assessments, a notification is displayed at the top of the screen, displaying the submission information and the information that no more changes are possible.

Take note

If you need to make changes in an already submitted assessment, please contact your National Agency. If changes are considered necessary, the National Agency will request a new version of the assessment. This new version of the assessment will then be available from My Assessments, clearly indicating the version as v02, v03,... etc.

Notification message after successful submission of an assessment




The header in the Assessment Details screen displays basic information about the project under assessment. By default, it only shows key details. To expand and view further information, click the available arrow.

The following information is displayed in the header:

  1. Project code and, if available, Project Title
  2. Beneficiary organisation name
  3. Assignment type, either Application, Interim Report or Final Report;
  4. Assignment ID and Assignment Version
  5. Language of the project under assessment 
  6. Thresholds reached indicator:
    • Initially, for ongoing expert or consolidator assignments, it is in an orange badge and displays /100
    • When completing an expert assessment or consolidation the badge will change colour:
      • to red for award criteria threshold not reached, and
      • to green for award criteria threshold reached
    • In consolidation assignments the thresholds indicator is called Consolidation thresholds reached

If expanded: 

  • A table displays, providing an overview of assessment criteria and, if available, the scores given for each criteria by the involved expert(s).
  • The displayed columns and available information depends on the status of the individual assignments and your role in the assessment process of the project.
  • For ongoing expert assignments that have not started, the table is initially empty.
  • Columns available are Criteria - displaying the Award Criteria, and Expert role and name. One column for each expert involved may become available over the course of the assessment cycle.
  • In consolidation assignments, the column Consolidated score comparison is additionally available. This column indicates if the consolidated assessment outcome is in the same range as the individual expert assessment(s).

Please also consult the specifics for ESC50 Quality Label call 2022, ESC50 Quality Label call 2023 and for KA171-HED projects

Here is an example screen of an expanded header of a consolidation assignment that reached the award criteria thresholds. It also displays the scores given by each expert involved in the assessment per award criteria, in our example we have the information available for Expert1, Expert2, and the Consolidator.

Expanded header of a completed consolidation assignment, all Award Criteria thresholds reached

The header also has a coloured bar at the left side that changes colour according to the award criteria thresholds for expert and/or consolidator assignments: 

  1. Orange: Initial display, no thresholds scores yet entered in any of the relevant score fields in the Award Criteria section of the assessment 
  2. Green: Thresholds reached in the Award Criteria section of the assessment 
  3. Red: Thresholds not reached in the Award Criteria section of the assessment 

Here is an example screen of an expanded header of a not-started or ongoing expert assignment.

Expanded header in an non-started, ongoing expert assignment

Here is an example screen of an expanded header of a completed expert assignment with the award criteria thresholds reached.

Example screen of an expanded header of an expert assignment with all Award Criteria thresholds reached

Here is an example screen of an expanded header of a completed expert assignment with the award criteria thresholds not reached.

Example screen of an expanded header of a completed expert assignment with the Award Criteria thresholds not reached


"PDF" button

The PDF (Print) button on the top right corner of the screen is always active and can be used to create PDF files of drafted and completed assessments. 

The file download begins automatically and a success message displays. 

Print PDF functionality

If a draft, meaning not submitted, version of an assessment is exported as a PDF, it will indicate its draft status.

Example of printed, not submitted, expert assessment with Draft indicator



Navigation through/within assessment sections

To access a specific section within an assessment, use the Navigation panel.


It is possible to scroll independently through the navigation menu, the work area as a whole, and the available panels of the work area.

The navigation panel also shows which sections of the assessment are complete by displaying a green check, or incomplete by displaying a red X. The panel can be collapsed, using the available arrow <.

In Editing assignments the sections are by default marked with a green check. 

Use the Navigation panel to access the sections of the assessment

Mandatory fields and sections

Mandatory fields and questions in an assessment are marked with a red asterisk *. They must be filled in before you are able to submit the assessment results. 

Example of mandatory fields, marked with red asterisk If a section in the Navigation is marked with a red X, it means that mandatory information is missing or incomplete. 

