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There are two types of roles in EU Funding and Tenders Portal:

  • roles at organisation level, i.e. roles which concern the organisation in EU Funding and Tenders Portal (read more here):
    • Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR)
    • Account Administrator (AccAd)
    • Legal Signatory for Procurement (LSIGN)
    • Accounting Manager (AccMa).
  • roles related to a procedure or a contract, i.e. roles applicable only to the procedure or the contract (see below).
    • Primary Coordinator Contact (PCoCo)
    • Coordinator Contact (CoCo)
    • Contract Accounting Manager (CAccMa)
    • Contract Legal Signatory (CLSIGN).

Roles at the level of public procurement procedures 


Primary  Coordinator Contact (PCoCo)

Coordinator Contact (CoCo)

The contact person indicated during the submission of the tender or the request to participate in eSubmission receives the role Primary Coordinator Contact (PCoCo) for the submission and, for two-step procedures or negotiated procedures, the subsequent invitation (if the organisation is invited to submit a (revised) tender). There can be only one Primary Coordinator Contact per submission/invitation.

If the contact person does not have an EU Login account, a temporary EU Login account will be automatically created based on the email address indicated in the submission. The contact person will be invited by email to complete the EU Login registration. The invitation will be an automatic system message with no reference to the procedure.

The user submitting the tender/request to participate (if different from the contact person) receives the role Coordinator Contact (CoCo).

The PCoCo/CoCo can perform the following actions:

  • submit a request to participate/tender;
  • perform various actions on the submissions or invitations in the MySubmission(s)/MyInvitation(s) sections of the EU Funding and Tenders Portal (for example, submit/withdraw/delete submission, acknowledge invitation);
  • consult submission receipt and withdrawal receipt;
  • manage roles in EU Funding and Tenders Portal;
  • receive and manage EU Funding and Tenders Portal notifications.
(warning) The PCoCo for a submission/invitation in a procurement procedure cannot be changed through EU Funding and Tenders Portal. Contact the contracting authority if a new PCoCo needs to be appointed.
(warning) To learn how to add or revoke roles in the frame of two-step procedures or negotiated procedures, consult the "Manage roles in Funding & Tenders Portal" section in the Quick guide eSubmission .

Roles at the level of the contract 


Primary  Coordinator Contact (PCoCo)

Coordinator Contact (CoCo)

The PCoCo and CoCo nominated for a framework contract (FWC) receive all FWC related notifications (e.g. invitations to reply to a request for specific contract, award notifications, invitations to sign a specific contract).

They can perform the following actions in EU Funding and Tenders Portal:

  • add additional Coordinator Contacts for the FWC, the invitations for specific contracts or the specific contracts;
  • reply to requests for specific contracts/submit specific tenders;
  • perform various actions on the submissions or invitations in the My Invitation(s) section  (for example, submit / withdraw / delete submission, acknowledge invitation);
  • consult submission receipt and withdrawal receipt;
  • consult ready to be signed and signed contracts;
  • initiate amendments to specific contracts. 

(warning) The PCoCo needs to be appointed.

Contract Accounting Manager (CAccMa)

Accounting Managers appointed by the LEAR have the right to create and submit invoices through EU Funding and Tenders Portal for all the contracts of their organisation or, i f the contractor is a consortium, the contracts for which the organisation is a consortium leader.

Accounting Managers can also nominate Contract Accounting Managers (CAccMa):

  • for a framework contract: to create and submit invoices for all specific contracts under the FWC, except for specific contracts for which a different CAccMa is assigned.
  • for a specific contract: to create and submit invoices for the specific contract (only the CAccMAs for the specific contract can create and submit such invoices).
Contract Legal Signatory (CLSIGN) 

The organisation’s Legal Signatories for Procurement (Procurement LSIGN) appointed by the LEAR  can assign a Contract Legal Signatory per framework contract or specific contract.

The Contract Legal Signatory is a Procurement LSIGN assigned to a framework contract or specific contract.

When assigned to a framework contract, the Contract Legal Signatory will be the only Procurement LSIGN authorised to sign any new specific contract and specific contract amendment under this framework contract except for specific contracts for which a different Contract Legal signatory has been assigned.

When assigned to a specific contract, the Contract Legal Signatory will be the only Procurement LSIGN authorised to sign the specific contract and its amendments even if there is a Contract Legal Signatory assigned to the framework contract.

The other Procurement LSIGNs who are not CLSIGN can still access the contract, including all specific contracts under the framework contract and assign/revoke the CLSIGN role for a framework/specific contract.

Notifications related to the signature of contracts/amendments are sent only to the respective Contract Legal Signatories:

  • the Contract Legal Signatories for the framework contract receive the notifications related to all specific contracts under the framework contract except for notifications related to specific contracts for which a different Contract Legal signatory has been assigned;
  • the Contract Legal Signatories for a specific contract receive the notifications related to the specific contract.

If no Contract Legal Signatories have been defined for the framework contract, the notifications are sent to all organisation's Legal Signatories for Procurement.

Add and revoke Coordinator Contacts at invitation level

Add a Coordinator Contact at invitation level (request for specific contract)

The FWC Primary Coordinator Contact (PCoCo) and Coordinator Contacts (CoCos) can add other CoCos for an invitation (request for specific contract) which has the status received, ac knowledged or accepted (for closed or cancelled invitations this is no longer possible):


Log in to the Funding & Tenders Portal.  


Go to My Invitation(s) .


Find the request for specific contract procedure (you can use the search field on top).

From the Action menu, select Manage roles:


Click the Edit roles button (if the contractor is a consortium, click the Edit roles button for the consortium leader):


Click the Add roles button.


Select the C oordinator Contact role.


