Child pages
  • My Contract(s)

My Contract(s) is the place where you can sign and follow up your contracts depending on your role. You can also initiate and follow up amendments to your contracts as well as manage the contract deliverables and invoices

Note that in order to have access to My Contract(s) section, you need to be logged in.

On the navigation bar on the left under Procurement, click on My Contract(s) (1) on this page you will find the list of your contracts. 

Framework Contracts (2) can be expanded by clicking on this iconin order to list any specific contracts (3) linked to them. On the right of each contract row you will find the Action button (4) enabling you to manage them.

Depending on your role and the status of your contract different actions will be available, here is the full list of possible actions at the level of specific contracts:

  • Manage Contract
  • Manage Consortium
  • Manage Invoices

Once the contract final implementation date expires, the contract status will change to "closed". Closed contracts remain listed under My Contracts but no actions are available. 

Manage contract

Select the Manage contract option of the Action menu, next to the contract name, to access the contract details,

You view the contract status and if a process or action is pending. 

According to your permission, this is the start point to access your task:

  • As a PLSIGN  (Legal Signatory assigned to a contract/project), you may sign a contract or an amendment for details see the contract signature and amendments management pages. 
  • As PCoCo you will be able to review the contract to be signed,  can manage the deliverables of your contract ( if any) and you can initiate an amendment or review an amendment initiated by the contracting authority.

Manage consortium

Select the Manage consortium option of the Action menu, next to the contract name, to access the contract details,

As a PCoCo or CoCo defined for a framework contract or specific contract/project, you can assign a Legal Signatory or an Accounting Manager to a Framework contract or contract. How to add a PLSIGN or a CAccMa to a contract is described in the Permissions page.

Manage invoice

Select the Manage invoice option of the Action menu, next to the contract name, to access the contract details,

As a CAccMa ( Contract Accounting Manager assigned to a specific contract), you can create and send invoices for this contract, find details about the Invoice management in the Funding & Tenders Portal. 

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