Award criteria section is marked complete

"Project Information" section of an assessment 

When opening an assessment from My Assessments it will always open the assessment on the Project Information by default. The information available here is relevant for the given assignment. 

Available subsections under Project Information may include Application, Budget information, Assessments and Reports

  • Application - contains the pdf version of the application submitted by the beneficiary organisation and all annexes submitted with it
  • Budget information - contains information about the budget linked to the project
  • Reports - only visible when assessing reports; contains the Beneficiary report(s) file(s) as well as the outputs and/or results of the project
  • Assessments - only visible for completed expert assignments, as well as in consolidator and editor assignments; contains the pdf versions of already submitted assessments
    • Experts only have access to their own submitted assessment in this section after it was submitted

You may have to use the scroll bars of your browser to see all available sections. 

For available files, you have the options to: 

  • Download each file individually, using the Download button,
  • View as a PDF version online, using the PDF button.
  • View the Application form online, by clicking on the yellow See Application Details button. This option is specific to Application forms.

Project information section in the Assessment Details

"Award criteria" section of an assessment 

Expert tabs

When accessing the Award Criteria section, the content area will either open the corresponding assignment in read or edit mode, depending on your role and the assignment status.

The assessment is opened in a specific tab for your role. You will see the tabs for other expert(s) involved in the assessment process. Depending on your role and the status of the assignment, you may or may not have access to the information for each of the available tabs. 

Here is an example of the tabs displayed under Award Criteria for Expert1 of a project assessment with two experts assigned to evaluate. The tabs for Expert2 and Consolidator are greyed out. Expert1 does not have access to these. 

Example of the tabs displayed under Award Criteria for Expert1

Here an example of the tabs displayed under Award Criteria when opening a Consolidator assignment. In our example, the tabs for Expert1 and Expert2 can be accessed. The Consolidator has read access to the individual assessments. 

Take note

Only the expert tabs for experts that are were selected to participate in the consolidation by the National Agency can be accessed by the consolidator. If an expert was excluded from the consolidation, the relevant expert tab is displayed, but not accessible. 

Example of the tabs displayed under Award Criteria when opening a Consolidator assignment

Please also consult the specifics for ESC50 Quality Label call 2022, ESC50 Quality Label call 2023 and for KA171-HED projects

Score fields (expert and consolidation assignments only)

Similar to the coloured side bar of the header, the Score fields (completed when working on an expert or consolidator assignment for an application) also have a colour indicator that changes on the completion of the relevant score fields:

  1. Orange: Initial display, no threshold scores yet entered in the relevant score field 
  2. Green: Threshold reached 
  3. Red: Threshold not reached 

Completion of the score fields is mandatory. Hovering over the coloured dot will display a tooltip.

Award Criteria Score fields


"Comments" section of an assessment 

The Comments section of an assessment allows the expert to provide additional commentary for applicant, beneficiary and/or NA. Some comment fields are mandatory. Depending on the type of assessment and the action type of the project under assessment, different comment fields may be available. The following options are possible:

  • Comments for the applicant 
  • Comments for the beneficiary
  • Internal comments for the NA
  • Recommendations on grant reduction for the NA 
  • Comments on Erasmus Plan Objectives 

Comments that are mandatory are marked with a red asterisk *.

See below for information on the character limits in comments fields. 

Example of Comments section of an assessment


"Conflict of interest" section of an assessment 

The Conflict of interest section is available for expert assignments. It is here that the expert will have to confirm if a conflict of interest exists. A negative conflict of interest statement is required to be able to submit an assessment.

In case of a Conflict of interest you cannot perform the given assignment. In the Assessment Details screen click Conflict of interest in the Navigation panel. Then check the option I declare conflict of interest.

Conflict of interest section of an assessment


"Approval" section of an assessment - Consolidation phase

The Approval section of an assessment allows the expert assigned as Consolidator to declare the consolidated version of the assessment ready for approval by the other experts involved in the consolidation process, if applicable. Consolidators can access this section directly from My Assessments by selecting Submit for expert`s approval from the actions button of the consolidator assignment.