Fill in the requested data (first and last name, and email address) and click OK .

If the newly added CoCo does not have an EU Login account, a temporary EU Login account will be automatically created based on the indicated email address. The CoCo will be invited by email to complete the EU Login registration. The invitation will be an automatic system message with no reference to the procedure/contract.

When a CoCo is added to the invitation, the PCoCo and any other CoCos defined for the FWC (and not revoked from the invitation as explained below) receive email notifications from the EU Funding and Tenders Portal. The notifications can be found under the EU Funding and Tenders Portal section My Notification(s) of the logged on user where the user can set up the email notification preferences.

Revoke a Coordinator Contact at invitation level (request for specific contract)

The FWC Coordinator Contacts (CoCos) are automatically added as CoCos for an invitation (request for specific contract).

The PCoCo and CoCos can revoke a CoCo role for any invitation which has the status received, ac knowledged or accepted (for closed or cancelled invitations this is no longer possible):


Log in to the Funding & Tenders Portal.  


Go to My Invitation(s) .


Find the request for specific contract (you can use the search field on top).

From the Action menu, select  Manage roles:


Click on Edit roles.


Click on next to the user and click on Ok to confirm.

Add and revoke a role at contract level

Add a role at contract level

It is possible to assign a role at framework contract (FWC) or specific contract level:

  • Users assigned a role at FWC level will have the same role for all specific contracts under the FWC:
    • Primary Coordinator contact (PCoCo): the PCoCo for the FWC is assigned by the contracting authority and cannot be changed in EU Funding and Tenders Portal.
      • The FWC PCoCo is also PCoCo for the specific contracts unless a different person has been indicated as contact point in the submission of the reply/specific tender leading to the specific contract (in this case the FWC PCoCo becomes CoCo for the specific contract and the person indicated as contact point in the submission becomes PCoCo for the specific contract).
    • Coordinator contact (CoCo): the FWC PCoCo can add a CoCo for the FWC.
      • The FWC CoCos are also CoCos for the specific contract unless the CoCo role was revoked on the invitation leading to the specific contract (see above Revoke a Coordinator Contact at invitation level).
    • Contract Accounting manager (CAccMa): the LEAR appoints an AccMa for the organisation. Any AccMa can appoint a Contract Accounting Manager (CAccMa) for the FWC.
      • The CAccMa for the FWC can create and submit invoices for all specific contracts under the FWC, except for specific contracts for which a different CAccMa is assigned.
    • Contract Legal Signatory (CLSIGN): the LEAR appoints a Legal Signatory for Procurement for the organisation. Any Legal Signatory for Procurement can appoint a Contract Legal Signatory (CLSIGN) for the FWC. Only this Contract Legal Signatory will be able to sign new specific contracts and new amendments under this framework contract and will receive the related notifications.
  • Users assigned a role at specific contract level have the role only for the specific contract for which they have been assigned the role:
    • Primary Coordinator contact (PCoCo): the person indicated as contact point in the submission of the reply/specific tender leading to the specific contract. It is not possible to change the PCoCo through EU Funding and Tenders Portal.
    • Coordinator contact (CoCo): added by the PCoCo/CoCos of the specific contract or inherited from the FWC CoCos (unless the CoCo role was revoked on the invitation leading to the specific contract, see above Revoke a Coordinator Contact at invitation level)
    • Contract Accounting manager (CAccMa): added to the specific contract by any Accounting Manager (AccMa) for the organisation (the organisation of the consortium leader if the contractor is a consortium). Only the CAccMa for the specific contract can create and submit invoices for the specific contract.
    • Contract Legal Signatory (CLSIGN): the LEAR appoints a Legal Signatory for Procurement for the organisation. Any Legal Signatory for Procurement can appoint a Contract Legal Signatory (CLSIGN) for a specific contract. Only this person can sign the specific contract and its amendments and will receive the related notifications even if there is a Contract Legal Signatory assigned to the FWC.

Open the My Contract(s) section in Funding & Tenders Portal


Selecting the Manage Consortium action redirects you to the My Contract (1) page (for FWCs you can also click on the title): 

In the Details tab  (2) , the (framework or specific) contract details such as contract number, request number (if applicable), lot number (if applicable) and partners (if applicable) are displayed:


Open the Consortium tab (1) to manage the roles for this contract, by clicking the Edit roles button (2) :


Click the Add roles button.


Select the role needed. The list depends on your role:

  • CoCo role can be assigned only by the PCoCo or any other CoCo.
  • CAccMa can be assigned only by an AccMa of the organisation (the organisation of the consortium leader if the contractor is a consortium).
  • CLSIGN can be assigned only by the Legal Signatories for procurement (Procurement LSIGN) of the organisation (the organisation of the consortium leader if the contractor is a consortium). 
6Fill in the fields (first name, last name, email) and click Save .

Revoke a role at contract level

Roles at contract level can be revoked as follows:

  • The PCoCo or a CoCo of the contract can revoke any CoCo role for the contract.
  • An AccMa of the organisation (the organisation of the consortium leader if the contractor is a consortium) can revoke the CAccMa role.
  • A Legal Signatory for procurement (Procurement LSIGN) of the organisation (the organisation of the consortium leader if the contractor is a consortium) can revoke the CLSIGN role.

Open the My Contract(s) section in Funding & Tenders Portal.


Selecting the Manage Consortium action redirects you to the My Contract (1) page (for FWCs you can also click on the title): 

In the Details tab (2) , the (framework or specific) contract details such as contract number, request number (if applicable), lot number (if applicable) and partners (if applicable) are displayed:


Open the Consortium tab to manage the roles for this contract, by clicking the Edit roles button.



Click on Edit roles.


Click on next to the user and click on Ok to confirm.

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