In this section you are asked to describe your organisation. The questions here will cover administrative and contact details but also information about your motivation and experience.
You will also need to provide information on Hosting Location(s) for the project for
organisations applying for the host role
organisations that already hold a Quality Label for host organisations, awarded under the previous European Solidarity Corps programme.
Click on About your Organisation in the content menu. The About your Organisation screen opens.
1. Basic information on your organisation is prepopulated from the organisation profile, retrieved from your organisations OID which was entered in the Context section of your form, and cannot be changed, including:
2. Select the Type of organisation from the drop-down list (if not already supplied). Depending on your selection, you may have to fill in the additional field Main sector of activity.
Scroll down to the section Profile, Motivation and Experience
Provide the requested information in the mandatory fields, and select the main topics you foresee to address in your planned activities from the drop-down list.
If you have participated in previous Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps projects, your past participation is detailed in the form.
You can add a comment in the optional field regarding your past participation.
See the page Associated Persons in applications for more details on how to complete this section of your application.
This section only applies to:
organisations who are applying for host role
organisations who already hold a Quality Label for host organisations awarded under the previous European Solidarity Corps programme
Scroll down to Hosting Locations in About your Organisation.
Initially Location 1 is prepopulated with information taken from the applicant organisation.
Location 1 is marked with a green line in front of the Location ID when correctly completed.
If you plan to carry out activities in additional locations, select Yes to the related question. A new location card is added, with Location ID 2.
For each subsequent location, click on the Add location button at the bottom of the screen.
For each additional location fill in all the details as described above.
For the Contact person, you can choose an existing contact from the drop-down list or you can add a new location contact at this point.
Contacts added directly to locations are not included in the Associated persons list for the organisation.
When filling in the details for additional hosting locations, it is possible to add a new location-specific contact person by selecting Add contact person from the drop-down list.
This will create an empty card, where you have to fill in the contact's name, address and other details.
If the contact's address is different from the location address, also fill in the address fields.
If the contact's address is the same as the location address, click on the Use Same Address as Location button, and the address will be filled in automatically. This can be reversed at any time by clicking the Use Different Address from Location button.
In our example, the contact's address is the same as the location address.
Once you have correctly completed all sections and subsections, the section is marked with a green check.