Experts participating in the consolidation process will declare their approval of the consolidation also in this screen. Experts that are required to give approval can access the Approval section directly from My Assessments by selecting Approve consolidation from the actions button of the related expert assignment. 

This example shows the Approval section in a consolidator assignment. The consolidator requested the approval from the other expert involved in the consolidation and is Pending Approval. 

Approval section in a consolidator assignment, pending approval from involved expert

Auto-saving and draft

The assessment is automatically saved as you fill it in. After closing the form, even if not completed, you can open it again from My Assessments

Auto save message


Additional help and guidelines


Click the ? icon next to the Assessment details to open the guidelines. Here you find information and links to further help you complete the assessment. Click the Close button to close the guidelines window. 

Warning and information messages

Your actions may also trigger certain information and/or warning messages. Read those notifications and messages carefully.

Example of confirmation message when submitting an assessment

While completing an assessment, an error message may display when filling in a comment field, stating AM system found unrecognised characters. This means a special character was used in a field that is not recognised by Assessment module.

A message displays below the relevant field, informing you to Please replace character(s) with Unicode value { U+E09C } to save your data. The Unicode value in the message varies, depending on the character used. If you are unsure which character the Unicode value in the message refers to, in our example U+E09C, you can look it up online.

You must remove such characters. Otherwise you will not be able to submit the assessment. 

Example of error message regarding usage of unrecognised characters



Character limits in text fields

Award criteria comment fields may require a minimum of characters, for example 50 characters, for a specific answer. A warning message is displayed below the comment field if such a minimum is configured and not reached. Once reached, this warning message will disappear. The maximum number of characters that can be used per available comment field, for example 3000, is indicated in the top right corner of the text boxes. If the maximum number of characters has been reached, a red is displayed and no more text can be added. 

The Comment field size will expand automatically while you type. 

Example of character limits for text fields in Award Criteria

The maximum number of characters that can be used per available comment field in the Comment section is indicated in the top right corner of the text boxes, for example 3000 characters. The counter updates automatically while you type. If the maximum number of characters has been reached, a red is displayed and no more text can be added. No minimum number of characters is required for the comments fields in the Comments section of the assessment.

The Comment field size will expand automatically while you type. 

Example of character limits for text fields in Comments section

In Consolidation assignments the Comments section has a set maximum amount of characters that can be used per available field. Such limit is indicated in the top right corner of the text boxes, for example 6500 characters per comment field. The counter updates automatically while you type. If the maximum number of characters has been reached, a red is displayed and no more text can be added. 

The Comment field size will expand automatically while you type. 


Specifics for ESC50 - Quality Label application, call 2022, assessments

The Quality Label can be requested for the Host and/or Support role. In addition to these, an organisation can also apply for Lead role. During assessment, the expert will have to assess each role the organisation applies for. The page How to assess applications for ESC50 - Quality Label provides detailed information and step-by-step instructions for the completion of ESC50 - Quality Label assessments. 


The header in the Assessment Details screen displays basic information about the Quality Label application under assessment. By default, it only shows key details. To expand and view further information, click the available down arrow. 

When you expand the header, using the down arrow, the table displayed for the overview of the assessment criteria shows:

  1. Quality role column - displaying the Quality label roles requested and, if applicable, the already existing Quality Label roles for the organisation
    • The requested roles are hyperlinked. Clicking on a hyperlinked role will open the relevant tab in the Award criteria section of the assessment.
    • Existing roles display a green check and are not hyperlinked
  2. Expert column(s) - initially empty. Will update automatically as the assessment is completed according to the information and scores provided.  

One column for each expert, consolidator and/or editor involved may become available in this overview table over the course of the assessment cycle.

This example shows the header for an ongoing ESC50 - Quality Label application assessment where the organisation applies for Host, Support and Lead role. 

