The EU Funding & Tenders Portal is a public website, where everybody can access information on opportunities in EU calls for tenders (and calls for proposals). Do not forget to choose which kind of information you are interested in, either grants or tenders, or both.

As an economic operator, you also have the opportunity to access a personal area by logging in. To log in, you need to have an active EU Login account.

Available options without logging in (public area)

All users are able to Search for tenders opportunities and find information on how to participate. They also have access to the Support tab to get help at every step.

Selecting the option How to participate from the Guidance & documents tab of the main menu, then selecting Procurement, you can find the 5 key steps on how to find and apply for public procurement procedures. 

To complete step 3 (registration) to step 5, you need to log in with an active EU Login account:

Available options after logging in (personal area)

Once logged in, the economic operators (depending on their role) will be able to:

  • Register their organisation in the Participant register;
  • Self-manage the rights and roles of their organisation; 
  • Re-use their organisation data and documents;
  • Electronically acknowledge their invitations to tender, express their willingness to submit, prepare, validate and submit their tenders using advanced encryption;
  • View their submissions in EU calls for tenders and access the tender reception confirmations (proof of submission);
  • Withdraw their submitted tenders and access the tender withdrawal reception confirmations (proof of withdrawal);
  • Electronically sign contracts and tender documents;
  • Electronically upload and manage their deliverables;
  • Electronically initiate amendments to a contract;
  • Electronically sign amendments to a contract;
  • Have a record of all exchanges and notifications with the contracting authority.

For detailed instructions on login accounts, see Personal area.

Beside an EU login account, registration as a participant is required in order to prepare an electronic tender/request to participate. For detailed instructions on how to register your organisation, see Organisation roles and data.

A number of permissions are automatically granted through your EU Login profile and registration as a participant, others are defined by roles.

Roles automatically received

If an economic operator wishes to answer to either calls for tenders or calls for proposals, their organisation must first register in the  Participant register of the Commission and obtain a participant identification code (PIC). The PIC is the unique identifier of the organisation in the context of grants and procurement procedures.

When you create a PIC, your are immediately defined as a self-registrant. Your PIC data is visible by clicking in the My Organisation(s) tab from the Manage my area menu (in the column at the left of your screen).  

While submitting a request to participate/tender, the user can indicate himself/herself (the name is already prefilled) or another person as the contact person for the request to participate/tender submission in the Contact Person section of the EU Funding & Tenders Portal . The Contact Person receives the role Primary Coordinator Contact (PCoCo) in the EU Funding & Tenders Portal and the user submitting the tender (if different from the Contact Person) - the role Coordinator Contact (CoCo).

As the primary coordinator contact, you are the main contact point between your organisation, or the consortium, and the contracting authority, for a particular submission or a contract.

As of 12th April 2024, the organisation's Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) is automatically assigned the role of Primary Coordinator Contact (PCoCo) for any new framework contract for which the use of the F&T Portal has not been activated before this date. See PCoCo's permissions here.

For a specific contract signed following a submission, as a PCoCo, you will be able to submit requests, reports and notifications to the Commission on behalf of the Consortium or your organisation.

Roles and permissions are individual.

You can use the EU Funding & Tenders Portal to give permission to other persons from your organisation to perform actions on your submissions and invitations, or to manage the data of your organisation. More about roles and permissions under Organisation roles and data and Permissions.

Permissions types

There are basically two types of permissions within the portal: those which allow users to manage their organisation data and those which allow users to manage their submissions, invitations and specific contracts within an awarded framework contract. 

The permissions to manage the data of your organisation are recorded via the Participant register. These roles do not give any access to the contracts details or to the submissions/tenders details.  

The permissions to manage your submissions, invitations and specific contracts are defined at two different levels:

  • At the level of public procurement procedures: these permissions are granted per submission or invitation. They allow access to view the submission details or to react on the invitation. For more details about these procedures, see Public procurement procedures.
  • At the level of contracts: these permissions are assigned per framework contract/contract. They allow access to react on the invitations (in order to view/edit/submit), the specific contract signature and the specific contract management (amendments/deliverables/invoices). For more details about these procedures, see Contracts and tenders.

Automatic notifications

An automated notification facility is integrated in the portal, which notifies all involved parties when a task has been completed, either at the end of a process or as further steps must be undertaken.

For example, the EU Funding & Tenders Portal notifies you about:

  • The submission receipt (proof of submission of a tender/request to participate);
  • The withdrawal receipt (proof of withdrawal of a tender/request to participate);
  • The reception of invitation (invitation to submit a tender in subsequent rounds of a negotiated procedure).
  • The evaluation result (award letter) for a specific contract under a FWC.
  • Notifications concerning deliverables. 

The notifications that you received are visible by clicking on the bell icon near your name. For more information, see Notifications.

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