Child pages
  • Deliverable management

Contractors should use the F&T Portal to submit deliverables provided that:

(1) the request for specific contract requires the contractor to submit deliverables during contract execution, and

(2) the contracting authority has defined these deliverables and their submission schedule in the F&T Portal, and

(3) the contract has been signed and its implementation has started.

If the above conditions are met, the contractor will see the deliverables to be submitted and their submission deadlines under My contracts/Manage contract/ Continuous reporting in the F&T Portal.

The following automatic notification is sent to the PCoCo (Primary Coordinator Contact) or any CoCo (Coordinator Contact) defined for the framework contract or the specific contract in the F&T Portal. As soon as the notification is received, the PCoCo/CoCo's can start submitting deliverables as described below.


Upload deliverable


As a  (Primary) Coordinator Contact (CoCo), connect to the Funding and Tenders Portal and open My Contract(s) area (1) .


Specific contracts are grouped under the framework contract reference.

Find your framework contract reference and click on the + sign to display the list of specific contracts (2).


Click the Action menu next to your specific contract reference and select "Manage Contract" (3).


The specific contract page opens - you will see the framework contract and specific contract details on top (1)

In the Active Processes pane (2) you will see the task "Continuous reporting - DLV- <specific contract reference>" (3).


On the left, a metro-line shows when the task has started (1).

The Active Tasks tab (2) displays the task status and the Manage Deliverables button (3) - click on it to access the Deliverable Submission page.


The Deliverable Submission screen shows what deliverables by when should be submitted.

(info) If a deliverable is to be submitted periodically (e.g. monthly progress reports), an incremental number will be added to each expected deliverable of this type (Progress report-1, Progress report-2, etc.).

The history of deliverables submission, revision and acceptance can be followed directly from the Deliverable Submission screen. 

Deliverable statuses (1):

  • Pending: the deliverable is not yet uploaded
  • Uploaded: the deliverable is uploaded but not yet submitted
  • Submitted: the deliverable is submitted and is pending contracting authority's approval
  • Accepted: the deliverable has been accepted/approved by the contracting authority

The icon  (2) means that the contracting authority has requested that the deliverable should be revised.

To view the deliverable's details, click on the arrow to expand the section (3).


The deliverables details section shows the type (1) of deliverable requested (report, work plan...), the language in which it must be submitted and the description provided by the contracting authority (2). 

If the contracting authority has requested that the deliverable should be submitted within a certain period from the contract start/end date, the period will be displayed here as well (3).

Open the Actions menu and click on Upload (4).  


The Upload your files window pops up  - you can drag and drop your file in the indicated area or click in the area to browse for your file. 

(info) The maximum allowed size is 100 MB. You can submit multiple files in various formats (txt, rtf, doc, xls, ppt, pptx, pdf, odt, odp, ods, odg, docx, xlsx, jpg, png, mp4, xsd) under the same deliverable. 

Once your deliverable is Uploaded (1), you can still download or delete the file before submission (2).

The deliverable will be formally submitted only after you click on the Submit button.

You can add comments related to the deliverable.


Add a comment

(info) You can add comments related to a deliverable at any time - click the Add Comment button, type your comments and click on Save.

Comments can be deleted or edited.

Submit deliverable


Once you are ready to submit your deliverable, click the Submit  button.


A pop up will appear requesting confirmation. Click on OK.

Following the submission of the deliverable:

  • The status changes from “Uploaded” to “Submitted”. The submission date is added next to the due date.
  • The contracting authority receives e-mail notification that a deliverable has been submitted.
  • Once the contracting authority approves the deliverable, the deliverable status is set to Accepted.

Revise submitted deliverable

The contracting authority may request a revision of the submitted deliverable. 

Following the revision request:

  • You will receive a notification (both in the Funding & Tender Portal and via email) requesting you to revise the deliverable submission;
  • The status of the process remains Active, the status of the task remains Pending and the status of the operation / deliverable submission is set back to " Pending" and the submission date is removed;
  • This icon  is added next to the deliverable status to indicate some revision is requested.

Click on the arrow to display the panel (1). The contracting authority will have either provided a comment and/or added a Request Revision document. 

The first version of the deliverable is available for download from the Actions menu as well as the document containing the contracting authority's comments.

Once revised, you will upload the new version of the deliverable (2).


The submission details show explicitly the Acceptance date and Last submission date. To identify the different deliverables versions and requests for revisions, each attachment of a deliverable or a request for revision has its title prefixed with “version” and a sequential number.


To submit revised deliverables and follow them up, the process is the same as when submitting the first version

(info) The icon  remains even after the revised deliverable is accepted. 

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