Example ofs the header for an ongoing ESC50 - Quality Label application assessment where the organisation applies for Host, Support and Lead role

This example shows the header for an ongoing ESC50 - Quality Label application assessment where the organisation applies for Host and Lead role. The organisation already holds a Quality Label for Support role from call year 2020. In the expert column, the Support role is marked with ✔ Awarded

Example of header in ESC50 - Quality Label application assessment with Support role already awarded

This example shows the header for a completed consolidation for an ESC50 - Quality Label application. 

Example of header for a completed consolidation for an ESC50 - Quality Label application, all roles awarded


Award Criteria

The Quality Label can be requested for the Host and/or Support role. In addition to these, an organisation can also apply for Lead organisation.

When accessing the Award criteria of the assessment, subtabs within the expert specific tab are displayed, one per requested role. During the assessment, you must complete the required information per role within each available subtab. 

If the organisation applies, for example, for Host role and Support role as well as Lead role, the Award criteria show three subtabs that must be completed.

The information for the Host and Support role must be completed first. The Lead role tab only becomes active if the role specific Award criteria are completed and if the result(s) of the role specific Award criteria assessment is positive. A closable warning message displays, informing you of this fact.

This example shows the available subtabs for an application for Host, Support and Lead role, including the closable warning message that the Lead role tab is disabled.

Example of Award Criteria tabs in assessment for Host, Support and Lead organisation, including closable warning message

If the organisation already holds an active Quality Label for a role from a previous year and now applies, as in example below, for Host and Lead role, the tab for the existing role appears greyed out and is marked with a green check, indicating that this role is already awarded to the organisation. This subtab will be inactive and does not have to be completed.

A closable warning message is displayed, informing you of this fact. 

Example of Award Criteria tabs in assessment for Host, and Lead organisation with Support role already existing, including closable warning messages

If an organisation applies for only one role and has no Quality Label from a previous year, only one subtab is available for completion. In the example below, only the Host role is requested.

Example of Award Criteria tabs in assessment for Host organisation and no existing Quality Label roles

Take note

As soon as you fill in one field for a role, the relevant subtab will change its colour from initially grey to orange. Only when all information and decisions or scores are provided for a role will the result be indicated on the relevant subtab, with either a green check indicating a positive outcome or a red cross indicating a negative outcome. 

Example of Host role subtab displayed in orange during assessment

For the Host and Support role, the assessment is not based on points and therefore each Award Criteria must simply be marked as either Acceptable or Not Acceptable.

  • Click on the red X button to declare an award criterion assessment as not acceptable.
  • Click on the green check button to declare an award criterion assessment as acceptable.
  • If you want to remove an already made decision, click on the blue Deselect option button.

You must select an option (positive or negative) for each award criterion. 

For the Lead role, the assessment is based on points and therefore you must provide scores for each Award Criteria.

Award Criteria Score fields

Specifics for ESC50 - Quality Label application, call 2023, assessments

Organisations can apply for the Quality label for the Host, Support and Lead organisation roles. Organisations applying for the Host and/or Support role and the Lead role from call year 2023 onward be assessed by experts in two sequential processes:

  1. Assessment of the application for Host and/or Support role
  2. Assessment of the application for Lead organisation, after the Host and/or Support role consolidated assessment results (at least one with outcome Awarded) were submitted, have been accepted by the NA and the assessment for the Lead role was initiated

The project code displayed in My Assessments for the ESC50 2023 assessments will display a suffixed indication of the quality role(s) requested (H and/or S, and L), for example:

  • 2023-1-RO01-ESC50-QLA-000000004_H-S if the application is for the Host and Support role,
  • 2023-1-RO01-ESC50-QLA-000000005_S if the application is for the Support role only,
  • 2023-1-RO01-ESC50-QLA-000000006_H if the application is for the Host role only, or
  • 2023-1-RO01-ESC50-QLA-000000004_L if the application is for the Lead role

The header of the Assessment details will display the requested role(s) and, where applicable, information on role(s) attained in a previous year.

Here is an example of the header in the Assignment Details of an application for the Host and Support role. 

example of the header in the Assignment Details of an application for the Host and Support role

Here is an example of the header in the Assignment Details of an application for the Support role, where the organisation attained a Quality Label for the Host role in a previous year.

Example of header where organisation attained a Quality Label for the Host role in a previous year

Application for Host/Support role

Navigation menu

The Navigation Menu in the Assessment details for an ESC50 - Quality Label application for Host and/or Support role from call year 2023 onward consists of:

  • Project information - provides access to general project information and documents relevant for the assessment, such as the application form.
  • Site Visit - experts may perform on-site visits or remote interviews during their assessment of the Host and/or Support role. Experts must indicate in this section of the assessment if such on-site visit or remote interview was conducted. 
    • The Site Visit section is not available in the consolidator and/or editor assignment for the Host/Support role assessment. 
  • Award criteria - experts must complete the required information and outcome of the assessment award criteria applicable to the application under assessment in this section.
  • Typology questions - experts must answer a set of yes/no questions that concern specific details of the application under assessment in this section. 
  • Comments - experts must provide overall comments on the application as a whole in this section. 
  • Conflict of interest - experts must confirm that they have no conflict of interest with respect to the assessment of the particular application in this section.

    • The Conflict of interest section is not available in the consolidator and/or editor assignments for the Host/Support role assessment. 

    • In consolidator assignments and expert assignments waiting for expert approval, the section Approval is displayed instead. 


If there is a conflict of interest, the expert does not have to fill in the various sections of the assessment, and can declare the conflict of interest directly in this section. 

Navigation menu in expert assignment for Host and Support role

Project Information

When opened from My Assessments, an assessment always displays the Project Information by default. The information available here is relevant for the given assignment. 

Available subsections under Project Information for ESC50 include Application, Budget information, and Assessments, once the assessment was submitted, with the same functionalities as explained above such as Download PDF, See PDF online and See Application Details

Award Criteria

When accessing the Award criteria of the Host/Support role assessment, sub-tabs within the expert specific tab are displayed, one per requested role. During the assessment, you must complete the required information per role within each available sub-tab. 

If the organisation applies, for example, for both the Host and Support role, the Award criteria (1) screen shows two sub-tabs that both must be completed.

In this case, an information message (2) is displayed, informing you of the fact that the award criterion Relevance is considered a common criteria for both the host and support role, and that the information provided for this criterion in the assessment of one role (comment and decision) will be automatically transferred into the relevant fields for this criterion for the other role to assess. 

This example shows the available sub-tabs for an application for Host and Support role, including the information message. 

Assessments for the Host/Support role are not score, but decision based, allowing you to select a decision (3) for each available criteria:

  • Click on the red X button to declare an award criterion assessment result as not acceptable.
  • Click on the green check button to declare an award criterion assessment result as acceptable.
  • If you want to remove an already provided decision, click on the blue Deselect option button.

You must select an option (acceptable or not acceptable) for each award criterion

Award Criteria for host and support roles

In an assessment for Host and Support role, after providing the comment for the award criterion Relevance for the selected role, a pop-up window will display, informing you of the fact that this criterion is common for both the host and support role assessment. The information provided in the Relevance comments field for the Host role, will be copied into the assessment for the Support role.

Click on OK in the pop-up to confirm. Clicking on Cancel will result in the information in the comment field of this criterion being removed. 

Any changes you make in the comment field of this criterion for one role will result in the confirmation pop-up being displayed and the information being transferred when confirmed. The same pop-up will display when you provide the decision for this criterion and when working on the consolidation for these application assessments.

Pop up message regarding award criterion Relevance displayed when providing information

For detailed information and step-by-step instructions, please see page How to assess applications for ESC50 Quality Label 2023 for the Host and Support role

Application for the Lead role

Navigation menu

The Navigation menu in the Assessment Details for a Lead role assessment does not contain the Site Visit option, as this is not applicable for these assessments. 

Project Information

Available subsections under Project Information include Application, Budget information, and Assessments.

In the case where an organisation applied for the Host/Support and the Lead role, the Assessments section may contain the PDF versions of the assessment of the Host and/or Support role, if the assessment for the related Host and/or Support role application (for the same year) was completed and accepted by the NA, with at least one role awarded.

It provides access to the individual expert assessments, consolidator assessment and, if applicable, edited version of the consolidated assessment. You can:

  1. Download each file individually, using the Download PDF button,
  2. View as a PDF in your browser, using the See PDF on line button, and
  3. Open the Assessment Details, using the Redirect to assessment details page button
    Clicking on a hyperlinked document name will also open the PDF in your browser.

Assessment section with access to related Host and Support role assessments, if applicable

For detailed information and step-by-step instructions, please see page How to assess applications for ESC50 Quality Label 2023 for the Lead role

Specifics for KA171-HED project assessments

KA171-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds support physical and blended mobility of higher education students and staff from/to third countries not associated to Erasmus+. The page How to assess KA171-HED projects provides detailed information and step-by-step instructions for the completion of these assessments. 


The expanded header displays an overview table of the assessment criteria and the assessment results of the expert(s):

  1. Criteria column - displaying:
    1. One row per region to be assessed
    2. Scoring, displaying the total score of the assessment. Initially displays /100 
  2. Expert column(s) - initially empty. Will update automatically as the assessment is completed according to the information and scores provided.  

One column for each expert, consolidator and/or editor involved may become available in this overview table over the course of the assessment cycle.

Example of expanded header in not started expert assignment for a KA171 project

Here an example for the expanded header in a completed expert assignment for a KA171-HED project, in which one region did not pass the required threshold.

Example of expanded header in completed expert assignment for a KA171 project and one region failed the assessment

Here an example for the expanded header in a completed consolidator assignment for a KA171-HED project. All regions were assessed and reached the required threshold.

Expanded header in a completed consolidator assignment for a KA171 project

Award Criteria

When accessing the Award criteria for a KA171-HED assessment, you will notice two main sections within the Expert specific tab:

  • General Questions - displaying the relevant field(s) and score(s) to be completed for the general Award criteria. 
    • The General Questions must be completed only once per project.
  • Regional Questions - displaying subtabs per Region to be assessed; each containing the relevant field(s) and score(s) to be completed for each. Regions correlate to the Regions displays in the overview table of the Assessment details header. The Total score per region is also displayed. The score per region is automatically calculated as the assessment is filled in. 
    • The Regional Questions must be completed for each region.
    • The total score per region is the sum of the score of the general questions and the score provided for the region. 

If the organisation applies, as in the example below, for regional partnerships within the regions Pacific (Region 8) and Asia (Region 5), the Award criteria section of the assessment will display:

  1. General Questions
  2. Regional Questions with subtabs for:
    • Pacific (Region 8)
    • Asia (Region 5)

You can Open/Collapse the criteria for each section, using the available button.

Award criteria with General and Regional Questions

Take note

As soon as you fill in one field for a region, the relevant subtab will change its colour from grey to orange. Only when all information and scores are provided for a region will the assessment result for the Award criteria be indicated on the relevant subtab. The Total score region per region is displayed either in green, indicating a positive outcome or in red, indicating a negative outcome. 

This example shows the Award criteria for an assessment with a single region, in our example USA and Canada (Region 12). The region specific subtab is marked in orange, indicating that some information in this screen has been provided, but is not yet complete. The Total score field is also marked in orange, as no score has yet been given to any Award criteria.

Example of Regional Questions in Award criteria with partially filled in information

Here an example of the Award criteria in which the General Questions have been scored. The Total score under the selected regional tab initially displays the score calculated using the score(s) provided for the General Questions of the Award criteria. As no scores are yet given for the regional award criteria, the calculated total score displays in orange. 

Example of Total score display if only General Question Award criteria completed

Here an example of the Award criteria regional tabs after completion where for all regions to be assessed the required threshold was reached.

Example of regional subtabs after completion of Award criteria section by the expert

Here an example for the display of a regional tab if the required threshold was not reached. A red X displays on the tab and the calculated Total score is displayed in red.

Example of Award criteria if threshold not reached for a region

  • No labels